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Caption contest....WIN WIN WIN!


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It's time for everybody's favourite fun game "Skank Caption Contest!", fill in what you think these two famous musicians are saying to each other, and win a show of your choice from Booche's vast collection of Ratdog and Other Ones shows! Bombs Away!


JT: "Bob, how do you do it?? ....


BW: "no, no, Jimmy - perky co-eds,

fungus, and steering clear of that Carly

Simon, she's like "Fire and Rain" on a

man's follicles"

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(I'll have you know, I wasnt notified I was giving away a WIN WIN WIN, but I WILL WILL WILL WILL. Dont get funny ideas people. This is a onetime only. If you want to give something away from my collection, please ask first.)

JT: What is that fabulous cologne you are wearing?

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