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so who's going to COVENTRY?

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I'll be there!

I really hope we can put together a Camp Canada of sorts. We'd likely have to set up a meeting place & time near Coventry so we can form a caravan and head into the venue at the same time eh? I don't know the area at all so I can't help much.

Also, I'm looking out for an extra for my friend Mitch Peters if anyone has one.

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if we can we should organize some monster effort for people to meet somewhere, like at a carpool lot or something and then go into the U.S. in one giant horde of phishy goodness. the heat score factor would be astronomical but hey, we're all clean lookin kids eh?....ok nevermind.

we need some sort of signal to put into the air for all to see....NewRider, can we send you up a flagpole for an afternoon? JK :)

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