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Yes! (Ever had a thread deleted? )


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The way I see it, this forum is not a democracy. I think Mike can do whatever the hell he wants, without having to answer to anyone. Instead, we should just thank him for bringing so many like-minded folks together and never asking us for a penny.

I would also like to add, that if I requested a thread be locked or deleted, which I never have, I would not want, or even permit, Mike to share the details of the issue with anyone, especially in a public forum.

Rock on bouche.


What I like even more about this site is that it feels like a democracy. It's a dictatorship that feels more democratic than many democracies, if that makes sense. Rock on, dictator bouche! ;):)

On a related note, it's pretty mind-blowing to imagine how many hours Mike has spent working on this web site, from the time it first started as Phish Sanctuary until now. Here's my guess ... 5000 hours. That's over 2 years of full-time work. OK, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's only 4500 hours. Or 4000. ONLY ... ha! I think that you get my point. Yes, it is easy for me to get ticked off or frustrated when something happens on this site that I disagree with. It happens. Maybe bouche's site layout doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I disagree with the content that it is included, or how it is displayed. Maybe I don't like that some post got blocked or deleted. But ultimately, I think about the massive effort that has gone into this site, and I am just thankful that somebody with bouche's skills is willing to spend so much time and energy on this site. Thank you so much for all that you do, Mike! You rock, and please continue to rock on!

On another related note, I'll use this opportunity to promote a show that I, along with some other people, are putting together. I hope that lots of people come out to this show as a way of showing support for this site, and because THE SHOW IS GOING TO BE A BLAST! Here's the plan so far:

Sat. Jan. 28, 2006

Jambands.ca FUNdraiser

Lancaster Tavern, Kitchener

two floors / two stages

Fat Cats

Diesel Dog

What The Thunder Said

Harvard Mouse

Organic Groove

We've got some special things cooking for this show, and are working to make the show reflect the nature of the people that belong to this community ... in other words, it's going to be a top-shelf event!

Peace, Mark

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Well, seems I have stirred up some anger issues with a couple folks, well my intention was & is not to give Mike a hard time. As mentioned in my post, there was no offence meant. I was simply wondering so I asked. If that comes across as a 'sense of entitlment' to some of ya'll theres not much I will or can say I guess.

I certianly do not expect Mike to answer to me about other peoples threads and the reasons for them being deleted or locked. I never saw the locked thread that started all this but I did see a later one deleted & locked.

Although not really an issue now, I have had it occur in the past to me & without explanation so when the topic came up yesterday I decided to reply & make my comments on the issue. Obviouly I asked & commented at an inappropiate time. (see my first comments in this thread), I guess I was more wondering about the issue as a whole not a specfic thread, although that certianly wasn't clear, which is my mistake.

In no means do I feel like this place is a democracy and have really never felt it was, nor do I expect anything here, except to have a good time, unfortunatley my humor is obviously not reacted to very well on some topics (eg: the red bolded statement in my posts), again my problem not others.

I'm extremely grateful to Mike & all his hard work he's done & does for our community. I wasn't at all pissed off or irked yesterday over any of this, but my apologys to Mike for any of my comments that offended, not my intent.

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Yes, we're a public forum, but jambands exists almost solely b/c of ONE guy.

I love you sweetheart but that's one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard you say. You think this community exists because of one person? That's completely fuckin' insane. This community exists because of every single person that takes part in it. Remove the participants and the community vanishes. What Mike has provided, or offered, is a 'location' for the community to inhabit. There have been and still are other 'locations'.

Mike has contributed an unfathomable amount of time, energy, and passion, into providing this environment for our community to occupy. I have loved and will continue to love him for those efforts. However; that does not give him 'ownership' of the community nor does it grant him an unchallenged 'dictatorship' over the community. Mike owns a domain name and possibly some software. We, the people, are the community and no one owns that.

I know that you are trying to be supportive of Mike, but please give this some additional thought.

In our community, the whole is far greater than the sum of its individual parts.

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[color:purple]This post about deleted posts has me paranoid that the deleted post was about how much whining I've been doing in the last couple of weeks and Bouche was looking out for me.

Seriously though I don't think that we havfe to worry abut the state of this community as alluded to in Calamity Jane's post above, nor I do I feel that openly discussing this topic is such a bad thing as alluded to in the "pet peeve" comment.

AS long as it all stays civil and we gain an understanding of the several perspectives at play @ ALL TIMES on this board without any serious mudslinging then I think we're doing alright.

If I did something at a gig that was questionable I would be ready to be forced to deal with it on this board and I have faith that those who know me would be there to defend my good name and through a healthy debate I may see the err of my ways or others may forgive me. That's how it should work in real-life and that's how it'll work here. Seems to be working out that way in this thread wouldn't you agree?


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This community exists because of every single person that takes part in it. Remove the participants and the community vanishes. What Mike has provided, or offered, is a 'location' for the community to inhabit. There have been and still are other 'locations'.

Mike has contributed an unfathomable amount of time, energy, and passion, into providing this environment for our community to occupy. I have loved and will continue to love him for those efforts. However; that does not give him 'ownership' of the community nor does it grant him an unchallenged 'dictatorship' over the community. Mike owns a domain name and possibly some software. We, the people, are the community and no one owns that.

I know that you are trying to be supportive of Mike, but please give this some additional thought.

In our community, the whole is far greater than the sum of its individual parts.

I agree with you Willy. The community exists in a location, and this is the location. Ultimately, bouche gets to make decisions about this location, such as how the site will look, what should be allowed or not allowed, etc. Of course he is going to listen to us when making decisions. He's our friend. We're his friend. He respects us. We respect him. We respect each other. Many of my closest "real life" friends are a part of this cyberspace community. Having said that, ultimately bouche has the right to make the call, because it's his location. The person hosting the party gets to set the house rules. And if we don't like the rules, we can leave the party. Absolutely correct.

So I use the term dictatorship instead of democracy in the sense that we can't vote Mike out of a job or out of office. Yes, we can do what some people (try) to do if they are not happy with the dictator of the country, and that's leave to find another location to live in.

Personally, this location has treated me well. I've enjoyed it a lot, have developed friendships with people because of it, learned things, laughed, and got excited about events because of it. And yes, sometimes I've been pissed at what goes on, and have taken breaks from visiting.

I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, hope that people continue to think that this location is a nice place to visit. Because as Willy said, if the participants leave then the community vanishes. And that would be a sad day for me, as this community means a lot to me.

Peace, Mark

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Well, seems I have stirred up some anger issues with a couple folks, well my intention was & is not to give Mike a hard time. As mentioned in my post, there was no offence meant. I was simply wondering so I asked. If that comes across as a 'sense of entitlment' to some of ya'll theres not much I will or can say I guess.

I certianly do not expect Mike to answer to me about other peoples threads and the reasons for them being deleted or locked. I never saw the locked thread that started all this but I did see a later one deleted & locked.

Although not really an issue now, I have had it occur in the past to me & without explanation so when the topic came up yesterday I decided to reply & make my comments on the issue. Obviouly I asked & commented at an inappropiate time. (see my first comments in this thread), I guess I was more wondering about the issue as a whole not a specfic thread, although that certianly wasn't clear, which is my mistake.

In no means do I feel like this place is a democracy and have really never felt it was, nor do I expect anything here, except to have a good time, unfortunatley my humor is obviously not reacted to very well on some topics (eg: the red bolded statement in my posts), again my problem not others.

I'm extremely grateful to Mike & all his hard work he's done & does for our community. I wasn't at all pissed off or irked yesterday over any of this, but my apologys to Mike for any of my comments that offended, not my intent.

Greg, thanks for this post. It's nice when people are willing to say sorry, even if they didn't mean any harm. Personally I wasn't offended by any of your comments from yesterday, but if others were, thanks for the post.

I had to deal with a situation today at school similar to this, where somebody was offended at what somebody else said. Personally, I didn't think what was said was very offensive, but somebody else did. However, the person who made the questionably offensive remark didn't say "Sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to, but I'm sorry if I did." Instead they said "You shouldn't be offended by that." Not a great way to resolve a conflict ...

Peace, Mark

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I think it's safe to say we've all been brought here in many different ways, shapes, and forms.

and thanks to Mike & this board for creating an environment and space for us all to keep connected.

Thank you Mike for your hard work, and thank you to all the unique people that are a part of this wonderful, complicated (at times), beautiful community.

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Some food for thought (although on a bigger scale).

If Rupert Murdoch (News Corporation), which owns the following companies, decides that he personally doesn't want the public to know something or that he doesn't agree with something and removes it from being published in his papers or TV news, is that acceptable? Should anybody question this because he owns it?

I'm asking because i'm curious and this is not directed at anyone in particular.


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Some food for thought (although on a bigger scale).

If Rupert Murdoch (News Corporation), which owns the following companies, decides that he personally doesn't want the public to know something or that he doesn't agree with something and removes it from being published in his papers or TV news, is that acceptable? Should anybody question this because he owns it?

Is it acceptable? Certainly. They're his stations, and if the arrangement he has with them allows him to dictate content, then he has that authority. And note that him deciding not to run/publish something in no way prevents someone else from running/publishing it.

If it's not acceptable to you, what's the alternative? The only one I can think of would be to limit the number of stations (and/or media outlets) a single person/corporation can own, which still wouldn't prevent him from deciding not to run/publish something in the outlets he owns/controls.



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This whole thing is a non-issue. Jambands.ca is a private site run and financed by one person. The content is completely up to his discretion. You may not like when questionable and possibly useless threads are deleted but Bouche's track record would suggest that he allows a lot more than he needs to.

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This community exists because of every single person that takes part in it.

Mike owns a domain name and possibly some software. We, the people, are the community and no one owns that.

Yes Willy, that is so true.

I am responsible for the site so administration sometimes gets pegged as 'dicatorship' which is is complete bullshit. This isn't a country, it's a website, so words like Dictorship are so out of place. So I hope people can refrain from using political terms.

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What you said, bouche. When it comes to content, I'd refer to you more as "publisher" (or "editor", but that's stretching it a bit) than "administrator". Like an editor or publisher, decisions you make as to what does or doesn't get published are not censorship, they're editorial control (as the decisions of any editor or publisher are).



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My apologies if the words dictator or dictatorship offended anybody. I didn't mean to offend anybody, and if I did, I'm sorry. I really am sorry if I called somebody something that they didn't want to be called, although I am laughing as I type this because of what I wrote a few hours ago about apologizing. ;):);)

Bouche, I still think that you rock, and I am still very thankful for all that you do. I hope that I haven't offended anybody by saying so. :);):)

Wi!!y, I look forward to the next time that I get to see you in person instead of in cyberspace. It's been too long, my friend, and nothing beats the old fashioned person-to-person method of communication.

OK, I think that I'm done with this thread.

Peace, Mark

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Wi!!y, I look forward to the next time that I get to see you in person instead of in cyberspace. It's been too long, my friend, and nothing beats the old fashioned person-to-person method of communication.

I totally agree and get giddy even thinking about the next time I get to party with you my friend!

OK, I think that I'm done with this thread.

Now that's not what I wanted to hear. Where else are you going to have this much fun with your clothes on?!

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