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Opium production down, marijuana use up, U.N. report says


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Opium production down, marijuana use up, U.N. report says


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

WASHINGTON - Opium poppy cultivation was down 22 percent worldwide in 2005, according to a study that the United Nations released Monday, part of a mixed report card on global efforts to combat drug trafficking.

Coupled with a stabilization of global markets for cocaine and amphetamines, the 2006 World Drug Report says, "drug control is working and the world drug problem is being contained."

Not all the news was good, however. The report also warns that cocaine consumption in western Europe is reaching "alarming levels" and says that global consumption of cannabis, the world's most popular drug, continues to increase.

In addition, officials warn that there could be an upswing in opium cultivation in Afghanistan, which is responsible for 89 percent of world opium production. Because of continued political turmoil, poverty and violence, Afghanistan's "drug situation remains vulnerable to reversal," the report says. "This could happen as early as 2006."

Opium poppy cultivation decreased in Afghanistan for the first time since 2001, when U.S. forces removed the Taliban from power.

Antonio Maria Costa, head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime, praised the "magnificent decline" in production of the opium poppy, the plant used to make heroin.

The report attributes the decline in opium production to cutbacks in Afghanistan, as well as a reduction in the so-called golden triangle in Myanmar and Laos.

After years of rapid increases, the global market for amphetamine-type stimulants - of which methamphetamine is the most popular - is stabilizing because of increased international support in controlling the precursor chemicals used to make the drug, the report says. But the number of people seeking treatment for methamphetamine addiction in North America increased more in the past year than for any other drug.

According to top U.S. officials, marijuana abuse in America is also still a major problem.

John Walters, director of the White House Office of Drug Control Policy, warned that there is still "a culture of denial" in this country surrounding the dangers of the drug.

"We are not sending the message on cannabis that we are sending with other drugs," he said. "It is not just a gateway (drug); it's a dead end."

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Not just a gateway, but a dead end?

Where is it that he thinks life should go? On the receiving end of some cluster bomb somewhere? Nice to know some people have the meaning of life good and sorted out.

I expect, in fact, that he might say we're supposed to be giving our time, energy, and money to a Southern Baptist megachurch, drugging ourselves into compliance the old fashioned way, through abject fear and paranoia about how our neighbours would have us think and act, while trying to scratch the itch of chronic existential dissatisfaction through the relentless pursuit of consumer goods achieved through an ever-expanding global marketplace. He probably wouldn't quite put it that way, though.

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trying to scratch the itch of chronic existential dissatisfaction through the relentless pursuit of consumer goods achieved through an ever-expanding global marketplace

Well said...

[color:purple]The only true path to personal and communal development, and enhanced life quality.

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I expect, in fact, that he might say we're supposed to be giving our time, energy, and money to a Southern Baptist megachurch, drugging ourselves into compliance the old fashioned way, through abject fear and paranoia about how our neighbours would have us think and act, while trying to scratch the itch of chronic existential dissatisfaction through the relentless pursuit of consumer goods achieved through an ever-expanding global marketplace.

And the Longest Sentence of The Year Award goes to......... :P

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Weed is good and so is opium in moderation. Very theraputic and relaxing.

I love to hit the opium pipe on the beach while I listen to the Doobie Bros. Really eases the stress.

But never forget opium is addictive, so one has to have self-control. In either case it's hard to find in the western hemisphere.

Drugs ain't bad people's lack of discipline and moderation is.....

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I expect' date=' in fact, that he might say we're supposed to be giving our time, energy, and money to a Southern Baptist megachurch, drugging ourselves into compliance the old fashioned way, through abject fear and paranoia about how our neighbours would have us think and act, while trying to scratch the itch of chronic existential dissatisfaction through the relentless pursuit of consumer goods achieved through an ever-expanding global marketplace. [/quote']

And the Longest Sentence of The Year Award goes to......... :P

personally, I think it's brilliant. And cynical. Brilliantly cynical. I wanted to put it as my signature...but it's too freakin' long! :P:P

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