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Inane Workplace Banter


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I motly ignore it, but i hear inane commentary around the office all the time..

'what the hell happened in the mens room?'

'SOME people should try and have a little respect for their fellow humans'

'..gotta wonder what we're paying SOME people to do..'

'i didnt realize it was naptime!'

'who drank all my coffee?..'

'it smells like a goddamn zoo in here!'

silly coworkers...

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one more quick one before I take off for teh weekend:

Someone from a different dept call me..

Me: "Hello, Keri speaking..."

Stupid person from other dept: "Well hello Keri speaking, this is Stephanie speaking..."

How about just say, "hi Keri, this is Steph from prototype" and then speak your business. I don't haev time for all your stupid cutesy bullshit!

Good weekend all!!

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ooh! ooh! ooh!

or how about:

Me: "Good afternoon, Acme Inc."

Idiot asshole: "Well hello, Acme Inc.!"

oh princess, "at the end of the day, when the chips are down, it's all about what you bring to the table. as for me, i've got a lot on my plate. flip me an email."

heeheehee! i love you qqc! i'll add sending that email to my action items list.

now where is my damn stapler.....

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wow, you guys are all pretty jaded about this kinda banter.

someone says anyhting to me at work and I'm happy. not alot of talking going on where I work.

so do none of you ever ask your co workers how they are doing? or how their weekend was?

I personaly try and find out about my co workers, and what they like to do in their spare time. I dunno call me funny but I like to have a good relationship with the people I spend most of my wakeing hours with. Even the ones I hate.

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so do none of you ever ask your co workers how they are doing? or how their weekend was?

I talk to my close co-workers about the weekend because we can all relate but I don't want to know about the guy who spent the entire weekend building a deck because I know he's going to describe it in excrutiating detail.

Thing is, when I ask someone how they are doing and they reply with something inane, they are the ones being an uncommunicative prick. It's not talking to my co-workers I dislike, it's the stupid things they say which add zero to the conversation, and actually kill it if nothing else. And I'm only talking about some of the people in the office. I can have a laugh with most of them.

PP... that reminds me of the most inane co-worker of all... the office mom!

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wow, you guys are all pretty jaded about this kinda banter.

someone says anyhting to me at work and I'm happy. not alot of talking going on where I work.

i guess it depends on where you work. from what i've found, big offices are generally less fun. there's some sort of inverse proportionality between the number of cubicles and the overall atmosphere. i read recently (probably here) that the inventor of the cubicle died recently, and that in his later years he had sort of a "robert oppeniemer after seing what they chose to drop his nuclear device on" sort of revelation...

i'm one of four people in an office, and other than intermittent visits from the boss, i'm left to my own. i interact mostly with the guys in the plant, and it presents endless opportunities for inane banter. fortunately, most everyone in the place has been there for a long time, and they all seem to get along okay, and lots of the guys are from somewhere else, and all have amazing stories to tell about getting out of their country. particularly the older vietnamese guys.

things tend to be awfully blue collar lots of times, but in every inane office exchange there's an opportunity to connect with someone and actually talk...however, if the people in your workplace resemble hdr_760_thurs_930.jpg

then rant away :)

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"so you're the IT girl"


"Don't be mean to her. She'll fuck up your computer."

well, I wasn't going to...but now I will


(when they actually SAY it...fer fack sakes)

"So I guess you can't wear skirts in your line of work?"

Well, I could...but then where would I hide all that ram I steal from work?

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We have one guy in the office who addresses every male co-worker with mister and his firstname, accompanied by the Rob Schneider copy guy lilt.


"Mister Miiiiiiiiiiiike"

"Mister Oliverrrrrrrrrr"

"Mister Randaaaaaaaaaay"

He also can't tell his own jokes without laughing his ass off.

fuckin Claude! geezuz!

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There are four people (myself included) who work at my store. We get along great, it's just the customers that piss me off. Lately, people who laugh hysterically at things that just aren't funny have been really getting on my nerves. I mean, I'm a really giggly person, I laugh at lots of stupid shit, but "I used to have a Motorola and then I replaced it" does not deserve high-pitched squeels. Also, when I ask how you are, the phrase "i'm just looking" is not an appropriate response. You can say "I'm fine, I'm checking out your prices compared to the other eight jillion cell phone stores in the mall." That totally makes sense. But just looking is not a state of being. And no, I can't identify your cell phone by the description it's a flip phone and it's small and silver. They're all fucking small and silver! I have no fucking clue what kind of car charger you need. If your phone's in the car go fucking get it you lazy fucker! Also, if you get assessed a security deposit after your credit check don't ask me why. I would guess it's because you suck at paying bills on time. Don't get angry at me about it. Pay your fucking bills!

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I don't so much mind the weather chat...unless that's all it is. But usually it can lead into other conversations. You can relate almost anything to weather...

such as...

it was so hot today that I had to get those muthafuckin snakes off the muthafuckin plane


looks like rain. I think they're calling for a thunderstorm. I wonder if those muthafuckin snakes will multiply in such weather.


hey, check out that cloud. Looks like a muthafuckin snake.....and it's flyin' a muthafuckin' plane.

back to you daveyboy.....

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double your pleasure, double your fun!

okay, this one just made me laugh out loud, so hard. i'm sitting here, quietly working, when all of a sudden i hear my boss in his office, say to himself:

"If I hear that fuckin' word "Brangelina" one more time, I'm gonna scream" :D


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