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I won


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I'll bet it was worth it from the muffin's point of view. Imagine being a muffin, knowing you exist solely to please, to nourish, to feed, people, and having to sit there, getting passed over again and again as people roll up their respective rims, only to find they haven't won you. Then, finally!, your chance! The rim is rolled, anticipation mounts, and you get selected, only to have the person who won you, the person whom fate dictated you join, have a blase attitude. What could be more disheartening? Please, won't someone think of the muffins?



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That sounds right to me... I know that here in the States, all the NEW Wendy's I've seen go up either have a Timmy's right next door, or they are a combination store...

To be honest with you, I had seen Timmy's here around before, but the first time I went to Canada (since I was a kid) I noticed that you guys have them on like every corner. They're more abundant than gas stations, it almost seems like. Anyway, I always get a kick out of coming up there and counting the Timmy's on the way to my destination. They could use them as KM markers... Anyway, keep drinking that black gold up there. (coffee, not crude)

A little aside, last time I was in Ontario for NYE, my friend Julia and I stopped at a Timmy's on the 401. I though I had two bucks, or something, and Julia was in the bathroom. Before I realized I DIDN'T have a twonie, I had already ordered the coffee. The guy at the register said it was cool, he'd buy my beverage, and then asked if I took cream or sugar. I said "Both" and he proceeded to put it in the cup for me. I had NEVER heard of such a thing, and was worried that he wouldn't get my "ratio" just right, but damn, I think that was the best cup of coffee I've ever had... They must breed you folks to be extra-charming up there, or something? Nice change of pace, I'll tell you that much...

S from C

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when i worked at tim horton's (around 1997-2000) it was a canadian company that also was very closely partnered with wendy's. so they aren't american or the same company. a few years ago there was a big coroportate celebration of opening the 150th timmy's in the states. my old boss moved to the states to open one. her neighbourhood was really dangerous and they ended up going bankrupt and closing and moving back here to open one in mississauga where she's making millions now. i guess most americans like that nasty slightly brown tinted hot water they call coffee down there. i don't get it. this thread took a lot out of me, i'm going to get a coffee.

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I asked jeeves and found an recent article from forbes.com, here is an exerpt:

"Wendy's is no stranger to the breakfast concept, either. It also owns the Tim Hortons chain, which sells coffee and baked goods at 2,500 sites throughout Canada, and it would make sense to leverage that knowledge, Penney said. "


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CA is Cocaine Anonymous... Similar to AA, but at AA meetings they can sometimes get REALLY bent out of shape if you talk about other drugs. Cocaine was my drug of choice (favourite) and the one that resulted in MOST of my problems, and therefore the one I most need to stop doing altogether. So the CA mtgs are nice because you can be totally open about it, and even better, the folks there UNDERSTAND, unlike most people at AA who have never had 'other drug' problems.

It's a bit embarassing, but I'm pretty much over that now, so I really don't care who knows. Sorry if that was too much personal info for you all...

And, of course, (I'M NOT trying to be preachy) if anyone is having struggles/issues with these sorts of things, feel free to PM me at anytime, for info, or ANYTHING... I'm living proof that it can get WAY more out of hand than one ever intended it to.


Edited to fix my american spelling of the word favourite ;)

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if anybody likes to win you'll be happy to know that at Country Style you ALWAYS turn up a winner.

I like the coffee just as much and their donuts are always the right size...not tiny.

i like tim's but i much prefer the chain WILLIAM'S...it's nicer inside - you can actually relax inside...i think it's the incandescent lighting and cafe atmosphere. the coffee's easily as good and the food's better - but they're only in southwestern ontario.

coffee's cool but it makes me ache from time to time...caffiene is a devil...and the devil's got my soul.

steve from cleveland - you're definitely a nice guy.

you should vacation here more often.

think the summer...come together festival...evolve...hillside festival...camping, partying, relaxing in peace...

or just come for a coffee.

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