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whats up with your username?


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what does your username mean or why did you pick it?

mine is my favorite Tortoise song. i chose it because its cool, short, and makes me think dJed Clampett.

i like freezies. the freezies i ate earlier (white, blue, and orange) were better than the way too sweet coke slushee i had later.

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Well i was originally ForbinHood on this board in the early days... then one fateful weekend trip to see String Cheese Incident at Finger Lakes in NY State PassedOutGuy was born... after the show everyone was partying late, singing and jamming back at the KOA Kampground... trying to keep er together i was passing in and out of consciousness... which brings us to one point where I was completely out and this American kid beside me smacks me on the arm and says " Hey Passed Out Guy what are ya doin?" ... it was on the ride back to Canada with Bouche the next day that I realized my fate...

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Canned Beats are premade samples used in sequencers/drum machines.

sometimes they get the job done better than real drums (with proper programming) but if they're misused they can sound tacky - either intentionally or my mistake...

Sometimes I try to post seriously - get the right sounds in...

sometimes I post tackily (i hope i'm not always the only one chuckling at things i write here)

and sometimes i don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

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well my username came about out of laziness I suppose, but I've been giving some thought to changing it to an alias. My choice would be Calamity Jane (my mom's nickname for me as a kid since I was very clumsy. I'm only slightly less of a klutz now as an adult)

anyway, I came across this description of the real Calamity Jane and this chick kicked ass, so I wouldn't mind the association.

whadda all think...should I change.....?

Calamity Jane was certainly the most notorious woman in American Frontier history. Her boast that she could outride, outshoot, and outdrink any man was often put to the test. In between times, the wild behaviour which inspired her nickname helped to create a legend that has if anything grown in the intervening years. She became a friend of Wild Bill Hickok and also joined the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show in 1893. But even fame could not curb Calamity Jane's tendency to foul language, drunkness, brawling and assaulting law officers, and she and the show eventually parted company.

so those who know me well.........

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Her boast that she could outride, outshoot, and outdrink any man was often put to the test.

Fine there, except for the third point; I'll wager I'm a hard person to match drink for drink (to which your having watched me for lo these many years should attest).

But even fame could not curb Calamity Jane's tendency to foul language, drunkness, brawling and assaulting law officers, and she and the show eventually parted company.

Leave out that last bit, and I'll corroborate. Except that I've never actually seen you assault a cop.... A five-foot tall Great Dane, yes, but not (yet) a cop....

That said, ya gotta love a good calamity. Keeps life from getting dull, don't it. We do clean up each other's messes, don't we. You've got my vote, for what it's worth.

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I used to be Del-Head, a term I heard used to describe Deadheads who would hop off of tour to catch the Del McCoury Band, sporting tye-dyes instead of cowboy hats... I shortened it to Del, because people were calling me Del anyways... So it all stems from my love of the Del McCoury Band...

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Anyone who's ever met me will confirm that I am in fact a small rodent, roughly six inches from nose to tail, with a professional mastery of Really Bad Things.

The more gullible will believe that I was monikered by my bandmates, after they found out that the first course I was given to teach after getting my doctorate was on the symbology of evil.

The truth may, or may not, lie somewhere in between.

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Anyone who's ever met me will confirm that I am in fact a small rodent, roughly six inches from nose to tail, with a professional mastery of Really Bad Things.

The more gullible will believe that I was monikered by my bandmates, after they found out that the first course I was given to teach after getting my doctorate was on the symbology of evil.

The truth may, or may not, lie somewhere in between.

apathy and a band/rodent themed set of names for everyone got me my name...all of the guys in Harvard Mouse wound up with mousy monikers, it all seemed to make some sort of sense at the time.

i too am a small rodent with a propensity for erratic drumming. like dr evil, i have learned to appear to be a tall human in order to not have everyone in the place standing on chairs screaming when i show up somewhere :)

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