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Q of the D 7/5/03


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I was wondering the same thing too. My conclusions are that the spring tour showed they are not the old Phish, but a new less kick ass band. Maybe they are rusty, maybe I'm too critical but the spring shows I saw were choppy, lacking energy and had repetative song selections. Maybe there are others out there that feel the same and hense have bought ZERO tickets for the summer run (including a whopping 137.50 US for IT?!?!) What the hell? Who do they think they are? Anyways, all that aside, I definitely need to hear incredible feedback from this tour before I consider buying Phish tickets again. They need to prove to me they are going to try to put on a good show instead of just going through the motions. Sad but true.

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Rustiness I can handle, no problem, but lack of cohesive, progressive jamming is far more problematic for me. Fortunately, I thought the Spring tour had the latter in spades and this upcoming Summer Tour has more potential to be a legendary one than any time since Summer 1998.

I don't think the Phish organization will lose much sleep if every show doesn't become a hard sell-out. They've had, and hopefully will continue to have, a long career. These things fluctuate.

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i definitley think the direction of phish was different that last tour. very smooth and slick and kind of non-threatening jams. I saw one show (that i thought was a bad night) and heard some shows that people swore we're the bomb, and besides the MIKE (especially the end of YEM, i think nassau- wow), it doesnt have that 'pushing things' feel that i love about phish. on the edge of a train wreck. I will see them again for sure, I just can't afford it this summer. wait a minute!! thats the answer, everyones broke!

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the reason nothing is selling out this summer is theres so much more to do than ever before(Festival Fucking Mania!!!) and people are just gonna roll the dice and take the chance on getting tix in the lot.

as for the new and recharged phish i'm gonna wait a while longer until the "oh my good god, phish is back!!" novelty wears off.

i hope everyone enjoys what they see and hear this summer no matter who it is!!

i recommend the L. [Razz][Razz]

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I'm thinking part of it is the "hangover" effect from everybody going "Phish is back! Phish is back!" after NYE and the spring. I skipped a wedding and drove to Cinnci to see them and although I love 'em I'm by no means the biggest Phish fan on the planet. Now I'm looking at the summer and thinking "meh, they'll be around, I'll catch 'em again soon." I'm sure there are lots of folks out there like me in that regard. Plus the already mentioned facts of LOTS of stuff happening on the scene this summer with more fests than ever, just about everybody you can think of is touring, and the economic factors as well.

I also have an itching feeling that the Live Phish CDs and downloads have something to do with it, but I'm not really sure... any thoughts on that?


Mr. M.

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The Dead?

Weekly festivals?

Big expensive Phish festival that everyone is saving for?

Saturated jam scene?

Live Phish?

Poor economy?

Everyone went to Bonnaroo?

moe, WSP, SCI, Allmans and the million other bands to see?

OR, everybody is at Phil's for 1.75 beers! [Wink]

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Originally posted by MoMack:

Last time I was in Deer Creek for Phish people were offering a baby's arm for tix, and I ain't talking about the wang!!!

Umm...I was in Deer Creek. the only thing people were trying hard to find was "bail money to get my kids out of jail". We found b/w 4 and 7 extras per show and never paid a cent over face. Jared's brother Lanny did nothing until 7:30 each night, walked to the gate and got tickets every time. I reiterate. Until NYE this year, I've never had a friend outside and never paid over face for a ticket period.

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i'd say it probably has to do with alll the other choises going around, people are getting sick of the same old stuff and are doing new stuff like dead tour. i personaly haven't been movitated to hit up any shows in a while,, maybe if the actually came to canada a bit, or maybe if the states didn't suck things would change

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The biggest reason i think is that there are just alot more choices for poeple that want to tour and only so many dollars to go around. It's alot easier to sell out a tour when your the only game in town. People (kids) love to tour, for some it's a way of life. Also, I agree that phish was some what rusty. So to a bunch of music freaks like ourselves, they haven't really proved that you must see everyshow possible, becuase of it's 'kickassedness'. Now with that in mind, i'm still going to as many shows as i can. The freedom in music i get at shows is still worth the price of addmission. Can't think of any better way to spend my money (aside from the coke and hookers) Finally, from what i saw Trey play during his solo tour, this summer is going to rock. They're still working off the rust and a little less people on the lawn might be nice.

ps. Mike ROCKS!!!!!

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They've never consistently sold out a summer tour. Like the man is saying here, there are so many choices during the summer that you just don't have in say, February. But this shit about the band not being as good is nuts. February's tour was easily one of the best in band history. Trey has never sounded as good on guitar and they were putting a fresh spin on every song they played. From 98-00, the band had fallen in a rut with very little change to the jams and the direction of most songs. This year they proved that they could stay fresh. IMO, this tour is going to be their best tour ever (I'm still not going though - no cash or time). It's all about the Walls of the Cave.

Look at me, the time stands still.

The mountain here, is now a hill.

Look away.

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phishin4groove ROCKS!

Totally man..............

"bail money to get my kids out of jail"

I just go to Phish shows to get my baby out of jail.

I'm sorry for plagerizing here, but I wanted to add something.

I finally gotta Pipe'r up here. Its been said enough, and I think those folks are right, its the options we have now. If we didnt have them, do you think we wouldnt go see Phish?

Seriously, its all about Supply and Demand. Those of us in Eastern Ontario have been able to see anything we have wanted, and not had to drive too far. I really think it is that simple.

As far as Phish not pulling their weight right now, I chalkdust torture that up to them not having played a number of times together, after that period of not having played together. The shows arent as consistent as they used to be, but some of the moments are HUGE.

The Antelope from the first night Vegas show is an perfect microcosm of what is going down with that band. There are some sloppy moments, but the jam before "Rye rye Rocko" is absolute magic. Not the jamming you would expect, but serious noise. It's a seemingly non-stop build, that doesnt explode like you would think it would, but it is revolutionary Phish.

Guys/Gals, the days of 94 Summer Tour are gone. 97 Fall will never happen again. Its 2000 and three. Dont expect anything else.

(I'll pay for the cab)

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As mentioned a few posts up..I think this is the "meh" principle in full effect. There are so many options right now, and as said by someone else...if you live in Eastern Ontario you have access to so much music both here and across the border.

The economics of seeing them as opposed to staying in town and seeing a band locally in whatever state you want to be in is another conisderation. I loved seeing Phish in 2000 and the following year, but since that time I've had my eyes opened by so much other stuff that I cna't really get excited about seeing them again, unless they were playing Cafe Dekcuf for no cover (give it a few years..it could happen!)

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I fucked your wife.

dont mess with the tube. haha.

I think a lot of us here have liked phish a while and dont need to drop dates and stuff. You aren't coming across as the mature phish fan here either dude, your remarks struck me as newbie. regardless of how long you've liked them, you can't say that trey was playing with the ingenuity/and more importantly the FIRE or 97 and prior. you just cant.

by the way, welcome!! [big Grin]

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I removed my previous post because it was a lot harsher than I remembered. My basic point was though, Rolling your eyes ay my post was wrong, and Phish kicks ass.

The I fucked your wife bit, for the record, was a reference to Seinfeld, the episode with the jerk store comeback. Kramer told George to tell the guy he slept with his wife. Very amusing. I didn't think 2ndtube was married because he looks kind of young, buy hey, you never know. So, I hope it wasn't out of line. I agree the rest was for sure, and I do apologize. It had been a long day, I guess.

Oh, and newbie is more hippy-slang. Way to go GentelMonkey.

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