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skank exchange2 -- its time...


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I agree with Pink. This is very rude.

don't turn this into highschool bully scene.

My gift is late...its been really difficult to finish but I will and I hope to not be made to feel like shit because its late...that will really take the love out and make it more difficult to finish.

secret skank-I love you your gift is coming soooon. ;):P:):)

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I agree with Pink. This is very rude.

don't turn this into highschool bully scene.

My gift is late...its been really difficult to finish but I will and I hope to not be made to feel like shit because its late...that will really take the love out and make it more difficult to finish.

2 people agreeing that it's rude is not bullying ...it's stating the facts. You knew the deadline when you entered the exchange - and in my opinion, it was perfectly reasonable... I mean, didn't we start this whole thing in NOVEMBER?

Seriously, no more excuses.

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okay next year I won't get involved.

To my secret skank....when you finnally recieve my gift know that it was late only because it was really difficult to finish.

At times I considered just sending you something else outa fear folks would start getting pissy and everthing I don't like about x-mas.

but I said to myself 'fuck it' I want you to have something really special and hope that you'll be glad of the wait because of it.

DancingBear...I hope you keep my skan secret secret.

I really believe their wait will be worthwhile. Thanks in advance.

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Ok.. well my skank hasnt received their gift yet, but its because it got stuck in transit, and is still stuck in hamilton. I did send my skank an explanatory pm, but i dont think he ever read it. if anyone is going from hamilton to chatham anytime soon, maybe they could be mr. delivery man?

but i haven;t received my gift either, so....

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Hey dancingbear - can you reveal who my secret skank is? AND all the others who haven't sent out their gifts? I think they should be centred out.

it's been 2 months since Christmas - if you're all too busy to send out your gifts, then you shouldn't be allowed to participate.

Relax....it'll be OK. The originl post to participate said that there was a great possibility of late delivery.....X-Mas in February...wooohooo!

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Relax....it'll be OK. The originl post to participate said that there was a great possibility of late delivery.....X-Mas in February...wooohooo!

yeah, sorry - I was all worked up there for a minute. I found a paper bag to breathe in, and now i'm stable again.

But I just want to point out that if the REAL santa had those morals... man, there'd be some sad little kids out there on boxing day, and the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that.

I'm all worked up again...

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Ok.. well my skank hasnt received their gift yet, but its because it got stuck in transit, and is still stuck in hamilton. I did send my skank an explanatory pm, but i dont think he ever read it. if anyone is going from hamilton to chatham anytime soon, maybe they could be mr. delivery man?

Your delivery man will have to be going from Hamilton to Kelowna, bc now...

I told him about the delivery situation and that he would really like the gift when he did finally receive it. Everything is okay.

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It's one thing to not deliver a present in a timely fashion. But it's another to publicly admonish people by posting the 'Rules for Gift Exchange' when the gifts haven't arrived for whatever reason.

Or we could change the name to the Easter Exchange and the presents wouldn't be late anymore.

AD :)

Edited by Guest
some sarcasm removed
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