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To many comments to comment on...ahhhh

StoneMtn you sound just as offended as I do so,..we'll both relax - peace

Esau - I have spoke my mind on such topics before, they too went with out interest

I have reached out many times with no success. This is why I find humour in this thread getting so much attention.

If person "a" posts 10 threads about music and nobody responds,..then proceeds to post a dramatic statment and everyone responds,...does that not equate to more interest in drama than music?

I know everyone here likes music. But lets face it,..message boards are message boards, their nature is of dramatic character. It's not bad, it's normal.

I like yourselves, love them.

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Esau - I have spoke my mind on such topics before, they too went with out interest

I have reached out many times with no success.

So,no one (0% support) ever is in the audience when you play? Or do you mean reached out as in you wanted recognition for what you play?

This is why I find humour in this thread getting so much attention.If person "a" posts 10 threads about music and nobody responds,..then proceeds to post a dramatic statment and everyone responds,...does that not equate to more interest in drama than music?

Perhaps it shows folks here care a little bit about another person in their community? Instead of interest in drama.

I know everyone here likes music. But lets face it,..message boards are message boards, their nature is of dramatic character. It's not bad, it's normal.

I like yourselves, love them.

Then whats the problem here?

[edit to add]

excuse the quoting,just easier to ask what I was thinking.

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To many comments to comment on...ahhhh

StoneMtn you sound just as offended as I do so,..we'll both relax - peace

Esau - I have spoke my mind on such topics before, they too went with out interest

I have reached out many times with no success. This is why I find humour in this thread getting so much attention.

If person "a" posts 10 threads about music and nobody responds,..then proceeds to post a dramatic statment and everyone responds,...does that not equate to more interest in drama than music?

I know everyone here likes music. But lets face it,..message boards are message boards, their nature is of dramatic character. It's not bad, it's normal.

I like yourselves, love them.

I still don't know the name of your band.

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101 posts doesn't seem like monumental effort here.

I noticed that when I supported other topics I got more responses on mine.

Like talking to someone once and them being more responsive to you because you now have started a more formidable relationship than just the "hi how are ya? type".

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101 posts doesn't seem like monumental effort here.

I noticed that when I supported other topics I got more responses on mine.

Like talking to someone once and them being more responsive to you because you now have started a more formidable relationship than just the "hi how are ya? type".

I understand how it works quite clearly. Especially after today - lol

I made a conscious choice to not join into discussions and keep myself neutral as a show promoting threader instead of,..well all the other things that happen. I chose this option because of the lack of response on the old board. So when the new board arrived, I made that decision. Which I thought was a good decision.

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But lets face it,..message boards are message boards,

Perhaps a change in perspective would help.

When I first came busting in here, this community had every right to sent me packing. I barged in with no introduction and for the sole purpose of plugging "my" (son's) band. And I got the appropriate non - response. Then the longer I was here, the more I discovered the kind of community that bradm talks about...that cares for each other and for the world around them, including music. And sure I still pimp the band and some folks go and some don't and that's OK, because it's not the only reason for me being here anymore. Just a different perspective.

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this board never ceases to entertain and amuse me.

JI54...looking at your website you don't have the personal and financial backing, nor the drive to learn how to design a website (me neither but if you're serious about it you must understand by now that web design really can be a good gauge of clout. some acts can have a bang up website and have just started and might blow, but the opposite is rarely true) and I know how much creative people - musicians especially - appreciate good design and layout. after all a drummer has to be able to navigate the website so you're at least on the path to success...i mean every act needs its stage of public backlash to be able to get over challenges. I'm think that getting huffy about this and that might start more momentum for the backlash and slow momentum for your support.

if you're really giving up then you're a pussy and aren't really dedicated to making music. it was never real for you. why give up instead of perhaps 'having to take a break'.

why not try to ask some people questions? PMs work really well. You're going to have to live with the fact that you can't get peoples' attention about everything all of the time. that's what marketing is about. now it's more like competitors than compadres.

I'd bet that with the right attitude you could have a hopping regular night. perhaps even tour or get in major press and make a living playing music if you're really good at something (and at the very least for working HARD)...and if there's a better gig that you have to take then take it. rent's gotta get paid.

just CtFO and update your links...stillepost is way more important than 20hz. Brantford is a great little gateway into the realm of exclaim magazine. the social arts club is in guelph, so there're always people around to see at shows and grab a beer with if you get to the right people and ask the right questions.

there's perhaps far less drama here than elsewhere. I just think that the personalities on this board are so varied that you're going to get help and you're going to get some hate and the many shades in between...like amusement and entertainment. you're going to get concerned parties.

take care.

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- a musician knows who supports

"except for a few friends i have here"

- perhaps!

- no problem, just expressions

ollie - No band name. I freelance. I hire different folks all the time, for many different styles of show, standard jazz, avant-garde, reggae, funk, etc..

Like i've said before. I could care less if you pass me by, but some of the players who come out are up everyones alley here, mind-blowing mucisians sometimes.

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tim dear, your bands need to get out of brantford a little more often. i love brantford, you love brantford, (maybe) but not everyone else does. also, there aren't that many places to crash here so it's hard for out of towners to see your awesome shows. how 'bout the next time you play you give me a couple of days notice via telephone so i can get some couch space ready for a couple out of towners. that way we can get your music out to the masses because it really does kick ass. so quit whining and let's get this shit done! i am totally here to help you out with this, i love your music and would love to support intelligent art (especially that of my friends) in any way possible!

lotsa love, lex

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Thanks Lex!

About Brantford,..best paying hick town around!

I play in Brantford for the rent. lol - Over the last two years, I've been to Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa, Waterloo, Guelph, Toronto, Hamilton, Stratford and other wee communities who love the jam. And many other things in the works from the East & the West. I've been quite busy!

lex you are nice

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Expecting people to come to your shows based ONLY on promotion on this specific message board is ludicrous. I always post to no response... just keep on truckin...

Music is a rough life... you take the good with the bad and grow from it. Just keep at it, explore other avenues (postering, flyering, contests, webpage, other sites) and keep playing. Things work out for a reason.

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also jazzinfivefour, notice the banner space up top which displays prominantly on the main portal page whenever someone types in www.jambands.ca or finds jambands.ca on google. If you want your shows to stand out, feel free to PM me.

You can't really compare a post that everyone can chime in on (like this) versus a localized show that is probably too far for alot of people to get involved in a discussion.

The Burt Neilson Band, for example, will cause a huge stir when they start announcing things and posting, because we'll all get to see them on their visits to everyone's towns, so we can all relate together.

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Jazz in Five-four, I can understand why you may be frustrated...but, I think you are complaining to the wrong community... No, maybe alot of folks here have never seen one of your acts, and to be honest, they may never in the future either, but, I would go out on a limb and suggest that this group of people spend alot of their precious free-time, and alot of their spending money on supporting bands that not only come to their localities, but, some even take the time and effort to go to shows out of town... I for one, don't know of many people between the ages of 20 -40 that put that kind of time, effort, appreciation, and support into any sort of leisure entertainment.

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And as for the "more concerned with drama than music", I think that's an insulting overstatement.

i disagree. i dont find it to be insulting, or an overstatement - an eye-opening truth, perhaps. but often times i find myself a little disgruntled with the drama vs. music posts... not always, but often enough to defend it as being an "overstatement".

anyways, jazz'in'5/4, i dont know what to tell you about the promotional end, or playing music outside of brantford, or having a band name, etc etc... some people have offered words of advice, encouragement, etc, and i dont need to echo that.

but, i did want to chime in because someone (some people?) did mention about location and where shows are taking place, etc etc... and i just wanted to say, for yourself, not to get discouraged in what you're doing... im not sure if you were part of STYTS, or No'Orchestra, but i have a hunch it was one of them... anyways, i caught you guys in london at the Wick a while back... im thinking likely even beyond a year, maybe? anyways, i remember posting about the show on here... pretty sure i did a roll-call type thing and a mini-review after the fact... and yeah, i dont think anyone saw that thread. (well, stapes mighta saw the roll-call and chuckled... whats up stapes!) - anyways, my point that im getting to, is that both bands were quite good... i loved the tunes, particularly STYTS (my apologies if you werent in that outfit, but No'Orch was pretty good, too)... but certainly, neither were something that people, especially in this part of the world, are going to be too eager to jump out of the box and embrace. i want to tell you that you guys have the right idea, to keep challenging listeners and pushing it further, i just think you need to be in front of the right market, or the right audience... how do you get there, well, i have no idea...

anyways, have you been in london since? i havent noticed if you have. please post about any upcoming shows down here, or at least pm me... i'll be sure to put up a roll-call that probably not too many people will see... hey man, it's london, it's the way it goes down here... i think my Zoobombs roll-call got like 15 views, and it's likely gonna be the best show i seen in a bar this year... people miss out, and who's loss is that?


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