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I feel weird.


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I am heading into my last three or four hours as a lawyer in BC. I am simultaneously in the middle of moving everything I own across the country (after firing my movers today), becoming a landlord to a new tenant at my condo, arranging a wedding, and saying goodbye to everyone I know; all to be completed this weekend.

I feel weird.

That is all.

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I read that as "you look a little weird to mate" (amazing the difference one little 'o' can make)

Anyhow, that's a lot of transition at once SM, no doubt!! I think it would be weird if you weren't feeling weird. So in fact you're probabably feeling perfectly normal right now considering the circumstances.

All the best as you plunge into these next stages. Sounds like you've got a pretty good grip on things!!

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I read that as "you look a little weird to mate" (amazing the difference one little 'o' can make)

Anyhow, that's a lot of transition at once SM, no doubt!! I think it would be weird if you weren't feeling weird. So in fact you're probabably feeling perfectly normal right now considering the circumstances.

All the best as you plunge into these next stages. Sounds like you've got a pretty good grip on things!!

what she said :P

sounds like you are making all the life-changing moves that you possibly could all at the same time...you should be pleased that you are merely feeling weird. most people that attempt that much change at once would be happy just to feel weird...

congratulations on your move, the west's loss is for sure the east's gain...

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wow....hang in there StoneMtn!

this actually reminds me of the huge leap/transition Dave & I took at almost the exact same time one year ago....

Ive been feeling weird just reliving it in my memory. All I can say is the pieces do eventually land (and fit!) where theyre meant too. All you can do is BREATHE through it....and soon that bouncing baby ball of joy will be suckling at your breast....oooops...wrong advice....I do mean, keep breathing and soon enough you will be on the other side of it all, wondering at your awesome capacity to do it all!!

look forward to finally meeting you someday (and Lassie) when the dust settles!

Edited by Guest
damn 'p' is sticking on one of our keyboards!
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It's now about a year since we pulled up stakes, and I can still taste all that weirdness. I do hope it all goes smoothly for you, though. Have you had a soundtrack for this time (if that makes sense), so you can listen to that music in years to come, recall the weirdness, and think, Yeah, that was pretty weird, wasn't it?

I like that word, "weird". Big life changes are always laced with the surreal. Enjoy! We'll be the luckier to have you closer to these parts (I look forward to dissociating you from your avatar :) ).

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Good luck with everything StoneMtn. I've moved across the country a couple times now and it's great. I can never forget driving from Medicine Hat AB to Toronto in my '92 Suzuki Swift with 300,000 km. Everything I owned (or wanted to own) was jammed into that little baby, including a large roof top carrier. I'm surprised it made it. The praries were pretty easy, but the climbs in Northern ON were pretty hilarious, top speed sometimes of 50km an hour. Pricless.

Good luck and congratulations on the wedding, going through that myself and am so excited I can hardly contain myself. Can't wait to see you and your wife out there on the dance floor.

Enjoy this time because it should be a lot of fun and an unforgetable experiance.

Slainte Mhath (Gaelic for good journey)

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