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North Korean nuclear missiles: regional problem


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I guarantee the Americans are very interested in North Korea. The U.S. know that the North Koreans are dangerous and are led by a lunatic. If the U.S., China, Russia, Britain and Japan ( who are very wary of North Korea ) ever wanted to invade North Korea, nuclear bombs would drop. Nukes dropping was never a real issue in Iraq.

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no comments on lazlo's shiny belly (besides thats one funny pic)

lets not forget the Sudan where 200,000 people have been murdered this year and 2.5 million are under threat of death... what happened to the U.S. global police? oh yeah, no oil

China is the country really at war with the states... war really happens through finance these days and China is buying up the world at a higher rate than America currently

I really don't care what American politicians say these days, in my mind they've lost all credibility where honesty is concerned

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Paisley makes some astute comments.

Further to that, I agree that China is really the US's big concern right now. I would go so far as to say that the invasion of Iraq was, at least partially, to sabre-rattle a little bit in front of the Chinese. I also believe that this is what is driving the US's plans to weaponize space via a "missile defence" system, which is to show China that they're not kidding around and to keep North Korea in check at the same time. (I make that comment, however, under my own presumption that the "missile defence" plan is really just an excuse to have first-strike capabilities in space, without coming out and saying that in public.)

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hmmm, I don't think the US has much interest in N.Korea at the moment, unless S.Korea becomes and issue... As far as oil?? I don't think oil is as big a player as you would think, I think it is more about control of a specific area, if you look at the map, you can see why they are starting the same rhetoric regarding Iran, Eastern Europe rumour has it that the U.S. will be at war by the end of summer with Iran... Control of that region goes back Roman times... But, wtf do I know?

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Well,a man who has starved his own people, kidnapped South Koreans to make propaganda films, Japanese to teach his spies, is generally considered an isolationist and unstable and currently has missiles that can reach China, Japan, Hawaii and possibly very soon Los Angeles. Is now claiming to have nuclear weapons.Basically FABB, Kim has bankrupted his country in while building up his military to unimagined heights (Every once in a while he likes to send missiles over Japan to show he can) and many of his people are dying of starvation. He therefore has used his military as a pawn to get food and oil (which he has none) for his country. When the US found out he was working towards nuclear weapons and he kicked out all UN inspectors into his nuclear power plant. The US stopped sending him food and oil in return. The USA's current plan is to get the North Koreans back to a bargaining table using the pressure of China, South Korea, and Japan while they currently watch. But keep in mind this becomes a very explosive situation with China to the North and West (with the largest standing army in the world) and US military bases to the South and East (in South Korea and Japan).

Not to mention the oil pipelines China is building,I'd say the USA has a bit of an interest in this.

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As far as oil?? I don't think oil is as big a player as you would think, I think it is more about control of a specific area, if you look at the map, you can see why they are starting the same rhetoric regarding Iran, Eastern Europe rumour has it that the U.S. will be at war by the end of summer with Iran... Control of that region goes back Roman times... But, wtf do I know?

The Romans wanted to control that area because it guaranteed trade dominance. If you controlled the Arabian Peninsula, you dominate all of the trade in that area, which means everything travelling between Africa, Asia and Europe - and thus important. Conquering Japan and Australia weren't too high on their list of priorities.

But you're right - it is about controlling a certain region of the world. Guess what substance happens to be in great abundance in that region? America needs to be in control of as many oil-producing countries as it can, because when the Chinese economy gets going, their demand for oil will outstrip the rest of the world, which would drive prices even higher, and be disastrous for America. The U.S. has two options - control all the oil flow, or develop a new source of energy. I think we can see which way they're headed...

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