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Someone talk me out of it.


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So I've got a lead on a cheap apartment 4 blocks from the beach in Vancouver.

I'm enjoying my job but I've lived in Ontario all my life and have never been West of London.

All of my friends and family are here.

It will be expensive to relocate

I will have to get rid of my stuff(ridiculous excuse...does it count?)

I will have to start fresh without advantages...

any other good ones to stop me?

is there a reason for me to stick around here? is London worth me sticking around being frustrated?

get to me.

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I think you pretty much have to answer a few questions. The most important one, "what are my goals".

By "my goals", I mean YOUR goals. MY goals are irrelevant to your decision making process.

Another question to answer..."what do I do in the face of opportunity?"

Again, this is about YOU, not ME. I keep writing the questions in first person...I can't help it.

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I guess I'm looking for comfort. I figure I'll be able to make it in a big city doing whatever i want to...sounds arrogant, but come on...I'm a smart guy(at least enough to get by easily) with a spirit that's being crushed by London...if only a bit.

I've never been west of here and feel the urge to find my new home.

As much as I like London i dislike it...pretty much equally, which is no good. I don't need to resent the place where I live.

I could spend a couple of years making the place more liveable for me or i could leave...should I live for myself or others?

If I can hook up a job I'll leave methinks.

i'm kinda suprised nobody's trying to talk me out of it.

I've gotta find outif it's east hastings...heard it was not the place i'd want to live.

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the reason I don't talk you out of it is, because London will always be there. Go and check out another place, what do you have to lose? you can always come back, and realize that London ain't so bad afterall... It's a big world out there, and what you don't see and experience, you miss out on, find out what makes Vancouver so attractive! ::

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beats, having been there and done that, with a lot more help than just a cheap apartment, all i can tell you is that its a tough town to make it in without a job. if you can hook up a job first, or be very close to one, you're laughin'. otherwise, man, i wish you all the luck in the world.

but, on the other hand, it can be very humbling to fall flat on your face, but dont be afraid of that. i think everyone needs that sometime.

good luck, dude.

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I think everyone should live out west at some point, its beautiful and there's loads of laid back, friendly people

one thing about Vancouver though is its tough to get a job as LOTS of people move there hoping to find work and live the good life, expensive town too... much more affordable to get a place with roommates

will certainly be a drag for London as you've been doing really good work on the booking front, and I might add, may not have seen the fruits of your labour come full circle yet

but its up to you, if you need to get out then you need to get out... I loved living in Van even though I was pretty broke for most of it... English Bay, Wreck Beach, The Commodore, Commercial Drive, the mountains, the ocean, killer herbs and zooms is pretty tough to beat

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If the apartment is anywhere near the beach, then it is NOwhere near east Hastings street - so it's all good. It's true this can be a difficult city to crack, but everyone has a different experience. I would definately be able to help you with things like finding a job and meeting cool folks. All the great things you've heard about Vancouver are true and then some, but moving anywhere is always stressful at first - those who stick out the tough times always receive the greatest payoffs in the end. The stereotype of the Ontarian moving out west, staying for a few months (partying, not looking for a job, being lazy) and 'giving-up' soon after and returning to Ontario with their tail between their legs is getting old. If you move out, expect a few months of hard work to get settled and then you'll never want to leave.

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The west is the best. Get here, and we'll do the rest.

leaving ontario was the best decision i've ever made. do it man. but yeah van city is pricey so don't be proud and say i'm too qualified to work there. take what you can get for the time being and you'll get what you want in time. maaaan

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I guess it also depends on what you want to do out there.. "my goals" as bouche was saying, meaning YOUR goals and not actually my goals, which is beside the point. What are your my goals?

do you just want to move out there for a few months for a quick change of pace? do you want to move there and start some kind of career? do you have money to start off with? ahh yes theese are the questions.

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actually i don't know anymore... here's what vice magazine had to say about vancuover in that article that ahess just sent a link to:


Vancouver is on the very, very left-hand side. If you read about it online it sounds cool because pot and prostitution are basically legal. You'll even hear the board of tourism call it Vansterdam. However, if you ever end up going there, you'll see it's just a pile of junkies and potheads. The worst part is, the bars are only allowed to be open for 12 hours a day and, since all the drunk natives insist they get to start at 11:00 a.m., there's nowhere to go after 11:00 p.m. That means you can either wander around dark streets like Hastings and look at dead heroin addicts (one dies every day in Vancouver) or you can go home, smoke pot, and watch TV. The problem with the latter is, you're sitting around with 15 people sneering at how gay America's Funniest Home Videos is, like it's supposed to be good or something. It's for old people and kids, you fucking assholes.

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My advice is to follow your instints, don't let that oversized brain complicate things. Having spent time on the left coast i would have to agree with having a job first. If you think you're drifting now, wait until you move to Van with no job hook ups. Knowing you CB I sure you can find something but I think what you're looking for is something you enjoy.(I hope you're still slapping that bass by the way). And I've lived ib alot of different places and I've come to realize that it's not the place that matters so much, shit is the same on both sides of the country, but really what you do with yourself when you're there. I hope this helps a little. Give me call sometime or better yet come for a visit. Got a shiny new 002 and a need for some low end bass.

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Well here's the thing. the reason i'm hesitant is because everyone moves out there cause it's chill...i think that although my job is cool and the club is amazing it isn't stable enough for me to bank on rightnow.

I don't feel that London is a town that can really do what I think it should be able to do at the present time so i don't feel bad about wanting to leave. I need to get to a lot of people before I move assu,ing i'm going. I'll probably leave in june/july but if i have to leave for june 1 then that's alright too.

I think that I'll miss Ontario if I leave. I just think that it's silly that the only reason i havefor staying more than anyhting is the fact that so many people migrate there cause you can smoke weed and it's chill. As much as people say things are more laid back I don't know if that's the case...never been there and it's not cool to assume. I'll just keep on being me and we'll see how things go. ideally i'd like to hook myself up with a good job - i know there's got to be somewhere in Vancouver for me to get shows going.- since there seems to be a shortage of rooms...

I know i'll miss all the eastern canadian scene if i go.

I just don't feel that I'm in the right place. I've been feeling a strong air of malcontent and it has really been draining me. I'd be leaving my favourite people in the world and it woouldn't be easy at all.

I figure I dont' have much to lose.

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I'd be leaving my favourite people in the world and it woouldn't be easy at all.

I figure I dont' have much to lose.

that contradiction confuses me... but hey man, you know whats good for you... good luck if you decide to go "chill" on the left coast.

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yeah...that seems a bit amiss...but i meant that the only thing holding me back is people and possibly $$...i have nothing else to lose, and considering that i can always fiund you guys again i want to go.

Here's another issue...when i figure out the cost of living and the cost of my car (which i'd like to take) i doubt i'll have any money left over.

So right now, I think the only affordable way to go would be to take the bus - which would really suck.

Hmm...the things that I have to think about.

And yes i'd like to get a job before I go...Ideally I'd start some music up and do that but that's far from a job.

Hope things are going to work out.

I know that I want to leave and I'll likely go home to the Ottawa area for awhile before I go out west.

my oh my.

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