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all I have to say is FUCK THE USA...I just wanted to see Phil.

apparantly I was deported without my knowing or being present for the hearing in Dec. 2002 and I have a 5 year ban from entering the country. If I try to enter the country again within the 5 years I will be sent to federal prison and receive a 10 year ban. The best part of all of this was that I was not at any time during the year 2002 in the country (US). I withdrew application for permanent resident status in Jan 2000 and left the country 2 months later on my own. Nor would they show me proof of any kind that deportation judgement was made on me. The border gaurd just kept throwing blank forms at me and asking if I had seen them before or recieved any of them, all of which were new to me. They even threatened to jail my wife for aiding an illegal alien to gain entry into the US and remove my 4 week old baby from our care. I dont know where these people come up with this shit. UNFUCK THE WORLD!

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Seriously, seriously fucked up. Welcome to the surveillance age, where everyone is guilty till proven innocent. I trust you'll have talked with the office of your MP before long. I'd be tempted to drop a line to a couple of media outlets myself, but then who knows what you want to stoke at this point.

So sorry the pleasure of Phil et al. was denied over something so outrageously stupid, and especially sorry to hear about the threats to your wife and baby. That must make the blood boil.

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Seriously, seriously fucked up. Welcome to the surveillance age, where everyone is guilty till proven innocent. I trust you'll have talked with the office of your MP before long. I'd be tempted to drop a line to a couple of media outlets myself, but then who knows what you want to stoke at this point.

So sorry the pleasure of Phil et al. was denied over something so outrageously stupid, and especially sorry to hear about the threats to your wife and baby. That must make the blood boil.

I'm not quite sure what to do. I want to be able to go back to see shows but at the same time why would I want to go back after that? I sent an email to the US Justice Department already and when I get a response from them then I'll start droppin bombs on buildings.

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yep, we're living the "1984" world now folks! Guilty until proven innocent is the 'new normal', and I expect most Americans, and not a few Canadians, agree with this madness (until they or a loved one get screwed over).

I'm really sorry you had to endure this, MOBE, and indeed I'd agree with you, screw ever wanting to go to the US again! Crossing the border has always been a weird, unpleasant expereience for as long as I can remember** and it's only gonna get worse in my estimation. We haven't crossed over for a show in at least 4 years, and I'm starting even now to get worried for Vibes and moe.down

** one of my earliest memories was being pulled over with my family and having our camper RIPPED APART!!!! wtf were they looking for with a straight-laced family heading for some summer road-tripping? I remember my mom in tears as she re-packed the cupboards in the trailer and swept up the spilled shit they dumped on the floor.

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i have crossed the border at least 50 times and have never once had a problem. The worst case senario is getting our food searched and some fruits taken away....

this fear of the border makes no sense to me.

MOBE, you're story aside (mis informed, horrible situation etc....)

however, Calamity Jane, if you are a law abiding canadian citizen crossing the border with zero contraband, what exactly do u have to fear?

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however, Calamity Jane, if you are a law abiding canadian citizen crossing the border with zero contraband, what exactly do u have to fear?

missing a concert because the border farkers held you up for 3 hours. that's my fear. the fugging hassle.

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I've avoided crossing the border since the enactment of the Patriot Act. I think the only exception since then was for Coventry.

It's not a personal protest, or anything. I just fear the American border patrol and authorities within their country. I don't fear them because I do anything bad. I fear them because they have no regard for civil rights, and no need to uphold them anymore, and I'm just not used to that; growing up in a non-police-state and all.

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I've crossed the border hundreds of times as well. I've never been refused entry, but I've had many hassles. I've got to disagree with Dima. Even though I'm never doing anything illegal at the border I am always afraid and it seems to me that the border guards prefer it that way.

Every single time I cross with Lara, we get sent inside because her passport is South African. We have jumped through all the appropriate hoops and paid them all off with costs of visas, crossing fees, and their other bs and we still have a hard time every single time.

All that being said, the worst boarder guards I've every had were Canadian.

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point is, the border is a serious place...and it needs to be for many reasons....

so don't fuck around, and you probably shouldn't have a problem...worst case senario...you're held up a bit...but whatever...

if you want to prevent that....cut your hair, shower and look presentable you dirty wook hippies....this border guard had this butt that won't quit and i love geting the office at the police stage bcasue they have this little penuts ...what are they called again?? 5 dollars??? get out of here.

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I dunno, I'm 32 and have crossed over well over a hundred times. I've never really had a hassle. The one time we got stopped at the border, we were on our away again within an hour.

I guess I am just lucky!

Having said that, the border is exactly the place to demonstrate your serious and sober side. No fucking around, give the guard your utmost attention and be unflichingly polite.

Make it a battle of wits or pride and you're bound to come out on the losing side.

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Make it a battle of wits or pride and you're bound to come out on the losing side.

Nice choice of words man. and it rhymes!

Our crossing was really strange. after the usual round of questions - citizenship, purpose & length of visit - he asked us how much money we had. We each had between $50-$100 at the time, to which he paused, then replied "uhhh....i dunno guys, you're making me nervous" then something along the lines of not having enough money to get back into Canada. We reiterated that we were just going for one night and he let us pass. that was it...

But what an odd thing to say

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point is, the border is a serious place...and it needs to be for many reasons....

so don't fuck around, and you probably shouldn't have a problem...worst case senario...you're held up a bit...but whatever...

if you want to prevent that....cut your hair, shower and look presentable you dirty wook hippies....this border guard had this butt that won't quit and i love geting the office at the police stage bcasue they have this little penuts ...what are they called again?? 5 dollars??? get out of here.

You are a fuckin [color:blue]UNCLE TOM

and you have absolutly no clue about the modern civilized world operates.

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The border is an interesting fig. Sometimes they are complete arseholes and sometimes they are really nice. But arseholes or not, you gotta be extra polite and extra cautious (I learned this the hard way). However, that does not mean cutting your hair, not wearing tye-dye, or even taking a shower ( :) ) it just means saying "yes sir" or "no sir" and always telling the truth with a smile.

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