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Please allow me to introduce myself


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I am mostly harmless and often seeking shelter from the storm by wandering through the sanctuary of the local forest.

The Sanctuary here has been useful over the years too, finding out about shows, procrastinating from work, and all that great kinda stuff.

Glad to have finally evolved from lurker to roadie,

Keep on rockin,

Save the Sanctuaries,


(p.s. Thanks for putting together and maintaining a great site Bouche!!)

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Welcome aboard!

From Wiki:


Nibbler is intelligent and capable of speech, but for most of the series he masquerades as a rather unintelligent animal in order to avoid suspicion while he goes about his mission of protecting the Earth in general and Fry in particular from the evil Brainspawn, a mission he only reveals to anyone else when expecting to wipe their memory of it afterwards, something only done twice so far. He wipes people's memories by emitting a bright flash of light from his third eye. Its immediate after effects are strange as, according to Fry, it makes "everything just taste purple for a second". This flashing effect may be a reference to the memory erasing Neuralizer device used in the 1997 movie Men in Black.

[edit] Dark matter

Nibbler produces feces made of dark matter which can be used as starship fuel. In "The Why Of Fry", when taking Nibbler for a walk, Fry is confronted with picking up Nibbler's dropping, a tiny sphere of immense mass (Prof. Farnsworth states, that "one pound of it weighs ten thousand pounds"). Fry is unable to pick it up, and is promptly fined for "failure to scoop".

[edit] Eating ability

Nibbler, much like the rest of his species, is capable of devouring life forms much larger then he is, as shown he was able to eat every animal onboard the Planet Express ship. He is, according to Leela, "An unstoppable killing machine."

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I am mostly harmless and often seeking shelter from the storm by wandering through the sanctuary of the local forest.

The Sanctuary here has been useful over the years too, finding out about shows, procrastinating from work, and all that great kinda stuff.

Glad to have finally evolved from lurker to roadie,

Keep on rockin,

Save the Sanctuaries,


(p.s. Thanks for putting together and maintaining a great site Bouche!!)

would you be the damien i know? if so, a hearty hey now to you.

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Hearty hug and hey now back at you Alexis. Congrats on the new job; last time we met I could tell good things were coming your way!

Thanks for the greetings and positive vibes everyone,

See you on the dance floor!

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