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Don't Steal from the Staff Fridge


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One other point that I thought of last night about this whole revenge trick is this - think about how gross it is that someone put toilet water in the fridge! And could she fill the bottle without touching the toilet water with her hands? AND then wouldn’t there be some water on the outside of the bottle? The very same bottle that is next to your lunches in the fridge!

Not one single person in the office is concerned (and there's well over 20 people that know about this situation) . They are all very happy that she did what she did, cause people are sick and tired of losing their lunches and drinks!

Secondly, she was very careful and washed everything off and her hands too.

Thirdly, there is "probably" more bacteria on door knobs, buses, Keyboards, railings, etc, etc from people not washing their hands then there is in a toilet. And people are talking about how toxic the cleaner is...... well from the small amount they would have drank you are "probably" ingesting more toxins on your vegetables, and inhaling more toxins from the air then the toilet water. (that being said i'm not a scientist, i've just heard some pretty filthy reports in the past)

And it wouldn't have been an innocent person who would have drank the water....this person was breaking open her bags to get to it.

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But people poo in toilets, not on my vegetables.

And um, sometimes, um, some, um, poo, um stays on the toilet after you flush.

I'm not saying it's not a valid point....but people touch your vegetables at the grocery store with poo on their hands, and there's pesticides on your vegetables, and your mushrooms are grown in poo...... (and then the next point some one will try and argue is yes but you wash them before you eat them....TRUE but you've already touched them before that and probably have touched your mouth a million times before you got home)

All I'm trying to get across is there truly are everyday common things that are just as bad for you as the toilet water that we are in contact with all the time.


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