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someone please help me.

i've been hiccupping since about 10 after 3 yesterday afternoon.

i dont know if i hiccupped through the night, but they came roaring back when i got out of the shower.

they're very frequent and giving me sharp shooting pains from my gut on up.

18 hours of hiccups are taking their toll.. does anyone have a foolproof way of beating these fuckers into submission?

im losing my mind.

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the one that works for me is the upside-down water chug.

Get yourself a tall glass of water - a pint glass would be perfect. Instead of drinking it normally, lean forward and drink from the outer rim (is this making sense?). You'll have to bend to a 45 deg angle to stop from turning the glass of water onto your chest.

So, start drinking as much of that glass of water as you can from the opposite side of the glass that you normally would. You'll have to crouch over more and more as the water drains. Try to finish the glass if you can in one long go - don't "come up for air", that's the trick.

Hopefully by the time you have polished off the glass of water, you'll be ok. Doing this somehow almost always seems to work for me. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll just have to put your head in the oven and wait for the inevitable.

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stand up, have a glass of water in hand, bend your upper torso forward so that your head is basically upside down, put the glass to your lip (your upper lip, which is lower now that you're upside down) and drink.

you'll spill a fair bit, and it may not work with the first couple of swallows but try it a few times successively and it should do the trick

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"the one that works for me is the upside-down water chug."

Works for me everytime. I had hiccups on Saturday night as well...........what's going on in this world? AD must have borrowed my pee-buddy without my realizing it and then gave them to me.

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I do the same backwards drinking as mentioned above but I must say, I'm pretty sure it's psychological. The only actual sure fire cure I've found is to ignore them and forget about them. It's the toughest thing in the world but if you can find an activity in which you have to concentrate your mind on something else, try that.

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the upside down water drink has never failed me... but I'm not always around a glass of water that I can drink upside down.


try holding your breath and swallowing three times (which I actually find quite difficult). That works about 85% of the time for me. If it doesn't work the first time do it again. That second time has never failed me.

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I'm getting a bit nervous about guigsy........

it's all good brah.

i hit the bong after i posted / before i got on the bus - so far' date=' i havent hiccupped since. maybe that's the secret?[/quote']

And you didn't think of this sooner? I'm going to cure some hiccups ;)

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I once had them for two days straight...it was hell!! All I can suggest is to try and relax as much as possible (take a bath and listen to good tunes) and try and get your mind off them. I found that the water tricks work, but the hiccups just came back after a couple min. Good luck.

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