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Internet Work Time Killers


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Lets have em. What sites do you need to freequent everyday to help kill away the day. So far I've exhausted Jambands, Fark, all my email addresses and watched 4 episodes of "The Office" on my Ipod and its only 3pm

PS - My job really isn't that chill. But since I fucked up my hand they have me on "modified" which translates to "fuck the dog" so yeah I'm bored.

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I'm in the same boat....let's start with the obvious, and addicting facebook

websudoku.com - my boss saw me playing one day in the morning and asked what was goin on...i said "i like to start my day with a brain teaser. sudoku is coffee for the brain." now he does one too.

i can't believe how up on celeb gossip i am....thanks msn and hotmail!

newspapers, magazines...now's the time to research your next vacation spot. i've been trying to remember the name of the website that has entire books online and in pdf format. but i haven't had time yet.

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I don't NEED to kill time at work, it just happens. Digg.com is probably THE worst culprit for me. I used to frequent Fark, but digg took over. I may have to go back to fark because digg seems to be dominated by Linux nerds that are horny for any headline with "hot chick", "Ubuntu", "Microsoft Does it AGAIN","When will the RIAA get it?", "AMAZING", or "BREAKING!" in it.

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