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Free Hugs


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Steph (slavetothegroove) saw a group of girls doing the campaign downtown today and it's really nice. Not sure if it's been posted before but why not. I've seen people with the signs before and I think it's a great idea. What better way to brighten up your day than a random hug :)

Free Hugs!!

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That first older lady makes me smile.

When she puts her hand on his face there is much sweetness.

I heard a story on the CBC about this. The band actually knew the guy in the vid hugging. IIRC he was an art student who was down on his luck and sick of wallowing so he thought up the free hug campaign.

The band saw an opportunity to associate their tune with. Due to the immense popularity of this viral video the band has been signed to a label and have moved to California to record an album.



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Wow. Thanks for that. Did that yank on my heart strings or what. I'm a friggin' blubbering fool right now. I've given my 4 year old (sick at home with me today) a whole bunch of hugs since seeing it. Nothin' like hugging your kids.

There seem to be a couple of guys who have spearheaded this effort. Jason Hunter in the US http://www.free-hugs.com/ and Juan Mann in Australia (the one in the video) http://www.smh.com.au/news/music/free-hug-man-speaks-out/2006/09/28/1159337257843.html


Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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yes, you're right.

let's go back to hating our neighbours and elbowing whoever tries to come into our personal space... and instead of hellos, i much prefer a low belly grunt and maybe if i'm lucky a nod of the head. no eye contact please. that's too much!

one thing I loved about Borat, is how he showed how cold and unresponsive north american society really is through comedy. BRILLIANT! god that movie was funny.

the shy people in need of a hug are much better off with a chance of getting one, than not dima.

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