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SURVIVOR- heads are gonna roll

Guest Low Roller

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Legend has it that when asked about the source of his music, John Coltrane replied that "the music flows - not from me, but through me". Sometimes I say that soup flows not from me, but through me. The inspiration behind John Coltrane’s A LOVE SUPREME is pretty spelled out. He basically tells you in no uncertain terms what he’s trying to do. Does this distract you from enjoying it? I think not. I could really go for some soup right now.

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Deb, what's with the kid gloves towards Frank? ;)

you're my sweetie, so (it's killing me to say this) he's my sweetie. I have to take it on your word he's as good as you say since I seem to break out in hives everytime I hear a "song" of his.

however, as the voting continues, don't expect him to out-last Willie!

Perhaps though, you could 'influence' my vote? hmmm, I didn't see any rules forbidding alliances and vote-buying......

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I seem to break out in hives everytime I hear a "song" of his.

How many of his thousands of songs are you familiar with?

(I find that people who make those comments tend to focus on silliness like "Dinah-Moe-Hum" or "Fembot in a Wet T-Shirt", without considering his intelligent songs like "Flakes" or "The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing", not to mention his ingenious instrumental work, like "Watermelon in Easter Hay" [although I'm sure you know that one as it's from Joe's Garage]).

And why would you write the word "songs" in quotes? Maybe you are only familiar with his instrumentals?

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here are my 50 words:


eric clapton is as boring, stubborn and conceited as a big dumb rock. that is why i am nominating him for immunity. since prince and bowie are gone, there is no one left worth saving, so i may as well make people really mad by keeping Crapton in the race.


and with that, i vote for coltrane out of pure revenge to anyone who voted for bowie or prince.

well, with the exception of douglas because she tried to save prince (even if it was a day late).

[smiles sweetly.]

OH, and i think i should automatically win the immunity nomination competition because i am the only entrant who followed the rules and compared the performer to an inanimate object.

soup doesn't count as inanimate. it is made from vegetables or meat which both count as alive. even though they are dead once they become soup, they used to be fully alive AND, if left long enough will decay (which means there is bacteria in them which also, is alive).

so there!


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Ah, I missed the paragraph thing...

Given that Zappa's Peaches and Regalia is probably one of the most perfect pieces of musical splenditude, I liken Zappa to Icarus' wax wings. For without immunity (ie. Deadalus), he may plummet into a sea of ignorance due to flying to close to the sun.

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Guest Low Roller

We finally have our five entries for Immunity!!

Firstly let me thank Velvet, Bradm, StoneMtn, Palace Princess, Dave-O, and Tonberry for submitting their paragraphs. You're all winners. More specifically Palace Princess is the winner.

Clapton wins immunity for Day 3.

Have a nice day.

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I seem to break out in hives everytime I hear a "song" of his.

How many of his thousands of songs are you familiar with?

(I find that people who make those comments tend to focus on silliness like "Dinah-Moe-Hum" or "Fembot in a Wet T-Shirt", without considering his intelligent songs like "Flakes" or "The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing", not to mention his ingenious instrumental work, like "Watermelon in Easter Hay" [although I'm sure you know that one as it's from Joe's Garage]).

And why would you write the word "songs" in quotes? Maybe you are only familiar with his instrumentals?

wow, I keep pissing the lawyer off!

can I get a special award for that?

Given that I have lived with a huge Zappa fan for 15 years, yes StoneMtn, I am very familiar with much of Zappa's oeuvre. Luckily Dave allows me to disagree with him and hold my own (sometimes facetious) opinions about music.

putting "songs" in quotes was meant as a dig to him and all Zappa fans. Were you truly offended?

one concession I do give Zappa is his inimitable song titles -- Jazz Discharge Party Hats, being among my favourites!

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I don't think I said I was pissed off or offended; now or otherwise.

I simply asked two questions, and even suggested the possible answer to the second one. Apparently my answer was incorrect, and you were trying to make a "dig" at all Zappa fans; for some unknown reason.

By the way, I lived with a fan of Whitney Houson for nineteen years, and don't know a single song.

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I would like to point out that I compared Willie to a bridge, and to my knowelegde, bridges are generally inanimate.

I put forth a motion to ban PP from this survivor competition for influencing the judge with false statements regarding my submission.

If you have any questions, talk to my lawyer.

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