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Foggy memory #2: Willy swooping out of the shadows with the Give'rStick and beating me within an inch of my life....and then Raj of all people gave me a repeat beating a few hours later [Roll Eyes]

Geez, i just remembered another. Tag Team Badminton. The Griswalds weren't very happy with that game. "Excuse me, but my shuttlecock seems to have landed on your roof." LMP I think if we were keeping score we'd have kicked their asses.

Tonin, what can i say brother. I finally got to throw down with the king of swing. Look me up in KW bro, you may find me drinkin and hanging in tigger's backyard.

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Yea, I think it's the same dude. He had the black pickup truck that was parked by the water right near to us. He's the dude who's balls the cops took to busting. I can't imagine he had much of a weekend between the cops busting his balls, security busting his balls, then someone fucking with his truck. His truck was missing in the morning and all the stuff that was in the back was floating in the lake. I just can't believe that if someone pushed it in there, no one saw it happen. I'm dying to know if they found it in there or not.

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Great time. Great time. Thank god for the Western Canadaina jam bands. They all kicked ass. Threat from outer space was so cool, as was Recipe from a small planet. Also Blue Quarter just gets better and better.

As for Cory and his pickup. He was such a belligerent drunk all weekend I wouldn't be surprised if he pushed his own truck into the lake, or if he pissed someone off enough. Chances arem however that he took of his brake and the car rolled in. Good enough reason to learn to moderate, I guess.

Glad to have seen some of you for teh first time. I had an absolute blast. See y'all next year.

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Yo! Great great times indeed. Special props to anyone who was actually awake and about for the Uncle Seth set around 2:30 pm on Sunday - definitely a blast, particularly due to the contributions of Dr. Hux and Jonas from DD.

I had mixed feelings on the venue. It was certainly a gorgeous location, I loved being by the lake, and the facilities were generally a lot better than Frontier Town. On the other hand, the lack of one-night pricing was stupid, and having the cops there was a bit of a buzzkill to say the least. I also think the whole deal was a fair bit more expensive, and in talking to Mark Wilson toward the end it sounded like it'll be moving back to FT next year.

Anyway, a fun way to finish off the season!


Mr. M.

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Some random thoughts and memories from the weekend:

A huge treat to see Dr. Hux at the festival ... totally unexpected ... thanks for the brain adjustment [big Grin]

Tigger, Deb, My. Pinchy, Wi!!y, Leanne, Megrocker and other friends that I first met at the May 2001 CTMF ... here we are 2.5 years later, and the good times just keep getting better and better.

Schwa ... you are a great guy to party and groove with ... what more can I say ... a rock-solid dude with a great party spirit.

I loved meeting some local people who aren't really part of the jam community but who totally dug the music. Tigger and I met some great local folks playing volleyball and it was nice to see them dancing and grooving later on that night.

Wow ... lots of familiar faces from the K-W area ... so nice to see them and meet a few more Skanks from this region ... we know how to give'r, giv'r, and give'er!!! [big Grin]

Awesome to reconnect with musicians that I've met over the last few years, and to meet some new ones as well. It is always a treat to be able to talk with the people that played the sweet songs and danceable grooves that we got to enjoy all weekend. I love how accessable and down to earth the musicians are. It makes it so much easier to enjoy the music when the people playing it are real. And it was also nice to reconnect and meet new people who are involved with the scene as managers, promoters, writers, etc. What a community we have!!!

I now know that wearing a colourful flowery headband at a music festival means that I got laid ...... yes, I'm a lucky man [big Grin][Wink][big Grin]

Peace, Mark

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ha ha ha I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER i'm ghoing to miss you all over the winter,, who's got my heady wife? i saw the guy cory who lost his car kicking and punching it on sunday nite rite after i saw him trying to punch and kick some kid for a beer and that was rite after he was punching and kicking a tree for cutting his head, and inbetween him trying to punch and kick me,, i think either that girl he was with had enought and took it home to get away from hiimo r when he was hitting it it started to rool,, it was parked on the boat launch,, any ways i know the guy and it entirly possable that he never ever drove there,, he wouldn't remember with the amount of drugs he does

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well well well...what an awesome time....my legs are still all cramped from dancing to wassabi...i liked that there was swimming/washing available...good to go do some skindiving in the middle of the nite....and i really didn't mind the kids...they seemed to have a wikked time and definitely busted a move..when i was their age i would have been in absolute heaven..oh wait! i was anyways....pure goodness

nice to meet so many good people .. all in all a great time

don't know about this $250 membership to frontiertown though...that means having the money for all five weekends and that you would pay $50 a weekend....maybe something can get worked out for those that can only make it to about 2 of them a year....iz not be made of money!!!

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WOW! I had a great time too... thanks to everyone who was there. I've never seen so much give'r'n'r in one place. One thing for sure, the give'r stick has had it. Attention Thorgnor: the give'r stick is in my trunk, but its showing signs of wear and tear. I'd be glad to return it to you, possibly in a trade for my bobblehead lobster... please tell me you have him.

Highlites of the weekend include Dr. Hux proposing the "mouth give'r," going to bed at 7 am monday, and getting up at 7:05 monday to drink Jagermeister and give'r one last time, still laughing about the drunk/annoying guy's truck, and Recipe Kicked Ass!!! I'm sure there were other memorable moments, but they're still foggy.

To all my friends in Springfield, I miss you all and cant wait to come home... unfortunately it wont be friday because caution jam is playing at my school.... first chance to give'r in Lindsay. any takers? come on, i got space.

so long from Shelbyville,

Craig, xo.

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hey, drunkie mcdrunk! you survived the weekend and made it to lindsay! hee hee

qu'est-ce que, i did see your wobble lobster on the ground on my way outta the camp, hopefully someone grabbed the poor thing.

hope you are enjoying lindsay, giverrrr for all of us if we can't make it friday. oh, and message or email me your shelbyville contact info, brotha.

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Hey Kids!

I have no clue if I met any of you or not, but it doesn’t matter because everyone there had positive energy as far as I could tell (even our truck driving friend, Arizona - before that second bottle of Jack). I heard a few negative things about the Friday night, but by the time I got there Saturday everyone was Givin'er! I felt like shit myself that night, but I just rest my weary head on a rock by the fire and allowed the music to soothe me. Was anyone else blown away by the awesome Reggae stylin's of Wassabi's new guitar player? He, Steve & the security guard... freestylin round the fire [big Grin]

Sunday was one of the best days of my summer. Swimming, paddling, drinking, smoking, munching... in the true Canadian long-weekend style. I met such awesome people, and everyone was in a good mood; do you think maybe it was the tunes?

I thought the Freeker put on a great set (as always - damn that Serena!), as did Wassabi, of course, but my new discovery was the Recipe. They started off kind of loungy, but boy were they tight. Highly impressive.

Anyway, thanks to all the organizers. I loved the venue, despite the cost. Better dance floor than Frontier (and swimming!) Hope to see you all again,


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