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Alternatives to Bell?


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funny...just got my Primus bill...

$41.90 includes....


call waiting

caller ID

and 300 minutes anytime long distance North America

My Bell bill by comparison was $45 with no caller ID or call waiting.

I have stuck with them and use 10-15-945 for Long distance calls, and our bill never deviates from the $41-$45 range.

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Wonder if bouche ever got his Voip to work on his regular jacks...that's the one thing I don't like.

I don't know about bouche's situation' date=' but I was able to do this with mine very easily. You just loop the system back into a phone jack and they all are active. The main thing you gotta do is physically disconnect the main phone lines coming into your house (you can do this where it enters the splitter inside your house).


I never did find the phone line to disconnect from Bell. Although, I think I do see it coming in, I'm not sure where it leads.

We just got a set of Uniden cordless phones and they work GREAT!

Also, we're only paying $19.99/mth and have all of those listed features and 500 minutes-anywhere-in-North-America. I don't think we've even come close to that number yet.

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I can't wait until March when I can be done with Bell entirely.

As previously mentioned in this thread, they have done nothing but screw with me since "my" first phone back in first year university.

I haven't had a land line in a couple of years..no real point to it for me...but I still have my Bell cell (even though I work at Rogers) because I'm waiting until I can take my number with me...

For those of you who don't know, March '07 you will be able to take your (local) cell number with you, should you want to retain it, if you change cell providers. I've had my number for 6 years and want to keep it, so I can wait a few more months. :)

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Doesn't your phone line go down though if the power goes out with those VOIP lines?

Yup. However' date=' you set up your account so that if that ever happens, it automatically redirects your call to an alternate number ... like a cell phone.


My neighbour did that, got the digital phone service, realized if & when the cable went down she would have no phone, so she decided to get a cell phone for back-up, in the end it now costs her almost double what she was paying for a landline. 028.gif

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my cybersurf VOIP service has a 8 hour battery backup on the phone modem

I'm going hands free! ;)

I'm with RubberDinghy. Primus has a sweet bundle $89/month gets phone, digital satelite tv and DSL Highspeed internet for 6 months and then it goes up to $95/mth. I just signed up for it from a junk mail ad I got. I too said fuck Bell but the only thing is Bell still owns the phone lines in Canada and gets a cut from Primus.

Is Primus the new name Sprint took??

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Man, I wish this thread came up last week. The Vonage deal looks pretty good. I'm all bundled up with Cogeco now and so far so good. I have a sweet sports and movie package for cable and I'm liking the free long distance. I think it's only a matter of time before Cogeco has all the bugs worked out of it's system.

It's good to hear what other people are paying and how satisfied they are with their service.

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911 Dialing

Does this differ in any way from Bell's 911 service. I've heard it does but that may have been fixed.

Still not sold on any of the above. Why does everyone hate Bell so much? I might pay $10 more a month for less services (that I probably won't use) but I've never had a problem with my phone.

Edited to add: I find it funny that some people who have no problem laying down a $60 bar tab on a Friday night are nickle and diming over a monthly fee. ;)

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Why does everyone hate Bell so much?

ollie i take it you've never talked to Emily or whatever the bell IVR robot's name is. that bitch! haha.

seriously though.. bell's customer service SUCKS!!! and they nickel and dime you big time.. like the whole "line insurance" thing... where you have to pay a monthly fee just in case something should go wrong with your line! BRUTAL!

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Bell has been ok for me....Ive down graded to the most basic service available (im in the middle of a contract) and we've just bought into the 20/mo from Vonage...should be much better than using/paying and arm and a leg for wireless to cover all our needs..

And YES, Emily the robot at Bell can SUCK MY ASS! I hate that trick..

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Vonage eh? That sounds interesting I'm going to look into that. I badly want to ditch bell.

pm me if you want to jump on vonage. there is a referral credit that I'd love to try out.

I haven't had any problems with it, and we've had it for about 5 mths. I was a little hesitant, but I guess with Sharon's cell-phone from work, we won't be without service. Mind you, I think our internet went down once for about 20 minutes, and it wasn't our provider, I just had to reset my router.

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bell doesn't get you drunk ollie. booze does. do the math

My point is - why skimp on something as important as your phone line? I've used the internet long enough to know it's not reliable. And cell phones suck for reception, comfort, hearing, etc.

Birdy, I don't have "line insurance" on my bill. Are you sure it's not an optional service?

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So it sounds like you just need one piece of hardware that you connect the cable into, then you plug the phone line into a phone jack, and your whole house is wired? (provided you cut the bell connection)

yeah, the device will take advantage of your internal phone network. you need to disconnect it from bell because from time to time they send a voltage and that would likely damage your device, and possibly even your computer.

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Birdy, I don't have "line insurance" on my bill. Are you sure it's not an optional service?

yes i think it's optional.. but for those people who do have something wrong with their line (just as i had), you have no choice but to opt for the stupid insurance thing, if you don't want to pay a ridiculous upfront amount. i had three different places with something wrong with the line when i first moved in and i started to think it was a conspiracy on bell's part. i'm all about being digital now.. and haven't noticed any glitches with the cogeco deal.. we also haven't had a power outage yet either.. but power outages aren't for chitchatting on the phone, they're for LOOTING! :)

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I wouldn't know where to start....I worked in a dept that dealt with Sympatico but on the Ma Bell side...you see, already it doesn't make sense...Lost modems, screwed up service, I got yelled at by customers countless times, heirarchy that didn't make sense, Sympatico tech support that you'd have to call 3-4 times to get somebody that would actually help the customer, or that spoke english, that bitch Emily, outdated software that wouldn't do what it was supposed to, causing sometimes thousands of new customers to have thier startup delayed....It was brutal...

Wonder why I quit?

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