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lets give it up for mike and andre


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okay, I for one would like to send out a huge double high five(that's a 10) to mike and andre(and anyone else who helps run this board)for making this place possible. you guys spend your own free time and energy to provide us with a forum and bring us together as a community. That is to be highly commended. really, you guys do a great job and i would like to thank you. sometimes, like in any family or community, people disagree. but family is family and community is community. we all stick together and help each other out. I'm really glad this place is here and a part of my (almost) daily routine. keep up the good work.




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Hear Here! I've been frequenting this place since 2001. it's brought me so much joy and entertainment, whether it's information leading to entertainment or pure laughter and pondering. It's given me an outlet to bore the hell out of people and make some comments that i'd normally have to keep to myself...and some that i'm sure a few people had wished i did.

if it weren't for this board I don't think I'd be where i am, doing what i'm doing. I wouldn't have lived my life the same way at all and I'm glad to be alive the way I am.

you're 2 of the nicest, most solid people I know. Hope to see you soon...don't know when but if i'm around and you're down for some good times i'll be in touch!

you're definitely people that put in more than you take out.

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Words cannot describe how thankful I am to Mike and Andre and everyone who has contributed to this online community ... it really is a special place to me.

I think that Andre would agree with the fact that his brother Mike is "the man" behind this web site. This site is a great place because of the many contributions made to it by a number of people, including everyone who posts messages in The Sanctuary. However, I can think of nobody who has contributed more to this site than Mike. Thank you so much Mike Bouchard for the countless hours that you have spent on this site.

And thank you to everyone that has put in more than they've taken away from this site ... that is why this site has grown ... it's a simple equation ... if more goes in than comes out, things get bigger ... that's not always a good thing in life, but I think that for the most part it has been a good thing for this site!

Peace, Mark

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One of the things I find wonderful is how each of us who's associated with the board is able to find an appropriate role (or roles). For some, like Mike, it's running a website. For others, like Velvet, it's managing a band. For others (like Pablo Sanchez), it's being in a band. For others (like me), it's taping (and doing Google searches :) ). For a lot of us, it's simply posting stuff to inform and amuse others (and ask for help, which the members of this board offer up so freely and wholeheartedly that it helps restore my belief that having humans in the universe may actually be a good thing).

Each of us has a "space" we occupy, and those spaces overlap in places, with this board forming a kind of "nexus" or common meeting place (think Venn diagram). We each bring stuff to the nexus that others don't have access to (which amplifies information and opinion and knowledge), and each takes stuff from (not "out of"; information, when transferred, isn't moved, it's copied) the nexus back to our own personal "spaces".

And Velvet, I wouldn't worry about taking more from the site than you've given, because you haven't taken (in the sense of "removed") anything. You've been shown things, and have incorporated them into your life, but you've also shown us things (both by managing nero and for being Velvet) that we've incorporated into our lives; as such, your score is, at worst, even. If you've incurred any debts from what you've absorbed via this board, they've been more than paid up via the things you do on this board and outside it.



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yes, thank you very much, mike and andre. i can't even imagine the amount of work (and stress) that comes out of managing a place like this, and the fact you do this for fun, all in your free time is amazing. so high fricken fives to you!

i can honestly say this is my favourite place on the whole entire internet, and a big part of my life would be missing if it wasn't for this site. heck, when the board went down for a few days last year i went through actual withdrawl over it! never do that again, please. :: to an outsider, that might sound lame (and like i need to get a life away from my computer, heehee). but geez, i have met SOOOOOO many wonderful people through this board, and formed many genuine friendships. hell, it was posts on this very board that caused me to have a crush on the love of my life, so thank you endlessly for that. :D

one of my favourite parts about this place (aside from the amazing people who come here) is the way it is run. overall, this is the most caring and respectful messageboard i have ever been on, and people genuinely look out for each other here. i like that. i also like that it is a very close knit community, BUT, it's not an exclusive one. new people are welcomed with open arms.

and not much is moderated around here. i really like that. it shows that the people who post are capable of discretion and the moderators do trust us with this responsibility. when something goes over the line that must be moderated(honestly i can think of 2 instances where a mod has had to step in -- when a spamming thread was locked, and when the highly absuive thread over the weekend was deleted), it takes balls to make a decision like that, since we DO all know each other here. like brad m. said, while it may not be a popular decision, it was a decision that had to be made. and i do fully respect that. even if i give you (good natured) censorship flak. :D because i know it is okay here to speak your mind.

so thanks times a bajillion for all the work you guys have put into this place. and yes, while mike may do a lot of the actual WORK, this place would be very bland without andre's sassy flave. heehee.

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Velvet quote - "And I'm sorry, but I could never give more to this site than I've taken from it."

No apology needed from you Velvet, at least I don't think so, for two reasons.

First of all, I think that perhaps you greatly underestimate the input that you've given to this site through your posts. If I had to make a short list of people who have posted things of "substance" to The Sanctuary, you'd be on it. That matters a lot, in my opinion. (Hopefully your won't reply to this post with "hay tonin dude, rite on maN, yu da coolst." :: ;))

(As an example of the above point, I wish I could find that thread that you started a while back about things that we are grateful for in life, or something to that effect.)

Secondly, an apology isn't needed from people who take more from this site than they give to it. I'm certain that many of these people give more than they take in other areas of their lives. (And maybe I should have rephrased to use the word "receive" instead of "take.")

OK, enough of this philosophizing (is that a word?!?) and generalizing, I've got to take some time to eat my lunch! ::!

Peace, Mark

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"and yes, while mike may do a lot of the actual WORK, this place would be very bland without andre's sassy flave. heehee."

Thanks for that PP, I am in agreement while at the same time laughing and giggling and smiling!

And bradm pretty much said what I was trying to say, but he said it with an eloquence that I just don't have when writing. I should have just seconded his post and had more time for lunch! :: But instead, I'm not eating so that I can say that he's another one of those people who would make my short list of people who post content of "substance".

OK, I really need to go and eat now, before my last period class starts!

Peace, Mark

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