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Vibe request for a friend

Rob Not Bob

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Those of you in Ottawa might have read the horrible news about the accident where the 3 year old boy fell out of a 15th floor apartment and died. The parents of the boy, Kevin and Lilas, are friends of mine ... needless to say, they are in pretty bad shape right now. Any good vibes you can send their way would be appreciated.

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If you want details (caution: the linked article might be depressing to some), here is an Ottawa Sun article about what happened.

I struggle (and ultimately fail) to comprehend what those involved (including the witnesses and people who tried to help) are going through, so just count me in for some {{{{{vibes}}}}}.



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I can't even comprehend their loss. There's something deeply sad about losing any loved one, but a small child has got to be that much harder. I'll be giving my kids extra hugs tonight and be thinking of your friends. My deepest sympathies to all those people connected to this tragedy :(

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shattering, very very sorry to hear about this

one humble piece of advice would be to think about maybe dropping off some basic staples for them, Rob- I'm sure they're not up to going out anywhere for anything right now. and even asking them in that situation "if there's anything you need" is somewhat meaningless to them, 'though doubtless well intentioned. bread, milk, a simple meal, stuff like that

just a thought really

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To make things even worse, CAS, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to take their other two sons away from them while they investigate. Lilas is devastated. Friends of the parents are organizing a letter writing campaign to get this reversed, but I have to say this is the worst thing they could do at the worst possible time. Kevin and Lilas are good people and very dedicated parents, and this decision is just making this horrific accident even worse. I understand CAS do very important work and have to deal with a lot of evil evil shit, but this and other experiences of them in my periphery (one individual I unfortunately used to know uses as one of his favorite tactics for getting at people he has a falling out with is calling CAS and filing anonymous complaints against them ... the parents have to go through all kinds of hell to keep their kids from being taken away from them, meanwhile this asshole doesn't have to provide any proof at all or take any sort of accountability for himself) often leaves a rather sour taste in my mouth.

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I've sent this as a letter to the CAS ... I hope I managed to keep the anger out.

I am writing concerning the situation regarding Kevin Moorecroft and Lilas

Lemay. After the horrible accident involving their son Gawain, taking their

other two children away from them is the worst possible thing to do to this

family. I have known Kevin and Lilas for more than 6 years, and know they

are very dedicated parents and wonderful people. I have witnessed first


all of the love and attention they have given their children, and this

action is a terrible thing to do to both the parents and the children at a

very traumatic time. I implore you to do the right thing and correct this

mistake by returning the children to their parents so they might heal



Robert Hammond-Vincent

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