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Baby names?


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My favorite names are Liam (my son) and Callum (KAY-LUM) for boys, and Maren and Elise for girls.

I work in labour in delivery in Kitchener when I'm not on mat leave and I get to hear lots of names, I don't really like common names (except Liam, which is now more common)

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Get this: I was reading in the paper a few months ago this years' most popular baby names. For the first time, this year they included the most popular names for twins. You're not gonna believe this. For twin girls the most popular names are Faith and Hope, and for twin boys, Taylor and Tyler.

And we're not just talking about a few twisted parents here. These are the most popular, not just curious incidents.

What is to become of us?

Hey, how 'bout Velvet? For a boy or a girl!

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whack jobs !! all of 'em!!!

An American veteran of the Vietnam war who lost his legal bid to change his name to God has decided to call himself I Am Who I Am instead.

He drew on a passage where Moses asks God who he is and is told: "I am who I am or I will be who I will be".

"That's kind of wordy," the former Mr Haffey said. "So I'm just going for I Am Who I Am as my full legal name. My first name, of course, would be I Am."

The 55-year-old said he hoped the name change would free him from feelings of anxiety and rage that have plagued him since he served in Vietnam.

I Am should get himself enrolled in that E program, methinks!!!

Last month German officials refused to allow a Turkish couple living in Cologne to name their baby boy Osama Bin Laden.

German parents are not permitted to name their children Hitler.

In Britain, last week a politician officially named himself after seafood.

Haddock MP hoped his name would make people eat fish

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I asked my mom about my name (which I always hated), and the fact that I have no middle name.

"Well, the nurse came around with the form and said I had to fill it out and it was the first thing I could think of. I couldn't think of a middle name."

Which implies that the thought hadn't struck her previously.

Which implies I was raised by chipmonks or something and she just found me.

For the record, my only sibling has TWO middle names.

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I asked my parents once where they got my and my brother's names from, as I could find nobody in the family (on either our Mom's or our Dad's side) with our names. They replied, "Nowhere in particular. We just liked those names."

I thought this was pretty cool. I have our Dad's first name as my middle name (and my brother has our Dad's middle name as his middle name), so carry a bit of his identity with me, but it's known only to me; our main identities were given to us "clean", with no baggage (or legacy) inherited from anybody who came before us.



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I like Rosie for a girl. There's no way Rosie could ever grow up to be a bitch.

In contrast, Tessa, Vanessa and Brittany are out of the question.

Which reminds me that my first born son's name will be: verboten.

"Hi! I'm verboten!"

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