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Well it look like it finally happend..

The latest news:

The August Long Weekend festival has been cancelled … the township of Durham has sent a letter to the owner of Frontier Town asking him to cease and desist all commercial activities.

An attempt is being made to resolve this issue in time for Labour Day Festival … thank you for your patience and support … we will inform you as soon as possible about the status of the Labour Day Festival.

visit http://www.cometogethermusicfest.ca/

for info and updates

lets all hope that it gets worked out and we can continuer the great parties up there. mark do what you can!!!


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Can they even do that???

It's private property is it not? So who are they to say what acan and cannot be done on his own land?

We as patrons should contact the municipal government and tell them how we support the town of Durham each long weekend and buy beer, food, camping equipment, restaurant meals, sundry items etc...

This sounds like a cash grab by the municipality...bastards!!! A pox on you! [Mad]

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Awww, man... extra sad 'cus I had just talked to Mark about Uncle Seth playing the August fest, and we were SO psyched about playing up there again.

What a rip off... and what a kick in the teeth to Mark Wilson, after all his hard work. [Mad][Frown]

Hey, you know what might be great - if we could still get Caveman and whatever other bands were being considered for this fest to play that weekend somewhere nearby, say Guelph or Owen Sound, and get some of the local press to cover it, and encourage people to write to the Town of Durham to reconsider for Labour Day. Whatdaya all think?


Mr. M.

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This really sucks. I was really looking forward to attending the August fest. I dont know about them not being to keen on hippies. When I went up to Killaloe, the locals loved hippies because of the business we brought them. Probably this will mean the tickets will be more exspensive, if they want entertainment tax, but hypothetically the town of Durnham cannot stop the show from going on, as it is private property. The only complaint could be noise pollution and not filing the necessary tax forms.

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i am starting a petition for the city of durham,, it will be avaliable for signing with all pure hemp reps, and i will put a few coppies around for you guys to sign them.

Hey Jared, if you want you can get me a couple of copies, I can get as many of the folks we'll run into in TO, Hamilton and Ottawa during the Seth/Hux shows to sign it as I can if that'll help. You can either email it to me directly at jay@musicface.com if you can send it as an attachment, or email me if you need to send it by snail-mail and I'll send you my address.[/QB]


mr music man, i think we should definatly hook something up,, even if we all just take over a camp site and set up a satge, i have a good feeling that this will get resolved, cause there are way to many people trying to work it oput with the city

For sure! I sent an email to Mark Tonin to get his two-cents on what the best way to approach it, I'll probably talk to Mark Wilson as well at some point. It would be good to have a legit venue, it would suck to have the cops come and shut down a make-shift stage and ruin the weekend twice!

Anyway hopefully something can be salvaged out of this, I was really looking forward to this weekend. Personally I'll chip in however I can.


Mr. M.

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I'd like to see exactly what the City of Durham sent them. Oftentimes the specifics of wording with this municipal beaurocracy shit are important. It could be the permits and tax issue, kids coming up from town and getting fucked up, people smashing in their windshields and making police reports. It doesn't show alot of insight on their parts though as the 4 summer events likely put alot into offsite spending- even as much as $40 or $50 a person - you do the math.

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basically the city is telling rick that he can't hold huge parties there and
charge admision

Just like the spring shaker in NB, they couldnt sell tix,but they could accept set "donations" which got you on a master list,in turn got you a bracelet to get in etc etc,this got them around the whole by-law thing there and allowed for 700+ people to party on my buddies private property.It also was completely legal.With a percentage of the "donations" goin to the boys & girls club.

Maybe Rick & Mark should be checkin into that stuff(if they havent already).

Just my thoughts......

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basically the city is telling rick that he can't hold huge parties there and charge admision, however you can still go camp there any time you want,, thats what the place is there for,, i think its about 5 bucks for the nite

yep, that is exactly it.

i talked to rick about this situation during July 1st. He figures the only way they could continue to have the fests would be to make like 100 dollar ticket prices....


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I wrote a letter to the mayor and deputy mayor...don't worry i didn't talk about having cat tranquilizer crusties or gettin blitzed.

here it is.

It's recently come to my attention that West Grey county has formally requested that Frontiertown cease and desist all commercial activities. As a discerning music lover I am both confused and appalled by this request. I am curious to know the reasons the Come Together Music Festivals are a problem to the town, as the weekends are always the ideal place to get away and enjoy good times with friends and sometimes family without the potential risk of violence and the regular stupidity that often goes along with conventional music festivals.

I don't think you realize it, but the CTMF if a staple in hundreds of peoples' summer plans. It's been going on for several years and your community has seemes to not mind the few hundred people that come into town every day in search of groceries, a bite to eat at the local eateries, blankets and supplies in your shops, and the polite and courteous nature of the music fans and summer partiers.

Does your community think that this is purely a drunken bash where people get rowdy and violent?? I hope not, because even though people like to drink and get silly while camping and dancing to great music, I've never seen any sort of hostility or violence. The weekends used to invite motorcyclists(bikers) to the area but the past 2 years have shown the numbers fall to next to none. If that's a concern to you then don't worry.

The first time I noticed a slight problem was the victoria day weekend. One of the headlining acts from victoria was involved in a drum circle that lasted all night with a drum kit. it is understandable that the sound would carry with a set of drums, but it wasn't even amplified as the music all day and most of the evening would be.

I was hoping that you'd start to actually think about your actions and concerns because from the perspective of someone that actually knows about the festival, you seem to be clouded by a possible 2 things: worry that something could or already does go wrong, and possible complaints from neighbours. In the past any communication from local residents was met with open ears from the owners of Frontiertown. In the past they've stopped the music on the main stage when requested by neighbours without hesitation. What other concerns could come about??

the CTMF truly gives people that want to go and have a good time (a genuine good time, not just a fun time fuelled by a beer tent) with friends they rarely get to see and music that is hard to come by in an environment the fosters respect and friendship. It may sound lovey dovey but to be honest, that's actually what goes on there. there's ample space for all the campers, shower and toilet facilities, and beautiful west grey scenery. If you continue to take this away from us you'll destroy an integral part of the live music scene in Ontario and force us to put ourselves in a position where we have to deal with the conventional problems associated with conventional music festival concerns (theft, violence, uneasiness, disrespect and disrespectful intoxication, and mischeif.

I sincerely hope that yourselves and your fellow council members honestly rethink your actions and ask yourself if there are actually any serious, valid concerns involved with your decision and the issue or if you're just worried that kids are having a good time and making some racket.

I would seriously appreciate some feedback on the matter, as I'm baffled as to why any community would frown upon free tourism dollars from people that actually like to spend their money locally and genuinely enjoy themselves.

so?? am i a doophus for anything i wrote? Ithink it's a realistically laid out concern addressing frustration in a polite yet assertive manner.

i urge you all to write letters...perhaps if you'd like to write to the councilmembers you could be more personal, and write seperate letters to each member, extolling the virtues and wonders that this festival brings and how it's actually a special time rather than a cash cow.

Municipality of

West Grey

Delton Becker,


Phone: 369-1399

Fax: n/a


Postal: 441527 Con 8, NDR

R.R.#1 Elmwood, N0G 1S0

Municipality of

West Grey

Carol Lawrence,

Deputy Mayor

Phone: 369-3816

Fax: 369-2705

Email: clawrence@greycounty.on.ca

Postal: 293 Elgin St. N, Durham, N0G 1R0

perhaps call and leave messages, I wrote a letter and have to go make some music of my own

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I'm not really sure how to respond to all of this, as I don't have enough information to make an informed decision.

I've emailed Mark Wilson with a link to this thread so that he can see what people are saying and offering to do. I plan on talking with him in the near future to get his input on all of this. I think that Rick (the owner of Frontier Town) is going to work with a lawyer to try and figure out how to best respond to the township's order to cease all commercial activities.

In my mind there are 2 general approaches to this problem ... resolve the issue with the township so that the festivals can continue at Frontier Town, or find another location. I think resolving the issue with the township would be the better solution, but at this point nobody is sure if/when/how this will happen.

If anybody has a solid lead on an alternative location where the Labour Day festival could take place, I encourage you to call or email Mark Wilson with your suggestion. His contact info can be found here:

Come Together Music Fest contact info

Ideally things will get resolved in the near future so that the Labour Day festival can go ahead as scheduled. As for the August long weekend festival, I think Mark Wilson's concern is that there just isn't enough time to move it somewhere else. Having said that, if anyone (e.g. Mr. Musicface) has an alternative solution and a willingness to help, please feel free to contact Mark Wilson with your possible solution.

Peace, Mark Tonin

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yay, I think Tonin is right...

its either find a way around the municipality's action (maybe a donation to the "Frontier Town Foundation" as Esau said) or else finding a new home for the Come Together Music Festival. I think the festival is going too strong to just die away.

Rick or someone in charge should certainly make sure that the city knows that everyone coming to the festival spends money grabbing food and beverages, etc. in town over the weekend which is likely a significant economic benefit to the city.

QOTD - If you were going to attend a weekend outdoor festival anywhere in Ontario what would be your ideal region.

I'd personally love to see something up on the Bruce Peninsula, the pine trees smell great and the swimming can't be beat.

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Hey Mark, thanks for your response. Yeh, I'm with you and Mark Wilson, it's probably too late to move the August fest whole-hog to another location.

What I was thinking was maybe a one or two night thing at as big a venue as we can find on short notice, with Caveman (if they're still interested) headlining, and whatever other bands that Mark Wilson had talked to joining in. Personally, I think most bands would forgo making any big money off this to help the cause - certainly my band would play for free, no question.

Ideally, it would be location with camping fairly close by, so if folks wanted to come from out of town and camp they still could.

As for a location... well honestly, I hadn't got that far yet! : [Confused][Wink] I'll think about it myself, I guess ideally at this point somewhere somewhat close to Frontier Town would be better, both for people who have made any travel plans and whatnot, and for the purpose of raising awareness about the Frontier Town situation.

Hey Mark, how about the Lanc in KW? I don't know the venue myself, but would it work for something like this? Just a thought.

If anyone else has ideas, please please post 'em. I'm gonna try to ring Mark Wilson tomorrow and see what he thinks, it would suck extra for me to have the August weekend just die 'cus that was supposed to be the big finish to my vacation! [Frown]


Mr. M.

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Originally posted by paisley:

QOTD - If you were going to attend a weekend outdoor festival anywhere in Ontario what would be your ideal region.

I'd personally love to see something up on the Bruce Peninsula, the pine trees smell great and the swimming can't be beat.

I'm with you Paisely. Throw a party like that up north on the Canadian Shield surrounded by pine trees and you won't be able to keep me away. That's the main reason why I miss so many CTMF's, because I'm camping up north, getting the hell away from the city.

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i am starting a petition for the city of durham,, it will be avaliable for signing with all pure hemp reps, and i will put a few coppies around for you guys to sign them.

basically the city is telling rick that he can't hold huge parties there and charge admision, however you can still go camp there any time you want,, thats what the place is there for,, i think its about 5 bucks for the nite

mr music man, i think we should definatly hook something up,, even if we all just take over a camp site and set up a satge, i have a good feeling that this will get resolved, cause there are way to many people trying to work it oput with the city

keep faith

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Muskoka could sure definitely use some good vibes and good bands. There isnt enough of that up here. We have the Lose Yer Shoes festival and that is about it. Perhaps another event or two would entice more "jambands" to play up here more often. [big Grin]

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ok,, after much thought and debate i've becided that i think the best thing we can do it is to, creater a form letter outlining the resons why frontier town should be left alone, and how it is a good thing for the comunity to have parties there,, and make the letter do all we have to do is fill in our names and address and sign the bottom.. them, we will distribute the letters to the mayor of durham and other town officials untill they get so mad the let us have our parties

So... who is literate enought to make up a good letter that we can distribute?

if anyone has good english skills and a good idea of what needs to be said hook me up and writer a nice letter then send it to me, and let the fun begin

the petition was a good idea but i felll it would nevewr have done any good,,

if you have any better ideas let me know

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