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Attn: SoOn Kids


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After much debate I have decided to move back to SoOn... I hope to be back down there ASAP, but there are a few things I have to work out... I'm looking to move to either Hamilton or the GTA west of Toronto (Oakville, Burlington, etc.) I don't think I could handle living in Toronto, although if the right situation came up I might consider it...

Basically I'm wondering if anyone knows of any job openings down there... Preferably warehouse type stuff... I drive a forklift for a living up here and am hoping to do something similiar down there... Of course I'm checking all the usual websites (HRDC Job Bank, etc.) but was hoping someone knew of something coming up so I could get a resume to them...

My other concern is finding a place... This will, of course, depend on when and where I find a job, but I will be on the lookout for accomodations in the very near future... Has anyone seen or heard about some relatively cheap places to check out in the areas I mentioned above? I know Oakville and Burlington can be pricey, as well as Mississauga (a city which I hope to never have to live in again) and Toronto, but I hear Hamilton can be relatively decent...

Don't get me wrong, Ottawa is a great town and I've enjoyed my time here. I just feel as though it's time for me to move back down there... Ever since I came up here I somehow knew I'd end up back in SoOn... There's no particular reason I'm choosing to leave Ottawa, it's just a feeling I've had for awhile and I figure now is the time to act on it... I've lived in Ottawa for a year now, seen what the city has to offer and genuinely enjoyed it. But I belong in SoOn...

Any help or advice that anyone has would be greatly appreciated... I look forward to partying with you kids again real soon...

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This EOn* kid's going to be bummed you won't be around, and will probably be in a serious world of hurt the afternoon after the going-away party, but I'm glad you think you've found a way to get to be where (geographically and metaphorically) you want to be.



* Analogous to "SoOn" as a short form for "Southern Ontario", I offer up "EOn" as a short form for "Eastern Ontario".

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I can't imagine what would make anyone want to leave Ottawa...

Have you ever lived anywhere else?! That's the problem with you Ottawa folk. I mean, it's a nice city and there's lots of nice folk living there but, it's just Ottawa; there's nothing really exceptional about it. :P

Come back to Hamilton Del; we'd love to have ya back!

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I can't imagine what would make anyone want to leave Ottawa...

Have you ever lived anywhere else?! That's the problem with you Ottawa folk. I mean' date=' it's a nice city and there's lots of nice folk living there but, it's just Ottawa; there's nothing really exceptional about it. :P


That's funny Willy!

I think 85% (with the exception of the Westboro crew) are out-of-towners.

C'mon admit it Del..you just couldn't handle O-town?!?!?;);)

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