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Lesbian rock fans in the house?


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I know it's a bit of a stretch for some - but are there any Ani DiFranco fans on the board? I NEED to see that concert and would love to hook up with some other Ani fans for the show. Music is always that much sweeter when you can enjoy it with those you love. [big Grin]

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She's definitely not main stream. Every time I ask for a request at a bar I'm told they don't have any of "that lesbian rock," hence the topic title!

Ani's music is sort of a funky, upbeat rock type. She was a self-proclaimed lesbian but went on to marry her (male) manager last year (much to the dismay of her many infactuated female fans).

If you have some extra cash and like to hear something new - you should check the show out! I've never been disappointed!

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Ani is a wicked guitar player and songwriter/singer. A really good show if you haven't seen her. Any of her albums are worth a listen or even a buy(particularly her early work). I don't think she's been a very good lesbian since she married her long time sound man 3 or 4 years ago but she seemed to have a good run going there for a while.

note: if you go to a show be sure to call her "ah-ni" not annie or prepare to be pummeled by a sea of doc martins whielded by many girls who haven't yet married their soundmen.

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I just read something kinda interesting - well to me who has no real idea who ani is...

its from some dude's web log, i dont exactly know what his problem is, but i liked the way he put it...


Well, you know, Ani's coming to Rochester on 11/20 so you could check out her show. She's playing solo. Maybe you could go if you've got nothing to do or are bored. Or you could go for old times sake. Or to see if you ani really is as bad as you think she is these days. How does that sound?


Thirty bucks to listen to an old lady complain that love sucks while being surround by people who think feminism means a woman gets to choose how she sucks a man's dick? No thank you.


i dont mean to attack her - i guess he thinks she's a sell out, whatever, but i enjoyed the femism comment - i always enjoy a twist on feminsm perspectives - make people think about which way their coming from...

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Yo all! I've seen Ani a bunch of times, she is one of the best live performers around today, bar none. She's also a kick-ass guitarist and songwriter. FYI the show at Massey on the 27th is a solo show, which should be very cool.

Oh, and a couple of Ani fast-facts:

  • Not that I personally think it makes any difference at all, but contrary to popular belief Ani is NOT a lesbian (or at least her husband doesn't seem to mind if she is!) [smile] But I have been to a bunch of her shows, and they certainly are well represented in her audience.
  • Ani's label Righteous Babe does indeed feature Drums & Tuba, also Bitch and Animal, Sara Lee, Utah Phillips and others.
  • Ani has had serious Canadian representation in her band for the last couple of years - Andy Stochansky was her drummer up until a few years ago, and her current bassist Jason Mercer was a member of the late-great Toronto band Bourbon Tabernacle Choir (and the Bourbon connection goes further, Chris Brown and Kate Fenner opened up for her a few years back as well.)

Do yourself a serious favour, if you're free check her out on 27th!


Mr. M.

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Haven't I heard you speak of Ani D?

The Congress Centre is a great venue. Its highly possible that you good hook up with other Ani fans at the show. There would probably be a few there. [Wink]

Whenever I read "congress centre" I always think "07/05/94". Wow. If only I had a time machine.

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no actually mike, I've never heard of Ani Difranco before i dont think. Sounds like I've been missing out though, I'll go look her up now. thanks for the tip.

{psst, bouche, contrary to popular belief, i dont know all of the lesbian musical acts out there - dont tell anyone though} [big Grin]


ok so after a little research she looks very cool

Apparently she produced a drums and tuba album?



Anyway here is her webpage


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Ani is awesome. She did it all her own way, and it was so refreshing to see a woman guitarist kick ass on her instrument instead of three cord whining about pretty things gone bad by pretty little girls intent on saving your soul (which I acknowledge has it's place and audience). I agree about her last album, but she is so involved in music from playing to just being part of the audience I can't help but have great respect for her.

If you guys haven't heard the Utah Phillips album she produced (sorry I can't remember the name, she has done a couple I think, but I've only heard the first one) you have to hear it. Some night after a great show, you're high and want to wind down, get a copy of it, smoke one, shut your eyes and listen. Utah Phillips is an old school folk musician who has some awesome stories to tell on that recording, Ani layers some trance-like music underneath the stories, it's great stuff.

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