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Birthday wishes to Babsy Mudcock


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oooh la la, could this be true? could the one & only mr. mudsycock be turning a year wiser today? well, woweee!

a big huge giant HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU,


i hope you & the gorgeous mrs. are having a fantastic time! we all miss running into you & seeing you around this internet place too. but i do hope you are having a spectactular time, & i can't wait to see some of the amazing pictures i know you are piling up!

much love,



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Thanks for the well wishes folks.....had a wondeful birthday. Woke up in Tor Bay, NS - went for a walk along the ocean and played frisbee with Mud. Headed into Dartmouth right to the Value Village - BIG scores there. Headed to a lake of which I can't remember the name and went for a swim (psst - I peed in the water while I was swimming but don't tell anyone) Then went over to Halifax :: Hung out with Show-whore and loleta and Mud.

Loleta, Mud and I went to the park late night and watched a guy smash beer bottles over his head (one cut him up real good - stitches for sure) I thought it was funny - wasn't hurting anyone but himself ::

Hope to see everyone at Izzy's ::

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