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I Just Made a GREAT Pot of Coffee


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believe it, or not, I haven't had coffee in a week and a half.

I've had 2 morning coffees pretty much every day for the last ... hmmm.... 8 years?

Anyway, I don't need it to become wakeful in the morning anymore. I always hated mornings and I couldn't come alive until I drank coffee. Well....I am surprised to say that I think that the coffee was the reason I hated mornings so much.

Well, I still dislike mornings, but it's not even close to before this coffee hiatus.

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hey wills, can i get this locally or do i have to order off the net?

You can get it locally for sure. I buy it at Fortinos. They carry it in the organic section. If you're trying another super-market, look in the organic section there too. I've seen it in a bunch of different stores.

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Kicking Horse is also available at many health food stores and fair trade cafes... I know Vital Planet in Westdale carries it

think it might also be available from McMaster University's Fair Trade center

good coffee to be sure


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Kicking horse is fine but by the time you buy it it's been on a shelf for a few weeks.

if you're near a place that roasts their own, ask what their schedule is for the bean you like and get it as soon as possible.

Then buy a food saver or a vacuum pot and keep them in vacuum and out of sunlight.

And you need to ditch your existing grinder and get a burr grinder like this one:


The reason is that blade grinders don't grind coffee evenly. Burr grinders are part of the reason your favorite coffee tastes better brewed in-store than brewed at home on your crappy equipment.

Bouche you'll be back soon enough.

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you can get kicking horse in the natural foods sections of those giant superstores or loblaws or independant grocery stores too. it's pricey in ON though - $16/pound! when i was drinking it in BC i think it was 11 or something? that was a few years ago though...

i started on the kickass, but like phishtrader suggested, i moved on to the 3 sisters and 454. i think of them all the 454 is my fave.

definitely the local importer/roaster is the way to go, though, if you're into spending any $$ on beans --- any victoria peeps here (bassie ?!) know if cafe fantastico is still around?? (just off quadra, 1 or 2 blocks south of hillside.) that place was wicked good!

mmmmmm coffee :) i'm into the espresso's these days, the regular coffeemaker's getting dusty :P soooooo good

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A few years ago, I and a buddy of mine and his wife went to an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica for a vacation. He grew up there, and had relatives there. He took down a suitcase within a suitcase, and mid-week, contacted one of his relatives, who hooked him up with sixty (six-zero) pounds of Jamaican High Mountain coffee: 12 five-pound vacuum-sealed bags.

We landed in Toronto about midnight, and on the way through customs, the customs agent asked what the $600 worth of goods he had declared was. "Well, about $450 of is coffee." "Coffee?" the agent replied. "Yes, but I'm a programmer..." (Actually, not all the coffee was for him: a number of his relatives in the Toronto area who used to live in Jamaica had placed orders with him.)

We then went to wait for our bags to come off the plane. Mine came though, but after a wait, his still hadn't. I said that I'd head to the line to get a cab, and they could catch up with me when the bags came through. I got in line, and about half an hour later, my buddy and his wife finally showed up. It turns out that many minutes after all the other bags had come through the carousel, his finally did. He reached for it, and several large gentlemen dressed in black magically appeared out of nowhere and said, "We'd like to talk to you..."

Since it was a flight from Jamaica, they had drug-sniffing dogs check the bags as they came off the plane. When the suitcase o' coffee came through, the dogs went bugnut, as it's common practice to wrap drugs into something that's strong-smelling (such as coffee), in the belief that the dogs won't be able to smell the drugs. (They probably won't, but they just train the dogs to sniff for coffee.)

He had to explain that the coffee was, well, just coffee. Several bags had been prodded (their seals broken, beans spilling into the suitcase), but eventually they believed that it was just coffee.

Funnily enough, I had three pounds of Jamaican Blue Mountain stashed in my bag, which got through no problem. It made me wonder if such a two-pronged approach (one big bag of just coffee, one much smaller bag of coffee + other stuff) might work...



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I've been a 1-cup-per-day drinker for years now.

There was actually a time where I was hitting the 5-cup a day mark. I love coffee - the aroma, the beans, everything about it. I didn't really realize how much it was messing around with my body - my stomach was in shambles (I drink it black...cause once you go black, you never go back), couldn't sleep through the night, and was getting constant withdrawal headaches.

It wasn't until I went to Ecuador that I totally detoxed. One would think that in a country that has coffee as their biggest export the entire country would be hooked on the bean, but nope: they drink instant (and I absolutely LOATHE instant coffee so i stayed pretty far away from it). Coffee is a luxery item, made and exported mainly for westerners (this is another topic all together).

Either way, I'm back to about 1 cup a day now...it's an easy habit (like other stimulants and addictive substances) to get back into.

"just when it hits your lips...it's so good!"

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There was a time I estimate I was drinking upwards of 15 cups of coffee a day. It started during the academic portion of college and then escalated during my co-op when I moved to Ottawa (out of the parents home for the first time) and started to really party heavily every single night. One of my roommates (Lou Iaconetti - if anyone knows him) was Italian and thus we had espresso on the go all the time. Lou and I would regularily drink mug-sized cups of coffee to start the day. Then all day at my governement job we had a really pleasant secretary whose job (partially) was to keep fresh coffee made at all times. I'd easily drink 10 cups while at work. Dinner time with the roommates always led to after-dinner espresso or coffee and then we'd head out for a night of drinking in Ottawa (and then continue in Hull when the bars closed at 1am). Once Hull shut down (4am I seem to recall), we'd head back to Ottawa for some poutine (in the market) and a couple nice hot cups of coffee. At 6:30am the alarm would go off and we'd start it all again.

I had the worst migranes back in those days. It took me years to realize the culprit - stupid Hull. ;)

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As Willy has witnessed first-hand, I love coffee and I have a caffeine addiction. At this point I'm trying to limit myself to only drinking coffee in the morning, and the managed to successful stick to this goal for the past week ... being on a canoe trip certainly helped. ;):)

The true test is always when I head back to school in September.

... must resist urge ... to brew a pot of coffee ... right now ...

Peace, Mark

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Come fall (the beginning of specialty coffee season for me) the Grand Marnier, Kahlua, Creme De Menthe, Frangelico, Amaretto, O'Darby's, and other special additions will take a plunge into this so called 'kick ass' bean. I change my choice of coffee every year and experiment with a bunch of different things to come up with a savoury specialty coffee to break out every Christmas morning. I've tried many coffees and have so far found that Black Jaguar that Matty mentioned is the best roast with my sometimes magical brews so far.

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