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Great interview :)

Kanada Kev

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Funny when I watched this the other day, I thought the interviewer came off as the ass.

He opens with 2 questions about her music (one of which is stupid - "Did you do it in Latin") and then immediately jumps to perfume which has no connection to anything, but he claims to be "good food for thought" and then moves onto her marriage which is only really a set-up for his joke about the smell of eggs. Then he concludes with the highly relevant "Can you make strange gutteral animal noises?" I don't know what Avril is capable of, but I thought this guy got exactly what he deserved.

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if she was such a little rebel I would have expected her to fight back a little and toss some jabs at the wanker. She didn't, so he had free reign.

The question about a possible perfume in the future was brilliant. He was jabbing her by implying she was turning into some sort of diva along the lines of Celine, Cher, Etc. who all end up with their own perfumes (something a Sk8er girl would frown upon )

It just showed how she's a sellout :)

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yeah, i understand, avril's an easy target...

i've seen dylan footage where he's just as distant with the interviewer...

there was a slip interview that was posted in the slip forum that is just as awkward.

she just didnt look like someone who was happy to have to go through those motions, and that guy is about a phony baloney as they come, so good for her.

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I think that it's sad, she used to mock the spears/simpson types but I can't see or hear much of a difference anymore. But then, I’m not up on any of that. 2 years ago, she would have told that guy to screw off and would have taken control of that interview, but she sat there looking (to me) insecure playing with her hair. Hopefully her fans see it the way you do Guigs.

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i never saw her as different from any of those spears/simpsons types.... she was always manufactured, just in a different way as far as im concerned.

i just figure, eventually, everyone's gotta get sick of the phonyness.

i cant believe im talking about avril. :P

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