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Happy Birthday Tungsten!!!!

Northern Wish

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April 16th.... The day god decided to lay down one of his greatest twists to that point: Mr Tungsten Gruvsten was welcomed to the planet, back in tha day!

Happy birthday to the Sanctuarys favorite taper, web sound provider, tour buddy, hip hop reviewer, fist pumper, technical babble producer and just all around great dude!

May your day be filled with all of the things you enjoy [Wink] !

Give'r Monsieur Warren.

And a full fledged red faced, teeth grindin Hell Yeah! [Mad] from me to you,


[big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]

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Sean, thanks for posting the birthday news, and Eric, have a great day. Really glad I met you ... how did we meet again ... did we ever figure that out? Maybe somehow via Sean? For some reason I think I was looking for some Zappa shows for a friend and someone (maybe Sean or Allan D.?) gave me your contact info.

For those of you who don't know Eric Warren, aka Tungsten Gruvsten, to bad, so sad, your loss! [big Grin]

Eric has a huge range of musical knowledge and appreciates lots of different styles of music ... I'm always blown away by the vast range of tunes he listens to and appreciates.

Plus the man knows how to party and laugh and he's a really nice guy!

Plus he does some super-duper recording, and has helped me out in a big way with sound at a few shows.

I swear, if he wasn't already in a great relationship ... oops, sorry to bring that thread up again! [big Grin]

All the best to you, my friend!

Peace, Mark

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Happy Birthday Eric!

When I first met Eric, it was last year in Kitchener. Tonin brought me to his place...a very smokey place [Wink] Anyway, he gave me the tour of his home-built, ebay-fueled studio.

Wire monsters everywhere. I was tempted to turn knobs or plug things into other things, but I realized that Erics love would probably turn into violence.

Upstairs, he was clearly in charge of the stereo. As Northern Wish and a few other dudes were sitting around waiting to go to see the Rheostatics, Eric was enteraining everyone's ears with Scofield and maybe even a track or 2 from one of his mixes.

Eric's always one of the few that everyone looks forward to arriving at our little city in Frontier Town to entertain us with his quick-witted one-liners, perhaps even to relate a story or 2 told with a humour unlike anyone else.

Happy Birthday dude! See you at Frontier Town!


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oh yeah and way to rhyme with encyclopedia too Ms. Hux.....

also Mike, i was just thinking about that first visit in kdubya...you came wheeling in with Tonin, and Northernwish and I did the meet and greet then you went around to my roomies and their buddies(who had no idea about the skank/nicknames etc...) and asked everyone of them "Are you Asparagus? Is this Asparagus? Is he Asparagus?" to a generally confused room ...hehehe i remember my one roommate turning to me and saying "who the fuck is this guy and what's with the asparagus??"

keee-rist i still titter over that one...

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Originally posted by bouche:

Eric's always one of the few that everyone looks forward to arriving at our little city in Frontier Town to entertain us with his quick-witted one-liners, perhaps even to relate a story or 2 told with a humour unlike anyone else.

Yeah, If I remember august CTMF correctly, the first thing you ever said to me was that you'd run over a deer a mile down the road and that the body was never found, but your car was a write-off. I don't think anybody could top a story like that. What ever happened with that anyways?

Happy Birthday Pal. See you at CTMF.

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So Northern Wish calls me up on Dec 5/99 and says "Hey I got this buddy that needs a ride to Rochester. Can you pick him up at the Timmy outside of Woodstock?" The rest was history. That was my birthday. Today it's his.

Happy B-day, Mr. Warren. From border runnin to Beachcomber stickers and all adventures after, I'm happy to call you friend. Hope it's a grand one!

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Guest Low Roller

"Tensions grew between Tungsten and Dr. Hux, both knowing full well that the ownership of the Hat of Power would soon be challenged."

Happy b-day TG!

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.....remember when you were taking your nap, and I snuck up to your tent with the ghetto while your were sleeping and BLASTED that sweet 4.1.91 "Picasso Moon" right at ya?? You bounced right up out of sleep, with this shocked confused look on your face...oh man...that was classic....I think that pic may have been shorty after that....good times..!! [smile]

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