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Pregnant People


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man, everytime i turn around someone at work is getting pregnant!

4 of my staff are all now carrying, all within a few months of each other... 2 of them within weeks... i dunno, i've had a lot of jobs, but this is incredible, 4 people in the same workplace.. must be something in the air... i'll tell ya though, this is a great exercise in patience, sensitivity, moodswings, eating habits, etc for me... you know, should i ever impregnate someone... should probably start with a date first, i dont wanna get ahead of myself here... but wow... not sure why im typing this here, im just kinda blown away... crazy.

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Its cuz it's contagious. Dont let anyone cough on you, and remember to wash your hands after using the bathroom, thats where germs spread the most.

But if you do happen to knock someone up, take full advantage of the eating habits. Its not often in your life that your woman will let you eat a double quarter-pounder for dinner and finish it off with a large Blizzard for desert...every night of the week. Mmmmm....Double quarter pounder Blizzard....mmmmm

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there IS something oddly "catching" about pregnancy. In an old teacher work-room, the chair I vacated upon my maternity leave got 3 fellow staff members pregnant in succession. (One was even a guy!!!!) It was too funny....and eventually, the woo-woo feeling around the chair's power got to the point where it had to be stored in a closet!!! lol

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guigsy you're so not alone!

i think we're onto baby boomers part two or something.

i know SEVEN people (my brother included) with projected september birthdates in the near future. it's absolutely crazy and has mind boggled me now.

something is definitely in the air. we're breeding for a reason!!!

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More babies = good. May they all be more intelligent, sensitive, and capable than we have been in our own generation.

"Yet if nothing else, each time a new baby is born there is a possibility of reprieve. Each child is a new being, a potential prophet, a new spiritual prince, a new spark of light, precipitated into the outer darkness. Who are we to decide that it is hopeless?"

R.D. Laing

(Plus, there's nothing like that new-baby smell :) ).

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