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ok, i'm all for unrealistic expectations and all, but come on....the HORSESHOE?? i'm also all for small intimate venues...but the fucking horseshoe? legendary status aside and all...that place is the WORST small space to see a sold out show in.

i wouldn't mind seein moe in say....tequila lounge...with both sides of the bar heavily staffed. there really should be a tender there for every 3 linear feet of bar.

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I totally love all of the suggestions that are being made but from a business perspective which unfortuantly is an angle that has to be strongly considered, alot of these are not feasible. Most of these US bands simply ask too much money, or maybe no ttoo much but ask what they get in the states and im sorry but gov't mule is not worth here what they are worth in ashville, NC. That being said,m there are alot of bands that are willing to take pay cuts to try and develop a market in toronto. Keller, Charlie, hell even Cheese take big reductions to come here and throwdown, and as we have seen in recent months it has been paying off for them. The biggest of all of these is moe, and everyone should thank them cause they TRULY come here for the fans, i can;t really get into it but trust me, the are owed alot of respect for that reason, i mean Barrymores, ins;t exactly red rocks, not that there is anything wrong with that but you all see hwere i am going with this. I have said it before and will say again, all ofthese bands talk, I was recently at a large concert indutsry conference in vegas and there i was hanging out with Topper and Vince Iwinski (moe, umphreys managers respectivly) and trust me all these bands talk. I am constantly on the umphreys camp to come across the border and it will happen. WE need to as a community support the things that come through and show them that this truly is one of the top 5 markets in NA and that they need to be developing audiences here. Tea Leaf will be on the road for part of the summer with umphreys and we need them saying good things, and as a side note they are totally stocked to be coming back as they said they hada great time and got nice and fucked up here last time, Dixie dog you are one to thank for that so good on ya. Anyways there will be tons of great stuff coming and as i have stated in the past, if you are not into a band then hey i don;t want you to simply come out to make the scen thrive but if you dig the music and can make it work then hey we always love to see friendly faces. Let us (me, jaydawg others) know your thoughts, ie, ticket prices, venue selection, support slots, all that fun stuiff. I personally feel and hope that most agree that i have been pricing shows fairly and that you are always getting your moneys worth. but hey let me know your CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts as it will only make the shows better for everyone.

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