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Did anyone else notice that Lauzon initiated the dancing?

ya, what was up with that?

i was thoroughly impressed with the spades - i'm excited to hear their new album - from the sounds of their set they must be working pretty hard.

the john henry's rock. anyone else planning to rage irenes on saturday?

it was good to see so many friendly faces from out of town, but somehow the day passed without spending too much time with y'all... :crazy:

big thanks to those involved for putting together a great party!

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Great party guys! It was my first and better than I expected!


I thought all the bands were great and aside from my usual faves, was especially impressed by Vanderpark and by Mr. Lauzon...that was the best solo set I've seen yet and was just awesome!!! Good stuff Dave.

I'd like to thank Snelly for bringing the tasty fruit wine. I didn't get too hammered on it which is probably a good thing too.


Please post pics, whoever took them!

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That was probably the drunkest i've gotten and maintained verticality in a loooong time. Great party boys. So good to see so many fine folks that I don't get to see often enough.

And yeah Moooose, I totally hear ya...I spent the whole day talking(i'm pretty hoarse today still so I can only assume it was loudly as well) but there were still a bunch of folks I didn't get a chance to blather with.

Thanks to Basher for the sweeeet ride and deafening Phish-blasting stereo, as well as the accomodations...

Nice to meet a few new folks too - Prost, Cully, Ollie, and Phorbesie(although I didn't know this until afterwards) and connect with so many great folks....whirlwind tour really, I was in bed asleep by midnite-ish and up at 8am, and home in Guelph by 3:30! Shizers.

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What a great day! And we didn't even get hit with the annual downpour! Everything was perfect...the music, the KegExpress, the tasty jello-shots, the porta-potties, the weather, and the people! A perfectly executed day of fun! Thanks everyone!!!

Here's how the Bouchard's are curing a 2-day hangover....

- Holly-hugs

- Derienzo's

- more beer!!!

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Definate huge Kudos to all of you who put so much hard work into making such a fantastic shin-dig. Everything did turn out so perfect and I'm so glad I was back here in Ottawa to make it out finally this year. So fun groovin with all of you, music blew my mind, and the weather was remarkable. HUGE thanks to Trevor who was running around most of the day doing such a fine job keeping everything running so smooth. And all the other kind volunteers who busted ass aswell. You guys deserve huge pats on the back! Can't say there would be a better way to bring in the summer. Cheers and much respect.


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Great Day!

Thanks guys for hosting yet another successful Canada Day! Thanks to those that dropped by under the tree to enjoy my reflexology.

It was great to see all the out-of-towners well wasted and having a great time.

Guigsy you know casa Lorda is always open for you!

(((((Bradm glad you are doing better)))))

Keep smiling everyone and enjoy the rest of the summer fun we have ahead of us!!! ;)

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I would like to thank in no particular order.

The bands for providing us with such stellar entertainment all day, every single band was great.

The guys at Steamwhistle for hooking us up with the Keg Express which made getting drunk at record speed a little too easy.

The guys from Johnny's Pizza for feeding our drunk asses, and loving every minute of it.

The SoOn folks that travelled all the way up for it, hope you had fun, it was great having you here!

My amazing neighbors especially Hux, who made my life a lot easier these last few months of planning.

Mr Jay McConnery AKA "The Warren Haynes of Canada Day" for not only playing in two amazing bands that day but was crucial in getting the lineup figured out.

MCVelvetmung, you sir are a genius, I am in awe of ability to entertain.

My unrelenting army of volunteers, Dave, Laura, Rosie, Steph, Ed, Lynn, Deb(You were awesome, thank you!) Pat, Shane, Chris, Jordan, Lisa, Kyla, Darren, Andre, Bradm, Meghan, Yessim, Steve and everyone else (that I'm forgetting, sorry) that was right there to pitch in every second of the day. Who could ask for better friends? You guys went above and beyond and I couldn't have done it without you.

And of course all of you came, had a good time, got drunk as shit and laughed your ass off. This party would be nothing without you.

A big fuck you goes out to the cops for being such assholes and shutting us down early. I've already started looking into a liquor license and I can't wait to slap them in the face with it when they show up next year.

I think the day was a huge success, the ending was a little rough. Brad I am so happy you're ok, do not feel bad or that you were a burden or any shit like that, you would have done the same for any one of us in a heartbeat bro.

Pictures people, I need pictures. I want them all!

Send them to ts.turner@gmail.com. Oh yeah we also videotaped everything so stay tuned for the DVD

Hope everyone had a great Canada Day, I know I sure did. See ya next year!

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I want to thank everyone who made our trip so much fun. Thanks go to Mattm (Steph and Rob) for giving us a place to chill before the festivities started on Saturday. We all had a blast after the Burt show...I have not laughed like that in some time!!!

Cheers to everyone who made the Canada day event happen, honestly the day was amazing. I had a blast meeting so many people from this board and enjoying so much new music. Thanks again to all the hosts...please come down and visit us in Toronto (you all have a place to stay whenever you want) See you next year my friends...

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Don't forget a big shout-out to Jojo for all the crazy latex art.

This is the funniest paragraph I've read in quite some time:

A big fuck you goes out to the cops for being such assholes and shutting us down early. I've already started looking into a liquor license and I can't wait to slap them in the face with it when they show up next year.

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Yes indeed thank you Jojo, who knew that drunk people lust for ballon animal hats. Nice work brother!

I also really want to say thank you to Bullmoose. You guys got royally screwed and I am very sorry. I hope in the end you guys all had a good time and your Canada Day experience wasn't ruined. We promise to make it up to you big time.

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Wow, what a great time. It was great to have souvlakian (aka Eric Warren) in the car - made the drive hysterically funny. I like the cut of his jib!

Great to see all the people that I haven't seen in too long, you know who you are. The folks at "that place" sure know how to throw a party! Great weather, drinks, vegan soup, reflexology, and much much more.

Another big thanks to my friends Kevin and Carla, for giving me the keys to their house - made the "ass out" stage very comfortable.

And Sloth - I give my stamp of approval, so there you have it.

Hope to see you all again soon!

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Great party everyone! ! Big ups to TEAM AWESOME (Residents of THAT PLACE and the surrounding complex-> friends, volunteers) for making it such a smooth event.. Amazing how much you put into this community, all for the love of fun.. The party was a blast, the music was great.

All the guys in both El Beejay, and LURE totally enjoyed the party and all the great people..

some apprecation: Hux did a great job keeping the sound awesome all day. I thought the Spades were kickass. I thought Todd's slow-shave was hilarious, moreso that people didnt seem to notice until the end stages. JoJo- the master of ballon animals, full props. I was delighted to see some of SoOn's finest- and meet Prost- another fine gent. Vanderpark's cover of opium was great as the cops were walking around shutting down the party. The torrential downpour that followed.

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highlights of the weekend for me:

jesus murphy, i was just about to do some laundry and was quickly reminded of THE highlight of the weekend for me... and i cant believe i forgot... the return of my prize thrush hermit t-shirt after almost a 2 year vacation in the capital!!

dont know if you're on the board or if you lurk in the deep dark shadows of this place, pat, but thanks again for hangin' onto that for so long and the unexpected return! unbelievable!

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highlights of the weekend for me:

jesus murphy' date=' i was just about to do some laundry and was quickly reminded of THE highlight of the weekend for me... and i cant believe i forgot... the return of my prize thrush hermit t-shirt after almost a 2 year vacation in the capital!!

dont know if you're on the board or if you lurk in the deep dark shadows of this place, pat, but thanks again for hangin' onto that for so long and the unexpected return! unbelievable![/quote']

THAT is beautifull Guigs! :) nIce :)

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(Thanks Basher!)

A beautiful welcoming committee!


Basher becoming Shmashered


TG has a dream...


The lovely Keg Express!


Our gracious host!






Smiling faces all day!





Reflexology in the trees with Sunshine!


Velvet...you missed a spot


John Henry's



The Spades


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