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Freeker Stapes Sloth and Hux Appreciation Thread


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im sure these guys have gotten 1 or 2 of these before, but i think its high time for another... these dudes deserve it!!

so, thanks for being such great hosts and providing a safe haven for a bunch of crazy wookies. ;)

i'll be seeing you guys again soon, for sure... take care, guys!

and though its been mentioned in a couple other threads, since you're reading this, i'll just say it here: the burt neilson band rock your mother to russia. dig it. looking so forward to the next one already!

the rheos didnt really do it for me on this night, but whatever. thanks to mattyc for hosting the half time party. absolutely perfect!

and as always, simply awesome to see the rest of you ottawa skancs out in full force... great times had by all.

see you's guys soon, eh!

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To be fair guigsy, you passed out well before I did... Once all the beer was drank I decided to get some rest... Either way, 40 Main kicks ass, as do it's tenants... Cheers to the boys, and to the address that's played host to many a good time...

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nice one guigsy!! hahah... sorry we didn't get to spend more quality time, you'll have to get yourself back up here soon. (good to hear you made it home safe, and btw, you're a bastard ;))

and of course, thanks to sloth, trev, hux and stapes for providing your usual hospitality. cheers. :)

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I'm coming out of a long hard lurk to say that you'd better be getting your butt up here for Diesel Dog/Harvard Mouse and maybe the good people of 40 Main will make it 3 for 3.

(hey guys, thanks for letting an Ottawa newcomer dance, pass out, dance, pass out, and dance again in your living room. Hux -- sorry about smoking in your room dude)

We miss you up here -- Nero's Eve was too long ago.

Bring the kitty ears.

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Thanks for the love everyone, great poem guigs... the house digs it. So much fun this weekend, glad everyone could make it.It truly isn't anything we do that makes it good, it's you guys that turn this place it to what it is, we just faclitate.

The big 4-OH could use some help though....We gotta find a new nickname for it that doesn't give away our exact location its too high profile. We were kinda getting the impresion that this place is turnng into an urban legend to those that don't know. Like on New years when there were some youngish kids outside the house and when asked what they were doing said, "We just wanted to see it, to see if it was real" and then on Saturday at the bar I totally caught some guy nobody knew talkng about 40 Main to impress some chick he was (trying)to picking up....mind blowing. From now on when talkng about this place on here just say 40 or something remember this is afterall a public message board and ya never know who's watching.

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i don't think i've met any of you but that is going to change in three more days!!!!

edit to add: i think you should name it after me, why, because no one names anything lex anymore. :D and it's my birthday soon, that's all i got, it's weak, but i know what i want. lex means law in latin. that kinda makes it cooler. a bit.

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