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Needing a Dentist!


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I suggest you talk to Asparagus and get hooked up with his dentist. It would mean a trip to West-brah (watch out for the loose women), but I went to her once and she was really good, even gave me a break after hearing my I'm-an-oh-so-poor-musician sob story (I didn't tell her that I spent what money I did make on booze and drugs). Actually, she was so nice that I just felt a twinge of guilt. Just a little one.

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If you feel like coming to Toronto, my dentist is great. I had to get a cavity filled once:

dentist: "so are we getting you stoned out of your mind today, or are you going with just freezing? It's a great clean and legal buzz!"

me: "i'll go with the stoned out of my mind"

dentist: "here's the music menu, what would you like to listen to?"

me: "hmm Santana sounds good"


dentist pops in: "how's it going, how's your buzz? want me to turn it up a bit?"

me: "yeeeeeessssssss"

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I second Dr. Nodelman being a great dentist and a great photographer as well (you can see his pictures displayed at the new Stone Face Dolly's on Preston).

I never pay attention to his rates because I have a dental plan but I go in for a cleaning next Wednesday so I'll save my bill and let you know. He's really and truly the best Dentist I've ever been to. 233-4885 for an appointment.

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www.drsmile.ca - Clarke Webster's my dentist while in Ottawa, but I'd go with Cyber Hippie's dentist if i were mobile enough to go to toronto for my dentistry.

i didn't have to get any surgery when i had my wisdom teeth out. a very painless dentist.

there seem to be a lot of great options...but keep in mind that dentists are expensive no matter where you go. Don't hesitate to go to Algonquin for a student deal...but keep in mind it's students working on you.

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by the way....


It only sucks for the first couple of days after not having flossed for a long time, and then it feels like a massage! mmmm....floss....

But then again, I like going to the dentist. They always ask me what I want to watch on the tele when I get in the chair, and I always say, "Just turn it off. I'm going to close my eyes anyway."

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Ms. Huxtable and Bouche - I’d like to thank both of you for recommending Dr. Nodelman. I had been avoiding the dentist since moving from Toronto and had not been to one in over 5 years. After reading this thread a few years ago, I wrote down his name. I finally went to see him last spring and I have been very happy with his work. My wife ended up going to a dentist that had been recommended by an acquaintance. After losing a tooth, and having other problems, due to some shoddy work and not putting together a proper treatment plan, she went to see Dr. Nodelman yesterday. She was very pleased. So, thanks!

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