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Everything posted by bradm

  1. bradm


    Have you tried http://db.etree.org ? It seems to be kept pretty up-to-date. Aloha, Brad
  2. How about we extend the Sanctuarial Christmas Season until, say, the nero reunion shows in the middle of January? Aloha, Brad
  3. I think they're indie/pop; one notable thing about them is that all of their lyrics are in French. http://www.ottawaxpress.ca/music/music.aspx?iIDArticle=10993 Aloha, Brad
  4. Is it from http://www.archive.org/details/nero2000-11-03.shnf by any chance? Aloha, Brad
  5. According to http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2006/12/13/2771207-cp.html See also the CBC report. Aloha, Brad
  6. Hey, that sounds like the Dean Watson that's in Lure. It's neat that they talked to local musicians. Aloha, Brad
  7. Which one do you mean? The show at Main Hall was cancelled, but Club Lambi lists The Slip, Land Of Talk, and Kill The Lights for this Saturday (with nobody else confirming the gig yet, so I'd say it's iffy, but you might try calling the club). (And if you want some Slip, feel free to come to Ottawa on Friday. ) Aloha, Brad
  8. I'm so glad I have my 2007 day-timer bought and up & running. Aloha, Brad
  9. I found to be supremely arrogant. It's equivalent to telling critics to shut up, and then proclaiming that everything's OK because nobody's critizing him. Note that I don't doubt Dion's commitment to Canada, and don't have a problem with his dual citizenship (though I think it'd be a nice gesture for him to drop his French citizenship), it's just that I'd rather he answered his critics, rather than telling them to be quiet (and then claiming that nobody's questioning him). Aloha, Brad
  10. With an $800 guitar, you could sing and play your explanation to the child, which could be a beautiful, artistic thing. With shoes, you can't...unless they were tap shoes... Aloha, Brad
  11. According to http://www.norahjones.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=NJNTL&Category_Code=MUSIC The main set of musicians is There's no mention of Breit, but I think he was brought in in the past by the producer(s) of the record(s). Aloha, Brad
  12. kitkat, is there a disconnect here, between the giver of the gift and the recipient? When I go in search of a gift for a particular person, my main thought is to find something that will improve that person's life, even if it's just to put a smile on her/his face for a few seconds. If I knew a person to be socially conscious, and to prefer modest (or modestly priced, non-high-fashion) items of clothing, an expensive pair of shoes is one of the last things I'd consider giving. (In other words, the gift needs to be appropriate for the recipient, with an appropriate price range varying from recipient to recipient and gift to gift.) Aloha, Brad
  13. No, "consumerism" begins with "consumer" and ends with "ism." Aloha, Brad
  14. I wonder if it's a combination of things. For example, this tour may have been (financially) worth it (or not too big a loss) if the band were able to do all the gigs, but illness may have definitely prevented them from doing the first, and made the rest doubtful. Phoning in sick for all of them was then just a way to get out of an arrangement that just wasn't worth it for them. Aloha, Brad
  15. I have no idea. I bought a pair of dress shoes (Bass loafers) almost 20 years ago (the day before a heavy-duty job interview back in university), and can't remember what I paid for them. I wear them about once a year, tops, so they've lasted pretty well. Generally, I wear Converse All-Star hi-tops, which I get for about $50/pair; they last maybe a year, and aren't repairable, but they're perfect for what I need a pair of shoes to be. (Edit to add: In essence, I don't shop for shoes, I buy shoes: I know exactly what I want and where to get them, so it's just a matter of going in, telling the clerk what I want, trying them on, just to be sure, paying for them, and walking out. What goes on in the rest of the shoe market is unknown to your humble scribe.) I said $100 based on the idea that, if $250 seems out-of-line (exorbitant) for a pair of shoes (or at least exorbitant enough to make you wonder about consumerism), then there's probably an equivalent pair of shoes that would go for a lot less. Aloha, Brad
  16. I'd look at them first as a pair of shoes. I believe it might be worth it to pay $250 for a pair of shoes, but they'd better be of a really high quality (will last a lifetime, and will be repairable [my Grandfather used to run a shoe repair shop ]), and should be something that'll actually get used (on a regular basis). If that's the case, then go for it. If not, then the fact that they're associated with Christmas is irrelevant, and the money would be better spent on something else (like, say, a $100 pair of shoes and a $150 gift to charity). Aloha, Brad
  17. For a minute there, I thought you were talking about one featuring Lindsay Lohan, Al Gore, and maybe Tipper Gore... Aloha, Brad
  18. There must be some better way for you to get some pussy. Aloha, Brad
  19. Have you tried getting your loved ones to listen to what's available at http://www.archive.org/details/GarajMahal ? Aloha, Brad
  20. Note to self: organize my CDs tonight. I'm sure I have a copy of "Angels Come On Time", but I couldn't find it the last time I looked. Aloha, Brad
  21. John Zorn - Naked City. (Thanks, thatpatguy.) Aloha, Brad
  22. Well, I haven't seen Ladybird Sideshow (yet), but, after seeing Janine Stoll (and buying her latest album, "This Is Where We Bury It"), and hearing her do a Ladybird tune or two (e.g., Melissa McLelland's "Scarlet"), I really want to. (I found out about Janine Stoll through her association with Mr. Something Something.) I chanced upon the listing for this gig when I went to Janine Stoll's website, in hopes she was doing a gig in Toronto over the holidays (which she isn't, at least not yet), so figured it'd be a good idea to post it. Aloha, Brad
  23. Just my family's Christmas cake, which isn't your typical fruit/nut loaf. Instead, it's made with torn-up angel food cake, folded into a mixture of melted semi-sweet chocolate chips and whipped cream. Let it set overnight (covered in plastic wrap, with toothpicks to keep the wrap off the top of the cake), and serve cold. My Mom also makes her own type of Christmas cookies, which are really just ground up graham cracker crumbs, evaporated milk (I think), and chocolate chips, rolled in either shredded coconut or icing sugar. I, too, am hungry. Aloha, Brad
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