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Mmm... decaf...

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

It's now been three weeks since I switched from regular coffee to decaf. This move became a necessity to reduce the heart palpitations I've been having from drinking the regular coffee with caffeine.

Now as anyone working in an office can attest to, there's nothing like starting the day with a nice warm cup 'o java. I used to always settle in front of my monitor with a mug of coffee and read my e-mails, set aside some important work, and sneak in some time on the Sanc. Then with blazing energy, artificially induced by the caffeine, take on all oncoming tasks with a fury not unlike the Wrath of Kahn.

So naturally when trying to quit caffeine, I found it hard to give up this tradition and decided to try the dreaded black sheep of office beverages- decaf.

Decaf tastes not unlike regular coffee thankfully, however it's missing that swift kick to the nuts wake-up that caffeine brings to the game. In it's place decaf brings warmth and confort that usually comes with wrapping yourself in a blanket to watch your favorite movie with a cup of hot chocolate... not the desired effect I was going for.

Anyways my point is that the Leafs suck.

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I had quit caffeinated coffee a few years back for similar type reasons, when I did though I did it gradually, mixing a half teaspoon (when using instant) of both then eventually to de-caf only. I jump between the two now-a-days, usually starting with a regular coffee or two (at the most) then if I feel like more, which I almost always do, I do the decaf. Its also decaf only now for after dinner coffee. I think the hardest part for me was reducing the amount of sugar I use.

One things for sure, your right about the Leafs.

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I feel for ya, I've tried stopping a few times, but not for any direct health issues.... I can't start a day in the office without some caffeine... but I limit it to one or two a day now.

Have you tried black tea? It has a bit of a kick to it, but not the full blast (about half the caffeine of coffee). You can try making it weaker... a small amount of caffeine is actually good for you.

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I gave up coffee (and beer) at one point to force myself into a higher gear while writing my thesis (a little counterintuitive, obviously, but a great carrot for the stick). That went on for a little over six months, at which point I got a final draft into the pipeline. CJ was witness to the scene that unfolded the morning I went to make my first pot. I didn't know my arms and hands could shake like that - coffee, wet and dry, all over the floor (two or three times trying to fill the basket), spazzing, the whole deal; it was hysterical. That's when I recalibrated my awareness to my sensitivity to the stuff, and have since treated it with a little more respect. I also know I jones really badly if I drink decaf, and avoid it where I can for that reason (I'd rather be half-unplugged and know precisely why).

Makes some of the other stuff I put into my system seem downright benign ;).

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I here you LR, and maybe given your location it's easier than usual to hang back on delicious caffeinated coffee.

I'm down to one insulated mug in the morning, and one in the afternoon. In cup form that'sprobably 3 cups a day. But yesterday for some reason I didn't have any and didn't seem to notice.

I could never give it up (decaf or reg) because it tastes like liquid heroin.

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The Leafs do not suck. Ottawa sucks, as a town, as a team,and as a way of life. It is a boring, bland, and tiresome village of bleak government officials and bureacrats. You have 2 excellent and exciting cities on either side of you, Montreal and Toronto.

I understand the inferiority complex that comes to being wedged between those two great cities. But don't take it out on our Leafs.

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The Leafs do not suck. Ottawa sucks, as a town, as a team...

I understand the inferiority complex that comes to being wedged between those two great cities. But don't take it out on our Leafs.

Last time I checked, Ottawa was ahead of Toronto in the standings, as well as in most, if not all, NHL statistics this year...

If anyone sucks, it is indeed the Leafs...

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Guest Low Roller

Not a bad idea... I'll try hitting up green tea and see what happens. I sure do miss the kick of caffeine.

On week-ends I also drink decaf, but with a splash of Bailey's. Then another. And one more for my homies.

Things get hazy after that.

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Doses of 300 milligrams of caffeine (about 5 cups of tea) can cause restlessness, tremors, and exaggerated reflexes. The first signs of outright poisoning are vomiting and abdominal spasms.

It's impossible to drink enough tea to be fatal. However, regular daily intake of excessive doses (1,500 milligrams of caffeine, or 25 cups of tea) will result in irritability, sleeplessness, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and headache.


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Coffee and pregnancy don't mix, either. It makes the baby hyper, and I'm already convinced I'm giving birth to a circus acrobat--she doens't need more encouragement.

The current thinking at my obstetrician's clinic is "Caffeine is bad, the occasional snort of booze is okay." When I go in for a checkup, they never ask if I've had any alcohol but boy, do they don't miss a chance to warn me about the evils of caffeine.

To be fair, a small amount is permissible, but Geez! I got the message several months ago!

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I gave up coffee for a couple of weeks and it was, well, uh, weird.

I would blindly reach for my coffee while sitting at my desk in the morning. And then I would wimper when there was no coffee cup to grab a hold of.

I'm not a big coffee drinker anymore, but I use to have a bottemless mug of it when I was a programmer. Since then, I'm down to 1 cup in the morning (most days...sometimes I have a second cup in the afternoon when the cart comes around).

When I gave up that 1 cup a day, I did it in preparation for quitting smoking. I also did it just to see if it would bother me if I didn't have that 1 cup in the morning.

I like coffee. I especially like it since I quit putting sugar in it (about 4 years ago).

I don't like hockey. I especially don't like the Leafs...even with sugar.

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