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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Thanks for posting this, YATS. I knew about their US tour this month, but hadn't realized it ended with a couple of Southern Ontario dates. I created calendar entries (with artist and venue links) for the gigs. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/251594/ http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/251595/ Aloha, Brad
  2. They're fairly different in their approaches, though, aren't they? (Opinions wanted here.) I think Sonny Landreth has more amazing over-the-top blazing technique, while Derek Trucks is a little more laid back but more interesting melodically (e.g., his Indian-influenced tunes; he also did Coltrane's "Afro Blue" when I saw DTB at moe.down a bunch of years ago, which is something I don't think I'd expect from Landreth). Aloha, Brad
  3. I'm interested in what'll happen with Derek Trucks and Sonny Landreth. Aloha, Brad
  4. You forgot my fondness for "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," "Angel," "Xena," and "Firefly," too. One of the reasons, I think, is that BSG doesn't seem to have the same sense of whimsy that B5, Ellison, Buffy, etc., often have; it comes across as dark and gritty for far too much of the time to be palatable to me. ("Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" suffers from the same problem. Note that I'm not saying the B5, Ellison, Buffy, etc., are whimsical all the time, they're not, and can be starkly dramatic when they need to be [e.g., the Buffy episode that dealt with the death of her mother]; it's just that the tone is more varied.) With shows like Buffy and Angel and B5, and the works of Ellison, I can suspend my disbelief (e.g., the episode of Angel when Angel got turned into a muppet, or the musical episode of Buffy; both of those aren't just humourous to watch, their forms challenge the basic ideas of what a television show can present*) and enjoy the ride, and the wonder and imagination of what's being presented to me. It's entirely possible that what I find most rewarding about B5, Ellison, Buffy, etc., is actually present in BSG, but I haven't heard anyone talk about it. (Please do if it's there.) Aloha, Brad * I remember one Philip K. Dick-esque episode of "Hercules" which took place in what seemed to be our present world, with our actor Kevin Sorbo playing an actor named Kevin Sorbo who starred in a TV show called "Hercules." The actor had a problem, though: he was actually Hercules.
  5. I don't have a job (so the whole "hate your job?" / "love your job?" question isn't applicable), and really shouldn't drink Kahlua. I drink coffee, though. What, if anything, should I add to it? Aloha, Brad
  6. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/251351/ Given how rarely it seems to have Wayne Eagles play live, and having seen his duo with Bruce Wittet at Carleton a couple of weeks ago, I'm really looking forward to this one. Is anybody else going to be there? Aloha, Brad
  7. Joke all you want' date=' but the show is brilliant and appeals to non sci-fi geeks as well as the BradMs and badams' of the world.[/quote'] This BradM hasn't ever watched it. Others might have, though. Aloha, Brad
  8. I can think economically, or typographically, but not necessarily both at the same time. I'm not sure it would, and even if it did, that's still a measure of how much (spendable) value is being bestowed on a segment of the population for the results of services rendered. (I'd also include benefits from the exercising of stock options in the "wages" category, for the same reason.) Agreed, and I didn't mean it to be "the one" statistic. For example, the same statistic, but calculated based on social support (welfare, employment insurance benefits, food stamps, shelter services received, etc.) would also be useful, especially when compared to the "wages" statistic. (In one sense, "wages + received social benefits" is also a valuable measure, as it covers the total amount of money flowing through consumers' hands. I think, though, that most would agree that, for a given total amount of "wages + received social benefits", the bigger the chunk of it that's "wages", the better.) I was thinking that comparison of the "total wages" stat, either year-by-year, or this segment of society compared to that segment of society, could be used to guide policy, and measure results (e.g., a multi-phase corporate bailout package, that had built into it minimum levels of "total wages" paid [or minimum changes in levels] as approval criteria for each phase's payout). What kicked off this idea for me was a newscaster whose piece wasn't about what the umemployment rate was, but the quirks about how it was calculated. It's great that they aired the explanation, but a bummer that it was needed in the first place. Aloha, Brad
  9. I remember reading somewhere that, back in the 1970s and 1980s, British governments redefined who was defined as "unemployed" someting like 14 times. And each time, the resulting unemployment rate that used the new definition went down. Consider that, in most defintions of the unemployment rate, people that have given up looking for work aren't counted as being "unemployed." If you're looking at the unemployment rate as an indicator of the level of competition you'll face when trying to find a new job, it makes sense (because people who aren't looking for work won't be applying and competing for jobs), but when comes to an indicator of how the economy is doing, it falls flat. It falls even flatter because it doesn't take into account under-employed people, or people who left high-paying jobs only to take lower-paying jobs. I wonder if just measuring the total amount of wages paid in a society (or an industry, or a single company, or a particular geographical region) might be a better economic indicator. (We could also expand "wages" to include things like health benefits and even bonuses.) It should be easy to calculate (especially for public companies, or even from tax records), is a great indicator of trending (consider an industry whose total wages are increasing year over year versus an industry whose total wages are decreasing year over year), and works in unit$ that people can ea$ily under$tand. Your thought$ would be appreciated. Aloha, Brad
  10. bradm


    On the advice of my brother, I picked up a bottle of the 8-year-old Dun Bheagan Islay (LCBO product code 576397). It's really good, maybe not as rich and balanced as, say, Lagavulin, but it's only $50/bottle, whereas Lagavulin is $125/bottle. Aloha, Brad
  11. You won't need to. The implants will take care of everything; just think about what you're doing (or let the monitor take care of figuring out what you're doing and how you're feeling), and it'll get sent wherever you want it. And as for the Twitters you receive, it'll just sound like the person is right there with you...it'll be like they're standing next to you, telling you what they're doing, and you'll hear it in their voices. When there are multiple twits coming in, the voices will negotiate amongst themselves, talking back and forth, as to who talks to you first; you'll also be able to choose who you want to listen to just by thinking it. The send-and-receive audio and video feeds will be optional enhancements, as will medical monitoring technology. Aloha, Brad
  12. http://theuniversalseduction.com/articles/say-goodbye-to-your-laptop Aloha, Brad
  13. You (soon) could also stream stuff from Prince's place to yours Aloha, Brad
  14. A recording from earlier tonight of me playing guitar in the basement. Aloha, Brad
  15. Thanks for filling in the info, jayr. :thumbup: Aloha, Brad
  16. According to http://music.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.showDetails&Band_Show_ID=38539943&friendid=60142255 David Lauzon will be playing at JD's Bar And Grill in Collingwood, ON, on Saturday, March 28. The show starts at 8pm, and "FM Hi Low" is also on the bill. Aloha, Brad
  17. My recording of the March 17, 2009 show by James McKenty And The Spades at Mavericks in Ottawa, ON is now available for download: http://www.archive.org/details/jmats2009-03-17.superlux.flac16 Enjoy! Aloha, Brad
  18. Building a greenhouse? Aloha, Brad
  19. I've been thinking about a trip to Vancouver, and with Sisters Euclid doing two dates at the Vancouver Island Music Festival in July, that might be the time to go. Aloha, Brad
  20. I've got some CDs for you, if that helps make up your mind. Aloha, Brad
  21. Brothers Chaffey, 2009-03-13, The Rainbow Bistro, Ottawa, ON (soundboard source). Aloha, Brad
  22. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/250990/ I'm planning on being there. Anyone else in for a weeknight throwdown? Aloha, Brad
  23. Do you mean The Berkeley Sessions? Aloha, Brad
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