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The Slip 2006-03-02 set list attempt


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The Slip

Main Hall, Montreal, QC


Set I


Jam >

Even Rats

I Hate Love

- Song For Mtl?? - SMMD?

Paper Birds >



Children Of December



Jam >

Soft Machine

If One Of Us Should Fall

Poor Boy

I also heard mention that one of the songs was that "The Earth Will...After These Messages", but I'm not sure. Corrections would be welcome.



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"The Earth Will Dissever And Consume You After These Messages."

That's a bustout for sho, I almost thought they forgot about that song to be honest, I could see it fitting into that question mark you've left blank though. It's an instrumental that revolves around one swelling guitar theme, it's almost broken social scenish in a way but I say that too often about them. Dissever is sort of like their, I almost said First Tube but it's not that strident, it has a similar place in their repertoire let's say but much rarer. It never had a name like so many of their songs and someone asked once and he (Brad) just copped off that quasi ridiculous title and it stuck. That's tight that they played it, makes me think Okra Polo was in the room and got to them as he loves that tune and can play it on guitar as I recall from Hillside.

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"Sleepy Head" I believe that is what the Nathan Moore banter led into. "I wrote a song gave it to Nathan for a few days and he came up with this...." something like that.

The place was full, but not uncomfortable. You could cut throught the crowd with 2 full beers without spilling too much. The crowd was also very receptive and having a blast. There were a few US yahoos there that kept screaming stupid shit like "ELECTRIC DRUMS!" when Andrew was using an electric drumpad. They were having a great time though ;)

We were there from the opening noise of the first band, and we also got to really enjoy band number 2, Apollo Sunshine. Those guys ROCKED HARD! I can't imagine that they could have that kind of energy for more than a year without burning out. HOLY crap! The bassist smashed up a Yamaha keybaord apparantly pissed at the soundguy...I'm not sure what happened, but I thought it was part of the act. He seriously kicked it off of it's stand and beat the crap out of the Yamaha.

The Slip now....oh man, I know Brad's voice can sometimes fall flat, but I did not hear him waver off-key or struggle once. "Children Of December" was probably the benchmark for that comment.

The set most definately had a full-show feeling. It was also filled with most of my favourites. I'm sure they could tell by the smiles on our faces.

"Soft Machine" was introduced with a guest guitarist who Brad said was a neighbour friend of his and they're going to do a band camp thing, because this guy really wanted to jam with him...something to that effect. I'd like to know more about that. Anyway, that was a really fucking wild section. They were basically smashing guitars together and laughing their arses off. It sounded great and they were having a blast.

Marc....I never know how to express what he does. I just don't understand his setup one bit. His poses make you watch, but then I get confused with the pedals and the bass and how effortless it all seems.

Andrew "goggles" Barr drives the car. Man.

I've got some nice shots that I will be happy to share when I can get through them all.

I almost lost an entire memory card. My camera said "cannot read from card" at one point, and I had over 100 images on it. I turned it off and on, and off and on, and FINALLY images were there again. However, I was missing about 25. 2 of them were probably the SHOTS OF THE NIGHT for me. I had setup a chair and stood in front of Brad and got a couple of eye-level shots with THE best facial expressions. The tour manager told me "don't do that again because it's distracting", but I figured it was worth it (but I also respected that request). Then I lost the shots :(

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Holy fuck. First of all I am so happy to hear that the Apollo guy destroyed a fucking keyboard without a trace of itony. Love the story about Brad and his neighbour, motherfuck I've got's to learn me an instrument if he's teaching at a band camp in Canada. Well I've got flute, picolo and skin flute, harmonica, I smoke on the cowbell and of course voicebox. The setlist looks like what I would have expected but I'm sure it's not remotely the tale of the tape, still curious where Dissever fits in, set opener or encore opener I presume. It usually opens or is a good opener when it's played. The whole thing sounds nutty, sorry and glad in a weird way that I wasn't there. We need some SWOn dates with Sunshine - full on meaty two set affairs.

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btw, that SMMD 5 track sampler SUPREMELY KICKS ASSSSS!

I have to agreed with you there Bouche. We drove home from Montreal just rockin' out to that CD (we were even dancing and applauding). Sure enough at he highest energy point of the sampler, I see cherries in my rearview mirror. I guess it's wrong to dance while you drive and loose track of how fast you're going. Thank goodness the cop knocked it down to 130 in a 100 zone. That cut the fine in half.

Anyway, I highly recommend the CD. They did a great job of it and man is it good to hear Nathan Moore.

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hmmm...I think there was a "everything must go" that they did in there somewhere last night.

Also, on on the sampler, I noticed that Nathan was VERY lennon-like in a tune called "How Stupid I Am". Actually the song reminded me of Mind Games. (love that tune 'mind games' and I'll be sure to cover it one day if I ever have a band going so if anyone else wants to cover it, screw off it's mine!)

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You are awesome.

The honour is to serve. Special thanks to YearsAlongTheSea and mooose for driving and being stellar travelling companions.

jibooer (who also gets my thanks, for allowing me to clamp to his mic stand), Weirdness, tangerineman, and phishhead27 (who ran two separate rigs) were also there taping.



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Great show, but they played more newer stuff that could have had a better mix with the older. They were ON for sure though, pretty much a flawless performance and Brad's voice sounded better than I've ever heard it which made for a real treat. Perfect venue for these guys as well, not too big, not too small. Obviously he's been practicing after hearing all the people on the board here bitching that he can't sing. Solid all around though, they could have played a bit longer though... Short, but sweet.

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The Slip 03-02-2006 bouche's The Slip 03-02-2006 photoset

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bouche - that's the shot!

there was no "the earth will consume and disever... " as far as i remember, same as im pretty sure there was no "everything must go" - pretty sure i woulda lost more of my shit if they did.

for fans of the newer "big rock" slip, this was as good a show as any. totally concise and honed in, friedman playing rockstar on a dime, some kickass jams, and awesome controlled playing...

soft machine was the highlight of the night for me, for the intro and the jam in the middle - yeah man.

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bouche - that's the shot!

there was no "the earth will consume and disever... " as far as i remember, same as im pretty sure there was no "everything must go" - pretty sure i woulda lost more of my shit if they did.

for fans of the newer "big rock" slip, this was as good a show as any. totally concise and honed in, friedman playing rockstar on a dime, some kickass jams, and awesome controlled playing...

soft machine was the highlight of the night for me, for the intro and the jam in the middle - yeah man.

beyu? ;)

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