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Happy birthday Heather McWarmscarf!!!


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Woo hoo! Hope you're having a great day up there! Too bad I can't come and celebreate with y'all this weekend. :( Hey, if you're bored you should go and party together with Esau for your birthdays!

Shake it, Mama! Oh, but watch out for Uncle Teddy there... looks like he's up to no good! ::


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Happy birthday Heather.

I miss you alot and miss celebrating our birthdays together.It's been awhile since we danced togehter too....

Your one of the sweetest Mama's I have ever met and I thank ya for your friendship and love. emlove.gif

Hope to see you soon

Greg ::

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happy birthday sweet sweet miss heather!!!

i will forever appreciate how understanding you were with me when we had first met and i was an e-filled puddle jabbering your ear off, although for sure it was heartfelt, and you didn't bat an eye when i also planted a big smooch on you even though it had been mere hours that we'd known eachother. hah! it's been too long since our paths crossed and i hope this summer brings some times for us to hang out!!! perhaps the stag & debauchery-doe next weekend??

hope you have a super wild awesome day mi amor! ::

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Hey lady!!

I hope you have the bestest birthday ever!! Im still weeping about not getting to see you this past weekend. I am hoping to get a trip to Ontariario in by fall! You'll be at the top of my list of "Must visit"s

hope your day is nothing but the best!



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Happy Birthday Heather! I've missed you and all of the wonderfulness that is you so much these past months. However, I'm very happy that you're doing what you are with your time. Come to Adirondack at the end of the month. There's always a spot for you in mah car.

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Much Thanks to everyone for your thoughts of love for me on my day. I'm sitting here actually, quite awe struck as a result of all the posts. and to think I live up here in Lindsay, pretty much away from all my friends, and on a day when you want to be surrounded by everyone....I was and I still am! How Wonderful! Thanks Backbacon for the initiation.

I hope to see a lot of you in the next two weekends. Tonight at nero, tomorrow here at the garage dismantling party and next weekend at the Mudcock's stag and doe. All good times!!

Much love to you all!

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