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Goode Friends

I have been grasping from several gazettes, or bulletins as you may call them, the fabulous fancy that we, as a protest, should not facilitate the purchase of petrol on the 15th of May. While I

rather fancy a formal grievance, would it not be fortuitous to gravitate to a further protest following in the fall?

Why not have 2 gas strikes? The first on this Tuesday, but also have one in the fall and let us have greater time to disseminate the word about. Fascinatingly enough, the date I have fancy to fix on, for this second fanatical Gas Fasting would fall on the fifth of November.

Remember, Remember

the fifth of November

The gunpowder, treason, and plot!

I know of no reason, why The Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot!

Granted that this is the day of the birth of the legend of the 'Guise" that I have donned, I felt it fitting that a gregarious and fabulous demonstration of gathered genius could finalize in glorious bonfires all over our nations.

Remember, I am advocating peaceful protest. It is not my intenet to ferment anarchical fervor. Please refrain from following the paradigm of my forefather and endeavour to blow up your Parliament, or favourable governing body of your finding.

Let us give them, the gouging petrol firms, a fifth of November they will not forget.

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so ridiculous. don't buy gas on one day and it will change the world. it's like 'no TV day' or 'no shopping day.' It feels like a quick fix, a way for protestors to feel good about themselves while actually never changing anything.

I am not personally attacking anyone.. Just my own opinion. How bout 'don't drive at all and take public transit instead year.' That seems a bit more at the heart of bringing about change.

God I'm cynical. ah well.

plus, plus.. without gas, none of us would survive. I agree and hope one day we can use alternative fuels and cut down on oil, as oil is horrible, but again, one day does nothing but save the soul of the perpetrator.

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I have a better idea: sell you car, bike to work, and don't buy gas EVER. Whatever doesn't get purchased Tuesday will get purchased Wednesday instead as long as everyone's driving habits stay the same. We (on a personal level) will NEVER be able to control gas prices. The people who have the power to do so are making such huge amounts of money that they are completely blinded by dollar signs. The answer isn't to fight for lower gas prices, it's to insulate yourself form rising prices by using less gas EVERY DAY.

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If enough people do this on the same day it does make a statement. True the statement is more about the price of gas than anything else.

Problem is, you can't get enought people to participate.

Judging from these posts those would you say that all protest short of overthrowing government is an equal waste of time?

apples and oranges. there are dozens of examples of protests that brought about real results. for example, Rosa Parks and the American Civil Rights movement.

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If enough people do this on the same day it does make a statement. True the statement is more about the price of gas than anything else.

Judging from these posts those would you say that all protest short of overthrowing government is an equal waste of time?

No. The problem is that this "protest" is just pointless as long as everyone still consumes the same amount of gas. I think snopes says it best:

"By definition, a boycott involves the doing without of something, with the renunciation of the boycotted product held up as tangible proof to those who supply the commodity that consumers are prepared to do without it unless changes are made. What the "gas out" calls for isn't consumers' swearing off using or buying gasoline, even for a short time, but simply shifting their purchases by a couple of days at most. Because the "gas out" doesn't call on consumers to make a sacrifice by actually giving up something, the threat it poses is a hollow one.

. . .

An effective protest would involve something like organizing people to forswear the use of their cars on specified days, an act that could effectively demonstrate the reality of the threat that if gasoline prices stayed high, American consumers were prepared to move to carpooling and public transportation for the long term.

. . .

An event like a "gas out" can sometimes do some good by calling attention to a cause and sending a message. In this case, though, the only message being sent is: "We consumers are so desperate for gasoline that we can't even do without it for a few days to demonstrate our dissatisfaction with its cost." What supplier is going to respond to a message like that by lowering its prices? Those who really want to send a "message" to oil suppliers should try not buying any gasoline for several months in a row. "

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There was a "gas strike" a few years ago and it worked.

This does but doesnt belong in this thread and does not apply to everyone...If you have an opinion thats fine. You are entitled to it. If it is a negative feeling you have and not an educated opinion on the topic of discussion then stay out of it. There is way to much negativity surrounding this board. That includes further posts in this thread. Say what you will, I'm no longer a willing participant in anything negative on this site.

I tried to draw some attention to a major problem facing the entire modernized(just because its modern doesnt mean its civilized) world. Petroleum is about to be the deciding factor in a major global war and you people think its funny. Time to wake up and stop living in denial about what is happening around you. You have the choice to be part of the solution or part of the problem.

Canada's oil sands have the ability to produce 26 million barrels of oil a day. Every last drop of that oil is shipped through the pipeline straight to Uncle Sam. Why are we paying such a high price when we could be using our own natural resource and controlling the price for the U.S.??? It's time to stand up for what is right or lose all of your rights entirely.

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I have a better idea: sell you car, bike to work, and don't buy gas EVER. Whatever doesn't get purchased Tuesday will get purchased Wednesday instead as long as everyone's driving habits stay the same. We (on a personal level) will NEVER be able to control gas prices. The people who have the power to do so are making such huge amounts of money that they are completely blinded by dollar signs. The answer isn't to fight for lower gas prices, it's to insulate yourself form rising prices by using less gas EVERY DAY.

I dont drive; never even had a licence...hence why I am started/passed this message along. Short of eliminating plastics and heating my house I have cut petroleum use right out of my life. I just bought a new house and moved in this past October. The plan for this summer is to get the wood/pellet stove up and running for those really cold days. Im currently ripping the floors out to install radiant heating attached to a solar cell. I cant wait till next year, Im hoping to be petroleum free.

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MOBE, lowering prices at the pump is not the solution -- reducing dependence is. I don't mean my comments to be negative. What I mean to do is promote the POSITIVE idea of reducing our usage of gasoline (and oil in general) as a permanent and viable solution to the problem. If the prices are lowered (either by the oil companies or through tax reduction), the short term comfort of cheap gas will give way very quickly to the long term discomfort of a very bad combination: increased dependence on the resource and increased depletion rate of the resource at the same time.

Can you explain to me how not buying gas on one day is equivalent to being part of the solution?

Assuming that the "boycott" actually DOES reduce prices (to, say, 80 cents per litre), can you explain how that price reduction solves the global 'war for oil'?

I just don't understand what problem this boycott is supposed to solve, and how it is supposed to solve it.

I'm also curious to read about the successful gas strike. If you can dig up an article about it, then maybe modelling future strikes on the successful one would be a good approach. From everything I've read, "don't buy gas" days have simply not worked. You accuse me of forming opinions based on "feelings", however I have actually presented at least one source that supports my opinion. Here is another:


And searching google for relevant terms results only in pages which either call for a boycott (with no data to back them up), or pages that denounce the boycott as useless (with backup data):




I'm not trying to be negative. I'm trying to point out that there is a better way to solve all of these problems -- and it works on an individual AND a global level. It works for one person immediately, and if everyone does it, the benefits are multiplied: use less gas.

At any rate, the only gas I'll be buying today is food to power my legs to get me home from work on my bike. So I guess I'm going to be part of the boycott after all...

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I cant wait till next year, Im hoping to be petroleum free.

Then you already understand what I am saying. So why don't you promote this much much better solution instead of trying to promote a futile boycott? You are living proof that it can be done. You should be writing about how you did it and how others can too! I would love to read about your experiences...

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I cant wait till next year' date=' Im hoping to be petroleum free.


Then you already understand what I am saying. So why don't you promote this much much better solution instead of trying to promote a futile boycott? You are living proof that it can be done. You should be writing about how you did it and how others can too! I would love to read about your experiences...

Thats what I am doing. I think it took a few posts to realize we are on the same page.

Start small...work towards a final goal. Lead by example.

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There was a "gas strike" a few years ago and it worked.

Not trying to be negative here -

If the gas strike worked a few years ago, why is another one needed?

Canada's oil sands have the ability to produce 26 million barrels of oil a day. Every last drop of that oil is shipped through the pipeline straight to Uncle Sam. Why are we paying such a high price when we could be using our own natural resource and controlling the price for the U.S.??? It's time to stand up for what is right or lose all of your rights entirely.

The oil sands' pipelines go to refineries in Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Hardisty, and other places. These refineries take oil from all sources and sell to Canada, the US, and soon China. The labour market is not able to get the 26 million barrels a day out of the oil sands (where did you get that number?) - in fact they are struggling right now to get just over ONE million out a day. Add to this infrastructure, capital, environmental factors... There's a lot of oil, it's just very hard to get out of the ground. And I don't think oil production has anything to do with 'standing up for our rights' or anything, but perhaps I misunderstand your point.

Hope you don't find this negative. Furthering the discussion.

For what it's worth I am trying to cut back on using my car.

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Since this same boycott email goes around at least once a year, I'm sure that the Gasholes are aware that it's for only one day and they know people are dependent on gas and will continue to buy gas.

Especially those people with big trucks and SUV's that don't even need huge vehicles.

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AD what Im saying is we have the...ABILITY...to produce. That number is what is capable of flowing through the pipeline in one 24hour period unless my brother in-law who works on the pipeline is wrong. If we have the ability to produce such an amount of raw petroleum, why dont we have the ability to reduce the usage/waste/sale of said petroleum.

What Im saying is why are we selling(basically giving) this and all of our Natural Resources to the US and any other countries and driving our own costs through the roof. Why are importing Oil when we have our own????????

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This all reminds me; my guage is on empty and I need my vehicle in a few minutes. Looks like it's time to fill 'er up!

And, as an added bonus, if nobody (else) is buying gas today, there shouldn't be any line-ups!



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Don't want to sound argumentative, but I think your bro-in-law has his figures wrong.

We don't have the ability to produce as much as you quoted, regardless of what the pipelines can carry (there is more than one pipeline). I know of just 4 pipelines (Albian, Syncrude, Suncor Oilsands and Suncor Enbridge - the big players) and their combined capacity is 1.2 million barrels a day. And it's not raw petroleum in the pipelines from the oilsands, it's diluted bitumen and crude oil.

I don't know much about the economics of it, but given the profits of the oil companies I do not think we are giving anything away. It's a valued commodity, and capitalism does what it does.

Still, I'm gonna try to bike to work a few days a week for the summer. Good luck with the campaign.

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