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yeah, how am I supposed to hypnotize anyone with the hypnotoad if my avatar isn't showing like that?

I like the little calendar but not at the top, it would be better in the left hand side bar. Click on a date and it goes to the calendar. Hover the mouse over the date and it tells you the events for that day.

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thats some avatar Del =)

maybe the calendar might be better at the bottom of the page, if the sidebar doesn't work well for it... if you're wonderin whats happenin you could scroll down, but if you don't care whats happening you're not bombarded

and yeah, not a big fan of the avatar-less article threads

anyways, time ta slip outta here...

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yeah, how am I supposed to hypnotize anyone with the hypnotoad if my avatar isn't showing like that?

Holy shit I never noticed that the eyes move!!

I like how the first post in a topic gets more prominence but it would be cool if the avatar was displayed as well. I like "article". It's a nod to the usenet days. Although that means "comments" should be "replies".

I'm waiting to see what the calendar is going to be all about.

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That's what I'm talking about. It's a screenshot from another site. You hover the mouse over the day and it shows you the shows. Anyone can add an event but they're moderated (have to be approved). The one you see is december 31. You click on one of the events and you get the details.

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It's working, the ALL HAIL HYPNOTOAD ;)

Hey Bouche, can you activate the add function for the calendar and let us play? I've tried hitting the button but all it seems to do is add a row to the table below it about 10-15 pixels wide that's blank (I'm guessing you already know this but I'm bored as hell at work).


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Hey Mattm....

I just realized that we should have a calendar forum. Yep...another forum! I've meant to figure out how best to use the calendar a while ago, but I just jumped in now.

Every event will also create a topic, so the Sanctuary needs a forum for events in the different cities, and also people to update them. I've talked to Maverick's in the past about being a provider, for example. Not everyone should have access to add events either, so there will need to be a few dedicated volunteers (that know their way around a php form) to take care of local events.

I'll just leave the calendar as is in the Cavern for a couple of days to get more of a realtime sense of it, realizing that people are able to participate in the individual event posts.

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I've meant to figure out how best to use the calendar a while ago, but I just jumped in now.

By a while ago he means four years ago! ;);)

It may take a little while to get used to the calendar but it'll pay off when we've customed tweaked the shows listings to show listing perfection. I likee.

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If I created a Slip forum, would people promise to use it? I'd be in there every day since there's always something to talk about with The Slip.

AD, I'll send you a PM. I was talking with Ollie, and I will move the calendar out of here and try-out a sub forum. I don't like having each event create a topic in the cavern. It's already moving too fast for me.

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I have to be honest... I don't like the calendar. I also don't like how the first post in a topic is now labelled an "article". If it ain't broke, don't fix it... The board certainly wasn't broke...

I have to be honest... I completely agree. I also miss the little "take me to the first post made since the last time I read this thread" arrow that used to be at the top of the thread when you opened it. That was handy.

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