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Lara pointed out on my myspace that she was not in my top friends. She is in fact my top friend right now. Followed closely behind dirtybird who I have never met but is the most beautiful/intelligent person I may have ever'met'. Followed closely by professor yippit who makes excellent children's music and whose personal style is evocative of green go which is basically just my very good new friend the genius Ferenc 'Fez' Stenton. My other very good friend Jessica is in green go because admittedly I put them together because I knew they would work and they do very very well. Dave Lauzon to think of makes me cry because I must miss my dear friend very much having not seen him in a while. livestock I see every day practically and basically is my rock and also happens to be jayme from unicorns/islands/th'corngang/smallisbeautiful or rather not just happens because Ben is a nutty chocolatier. Surprise Me Mr. Davis is a band called The Slip who I kind of like with North Cali's Bob Dylan who is named Nathan Moore. There song I Hate Love is a straight toss up for first song of the day lately with of course Jay mutherfuggin' Z's This Can't Be Life slightly behind - J Dilla's Fuck The Police being basically breakfast, lunch and dinner. Noah 23 is a real character who works at Gringo's Burritoes, was born in Mississippi, lives in Guelph, spits hard hip hop, got flown to Vegas for a private wedding in well Nevada and is now marrying the love of his life there. But living here. Vegas to Guelph. His grandfather incidentally smuggled coke in a hollowed out leg between I believe Cuba and America and his father was known to throw bits of acid out like confetti at Mardi Gras off a well placed balcony. That's Noah. Weird Apples is Noah and Livestock. small is beautiful is jayme. sixtoo i think hates me but is after all mutherfuggin' Rob Squires and is a Sebutone.

mary is the female me with better connections in Canada.

marco may be my best friend

laurie is his beautiful partner

bubz is a guru and likes me to come by for coffee every day and is basically- bubz is - from Edmonton and runs the best bar with the worst attitude in Guelph the historic Albion Hotel.


mike knoll may be the person I respect the most

culliford is one of my oldest friends and knows who Robby Wettlaufer, Matty Webb Smith, Davin, Johnny Scof, Jeff Williamson and the immmortal Phil squared (Wylie and Jones). Raging Keg-R. Bertuzzi got all of you into Phish and you basically have no clue who Bertuzzi is.

steve is a very very hard worker who works for cooperators, his beautiful wife, kae sun, what the thunder said, tiiu millistver, greta dearing, himself and all of you and you basically don't get the part about him working for you

tenenbaum is perhaps my mentor because when he would call me The Heady One I would always in fact- I in fact call him The Heady One. He is.

guigsy is maybe my best friend because he is very sensitive to the fact that I hurt very bad.

KAZOO is Marvelous Munk in Van Nuys, Cali who have a kazoo choir version of both Roxanne and Beat It you just have to hear.

jessica, another jessica has been a very good friend to me.

J Dilla died 4 days ago and a year of Lupus peacefully in the night. He lived in a house full of records with nothing else. A hummer in the drive. He is me without the hummer in the drive or in fact the mansion. or talent.

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crash the fucking car allready.

sorry Luke...in all sincerity...mabey its time to go speak with a docter.

I don't think anyone here is capable of extending what you might be in need of here.

I hope you pull through this with a smile on your face...after all life is pretty ridiculous huh. :)

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So why are you censoring me?

Maybe I'm just sick of the 8+ self-indulgent, bi-polar, 'my life sucks,' threads that zero has started and perpetuated today. He has all my sympathy, but he's not looking for sympathy, he's looking to spin kind words people are throwing his way and make himself feel worse. And I open them cause it's sad and, on some level, I care, or try, but why?

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seriously, take your mental breakdown somewhere else.... With all sympathy, unless you really want to be held in Lindsay Lohan esteem...

Geez... reminds me of some antiquated Victorian notion about hiding the sick from society's sensitive eyes. I would hope compassion runs a little higher in this community. Stop clicking on, and replying to, the threads if they honestly fill you with this much displeasure.

Then again, Luke always does bring out the best in people.

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My bad, everyone else has been super nice...

I'm an asshole, sorry...

yats just start calling everyone stupid and racist...apparrently that goes over allright...just make sure to explain that its not your responsibility to take your medication on time or listen to your docter, mabey we will all understand how much smarter you are than all of us poor imbecile losers and ignore you..after all sticks and stones...

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