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Voted Off The Island (Kung Ejected From Hillside)


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HA! Ollie you make me laugh. Just out of curiousity is Ollie, is that your real name? ;)

Guelph student really confused me with all that "real person" vs "crafted virtual character" speak. I sort of feel like Cybil now. All this time thinking I had real friends and relationships through this board.

Sometimes it takes a newbie to show us the error in our ways. **rolling eyes**

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I dont think I ever had to red card anyone, but I sure do get wasted when I am in a referees outfit.

Oh man, I must have told you a thousand times DaveyBoy, soap operas were the way to go in highschool. Broads ended up thinking you were 'sensitive'........yeah, sensitive enough to get your panties around my head!

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yes, welcome guelphstudent. I enjoyed reading your contributions to this thread, you have every right to be put off by extreme behaviour in a public setting. And if that person is going to state publicly their version of the events, you should not be criticized for in turn offering yours. There's something to be said for just paying for your ticket and going to a show, and just enjoying it with other people - not to be distracted and annoyed by your fellow concert-goers.

And if there's some confusion for you as to the defence of Luke around here, it's simply because...... well, we love him. Most of us, by now, can see the humanity behind the extremes of behaviour. Don't hate the player, hate the game, sister.

In any event, welcome!

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Guelph Student, no one here is asking you to like/accept/admire/tolerate Luke. However, I don't think it is necessary to explain to a public board of people, (many who happen to be friends or acquaintances of Luke) your personal opinions of him. This is not Luke's board, homepage etc. Its a board for people who like music, and chatter. Coming on here and getting extremely personal about your dislikes for people in a public forum is an un-necessary and at least for me, an unwelcomed act.

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wow. that was REALLY unfair, Ollie.

i said I was sorry, twice! what more do you want?

You're right. I have belaboured the point.

As for an apology, not necessary and I never asked for one. I just wanted to point something out you might not have been aware of.

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I've met Luke. Nice guy in person. Big smile. We didn't talk much.

I've also seen him acting a fool at shows. Sometimes within the realm of acceptable behaviour, other times outside the boundaries. I can see how he would piss people off.

I'm with Marc-o: Sometimes I've paid for my ticket and want to stand there with my arms folded, watching the band. It'd be one thing if I walked into a throng of passionately dancing people and threw a tantrum if somebody bumped into me; I'd be ridiculous in thinking that I'd have a right to stand there untouched or unbothered. If the crowd, on the whole, is chilling, and there's one dude bumping into people all over the place, that's no good. I think you were warranted, GS, in coming to this specific thread and responding to zero's story. In fairness, Birdy and Dos, it's not as if she posted her own thread to be inflamatory.

Deeps I take your point re: envigorating the Guelph scene and such. I think there's a reasonable line to be drawn between encouraging those around you to dance, and causing those people discomfort. If Luke crosses that line, whatever the reason, he deserves to be called out for it.

On the other hand, GS, there's a line to be drawn between criticizing the guy's behaviour and attacking him personally. You say

...be aware that you often go too far, and you ruin things for others.

and that's warranted, based on the numerous experiences you claim to have. But you also say

But, LUKE is a very real, and very offensive person.

and that really isn't warranted.

In any event, thank you Luke for being a rather clever writer who has amused me more than once on this board. Thanks for being a true music lover. Maybe take it down a notch, understanding that not everybody gets off on a show the same way as you do.

GS, thanks for having the cahones to come on here and giv'er. I used to be full of that kind of piss and vinegar. Then one day, somebody recognized me at a show and yelled at me for 10 minutes about something I said on the internet that offended her (I'm still right, she was being ridiculous). Anyway after that I just decided it wasn't worth it. Welcome to the board in any event.


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Whoooooaaaa. This is a fucking trip. I mean sure I'm an attention hound but not this much attention, I don't know what's harder to take the praise or the criticism. It's sort of hard for me to be part of a club that would have me as a member.

It occured to me that beneath the Hunter S. comparisons and whatnot- and for sure there is something gonzo about what I'm on about but I never want to be 'hunteresque'- cringe- that one way of describing what I do is autopathography.


n. An autobiography that is inspired by or that focuses on a disease or disorder that afflicts the author. (A blend of autobiography and pathology.)

I'm actually not strictly talking about bipolar disorder. Actually my affliction is being an asshole (or a rogue would be a more flattering way of putting it). It's both loutish incompetence and something constructed with some savvy I don't fully appreciate myself. In terms of bipolar disorder I am really glad to be in this club, I mean Mozart, Beethoven, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Pierre Peladeau, Margaret Trudeau, Mike Tyson and mutherfuggin' DMX yo. I think there is a really clearcut and well documented connection between creativity and mental illness or madness (Lynn Redfield Jameson writes about this in Spark of Fire). Anyways I don't play an instrument except the talk box and skin flute yet my whole world is music. I know this happens to everyone but I get very physical goosebump responses to music and am drawn to tears fairly easily (Ooh Child comes on AM radio -fuggedaboutit).

Thing is I pretty much agree with or understand most everything of what GS is saying. Funny enough Lara (kitkat) and I were private messaging each other and I said thanks for the support but I sort of felt bad for the GS getting shut down, then she sort of did too. So I mean that's weird in and of itself, why would I empathize with her when I don't even know her and she's slamming me pretty hard and well?

I don't even know how to respond to this and I'm not sure it even makes sense.

LUKE is wholly incapable of empathy, ZERO is (sometimes) capable of responding in writing on point. And it does seem that some of this discussion has allowed ZERO to understand that some of LUKE’s behaviour was wrong.

I've got to say in my own defense that, yes I keep a high profile but it's not all just egotism. I mean I'm in a sort of costume which is intentional sort of theatre of life, I'm in really good physical shape so I am capable of extremes and moreso with the fuel- and like here's the thing that you're missing. I can't not respond to the music that way. Has that ever occured to you? I can't not dance like that. It's how the music fuses and interacts with my mind.

This is also a good point.

i really can't fathom how some of his actions ie, smoking joints with minors, hitting on your friends, frizbees in the head, pissing on a path, can be deemed so 'offensive' by you to the point where you would publicly berate him..


more to follow

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Okay this seems to be getting to be more about the dancing and random sketchy weirdness than anything. I should just say to that I think it highly unlikely you'll see much more of the latter from me but plenty of the former. I had actually been doing well with the not drinking but went off the wagon for Trey and well it's an upturned applecart. On that note I just wanted to respond to a few things people said.

I'm battling you on this because so much of Guelph is hyper-focussed on political correctness and social control...this town is getting pretty tired pretty quick because of the shoe gazing that attitude is breeding

So much talk about how Guelph is so mucically gifted and noone moves at shows...why???? Because it's not encouraged to be exuberant....

So true Deeps. So true. I was deeply touched by this spoken word almost sermon that Depiestre did at the Thunder Said CD release. I have a transcript of it but the gist of it was that it doesn't matter what you call the music, indy, funk, jam and that you go out to any bar and there's people pouring their hearts out making music and they create art and love (but I heard wealth which also works but isn't something Steve would say). Anyways he had been smart and booked Nate Coles Outfit to open and they kicked it like the Hip and got people hyped and sort of set the bar high, people stayed and most were there for Thunder but people definitely left from the indy rock camp except Vish the drummer (who's my nemesis but it was classy and he bought a CD. Anyways they're a dancing show and they're actually bummed on the fact they couldn't play with say the Constantines a band they love because they're perceived as a so-called jamband (that's Brooks more than Deeps). There's a point here. They encored with KC Accidental which I'd spied on the setlist but glad I had. And it was a sort of biting wink even Brooks suggested it was half in his mind when he lobbied for it as a cover. Biting in that like people think jamming is easy but couldn't pull off the group relationship whereas here they were doing the indy strokes and the same wouldn't likely be so vice versa. But it's universal, I mean that righteous absorbed released feeling whether it's The Duo or Broken Social Scene. And even the lyrics of that song wink, and when I hear it at a BSS show it just sends me soaring- it can't not.

All your kind they're coming clean

They shut their eyes, their mess, their scenes

All your kind, their spool and lance

their crash, their kiss, they harmonize

All your kind they're, all your kind they

All your kind they come and clean

their sleep through keys

they kill their needs

it's kill...

They shut their eyes, their mess, their scenes... spool and lance... harmonize..clean... sleep... keys... kill....needs... kill.

But what would it mean to really live a sentiment like that and in a live performance if you've spent some time with the semantic web of words and you're enmeshed in it and the light fantastic. I mean it's the show......


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Is he doing this to tell a "story?" To be the "character" in his own story? I think to a certain degree yes. His willingness to challenge social mores come out in this role of crazy-dancing, drug-taking, boozing music-writer guy. He likes "knowing" or being "acquaintances" (I use both terms loosely) with musicians he admires, the part he plays in their shows, and being a part of the local scene in his own way. His taste is pretty good, and he seeks out new music before others. His quest to inspire the apathetic concert-goer and the "vibe" of a show is admirable. If we all stepped it up a notch, particularly in the indie-rock scene, Toronto would be less Toronto and more New York. But obviously Zero takes this way too far, and causes far more distress and angst amongst the masses than he can control.

Well that guy just plain knows me better than I know myself.

{I later thought to myself that it's about offering something. Like what does the peasant farmer give the king or queen? Eggs. Cadence Weapon dug the Del Tha Funkee Homosapien at the Dead show story, Travis and Dallas genuinely were interested to know about my take on Garth and our mutual stories about him (them having worked with him recently). That's real and valid and people often want to take that away from me. It's because it comes at such a high cost and because I don't give people a lot of choice but you can't. That's one thing someone like MK will defend even prize me for even though he is much higher up the media ladder in terms of his career. Also I don't have any of the salt and pepper, just the salt and pepper wisdom}

Now this I have to take offence with.

It’s walking in front of a seated crowd in a tent during the middle of an afternoon show to grab a couple of MINORS out of the front row to take over to the side to smoke a joint – in full view of everyone.

Seriously the only thing slept on at that festival more than Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and Lubo Alexandrov were DAVID KIM and MITCH ALEXANDER- those guys were fuÇking dudes. I guess we should have been outside the tent but we were out of the way and just fug off with this whole trip. Seriously those kids were dudes like the Harold and Kumar of Hillside. How many people's names do you remember after a weekend like that GS? Because I met hundreds of people I'm sure and remember almost all there names and in most cases there nicknames I've given them (I'm a nomenclaturist - a name-come-upper) like the lovely couple Mr. and Mrs. Errol Swarthy, and our recent interactions and conversations. I may get really messy and frankly black out is the sad part but I still have a pretty ridiculously good recall. 97%. I've been tested

Did we follow him around to observe his actions all weekend? No, but anyone there would also tell you, one could not help but see him. It was like there was three of him there. He was everywhere.

Is that an insult cause it's a pretty dope compliment on it's end?

And if there's some confusion for you as to the defence of Luke around here, it's simply because...... well, we love him. Most of us, by now, can see the humanity behind the extremes of behaviour. Don't hate the player, hate the game, sister.


I thought you'd get a kick out of this. A photographer that was all around the festival has me up on his lead page The Narrative

Make your mind up for yourself. What does this picture say to you?

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I'm sorry but that just sounds so gross and if I did do that which I doubt or was definitely blacked out - there must have been something a context is all - probably the context that for some really whacked reason I really can't conjecture it worked on some tangent. That's how those things happen with me but usually I can reconstruct the tangent. Whatever how many people in Guelph do you really want to be friends with or even find remotely engaging? Still that one has even me stumped.

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I was digging for a particular quote (that I found in another part of the book, "Shatterday") and came across this:

I am anti-entropy. My work is foursquare for chaos. I spend my life personally, and my work professionally, keeping that soup boiling. Gadfly is what they call you when you are no longer dangerous, when the right magazines publish your work and you don't have to seek out obscure publications as homes for the really mean stuff, when they ask you to come and discuss matters of import with "celebrities" on the Johnny Carson Show. I much prefer troublemaker, malcontent, pain in the ass, desperado. As I've said elsewhere, I see myself as a combination of Jiminy Cricket and Zorro. Thus do I ennoble myself in the times when all the simple joys I've forsworn rush back on me as chances lost, and I'm left with only the work and something Irwin Shaw said: "Since I am not particularly devout, my chances for salvation lie in a place sometime in the future on a library shelf."

It's in this context that I place zero's writing, and behaviour. He (figuratively) dances on the knife edge, and sometimes (figurative) blood gets spilled, and not always his own. I'm not sure I'd want an entire crowd of zeros, but the one we've got is a welcome addition to any show I happen to be at.

(And in my opinion, the bringing of the replica gun was quite far over the line; if I had been there with him when he packed it for the festival, I would have strongly warned against bringing it.)



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