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Lara's Xavier Rudd Review on JamBase...


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Yea I agree with that review a lot. The encore was WAY too long...and for some reason he picked his slowest songs for the encore. I am glad the crowd was attentive and respectful for the opening bits in Montreal, because in Toronto most people wouldn't shut up.

Truth be told though, I saw him three times in a row a couple weeks ago and each one was EXACTLY THE SAME...not too sure what I was thinking, but if it means anything the third one (in Guelph) was easily the best.

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Means something to me...that's the one I was at.

I was skeptical I was going to get into this show, but it worked out pretty good.

Everyone stood and danced and rushed near the front of the stage, despite being told to keep it clear...that's rock.

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i've seen xavier a bunch of times now, in different years, on different tours. and except for the ocassional new song it's pretty much the same show everytime. which kinda sucks, but what ya gunna do? not all artists can be supercool with their setlists i guess.

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Well it's hard for Xavier to change up his set list because he hasn't had too many albums (well he's had a bunch of albums, but most are the of the same songs...for example Good Spirits and Solace are almost identical, with the only difference being the song Messages). But maybe this isn't really an excuse...

Also, he has his staples that he almost "needs" to play (To Let, Let Me Be, Messages, Conceal Me).

Personally I would've loved to have hear Shelter on the tour but it wasn't meant to be. I did get to catch Serena Ryder (beautiful girl/voice, btw) and Xavier doing Let it Be, which was nice.

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As well, aside from the set list / song selection, his shows have a pretty narrow range in terms of their feel, and I think that's due to him playing solo. With more instruments/performers, you can vary things a bit more, and have a wider range of sound (e.g., dense at times when everybody's performing, sparse at other times when some players lay back a bit). And while I believe that he's fully committed to the "hippie vibe" (note that those are my words, not necessarily his), I find it wears a bit thin on me at times.

Don't get me wrong: he's very good at what he does (and I have no beef for those who are dedicated fans), but I've seen it several times (moe.down in 2003 [iIRC], Blues Fest in 2004 [twice], and Barrymore's in 2004), and he doesn't make me wonder what he's going to do the next time.



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Its funny, I was waiting for Lara to get home that night and it was about 4am I think and of course I'm all worried and then I hear something about a 10 song encore. unbelievable.

I'm imagining flat tires on the side of the road.

A 10 song encore would have left me enough time to bleed out from my double van gogh before it ended.

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