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Super Looney


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Super Looney.

You know all that shit you're planning to buy? Buy 'em now off of Amazon.com. CD's, Books, Videogames can all be bought and shipped much cheaper than from around here.

Sure, some people might want to keep their dollar in Canada, but please show me how your buck saved canada.

Ebay's a good spot to get things that cannot be bought through regular retail outlets, and even with shipping, you're likely saving a few hard earned dollars.

It sucks for selling shit on Ebay, or getting google ad payments, but it's sure fun to have a buck more on par!

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Does anybody know any details about importing a new car into Canada from the US? At the current rates, it looks like you could save $10k easy buying in the States. We're in the market for new wheels for the wife, wondering if we should be looking across the border?

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saw this in the Globe a couple days ago ...

Little auto price gap seen in Canada v. U.S.


September 18, 2007

Buying vehicles in the United States with a Canadian dollar that is almost at par will not generate massive savings for most car buyers, says a study of prices in Canada and the U.S. compiled by industry analyst Dennis DesRosiers. Vehicle pricing has become a hot issue with the rise in value of the Canadian dollar, the president of DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. noted yesterday, but "in all of our 'popular' segments ... the price gap between Canada and the U.S. narrowed in 2007." Those segments are subcompact and compact cars, compact sport utility vehicles, minivans and full-sized pickup trucks which, combined, represent two-thirds of the vehicles Canadians buy annually. In compact cars, the largest market segment in Canada, the difference in price between the average car in the two countries is $221, he said. There are, Mr. DesRosiers acknowledges, still major gaps in some categories, including luxury sports cars, where a trip to a U.S. dealer will save a Canadian buyer almost $14,000 on average.

im not sure if the study used exchange rates that have been adjusted since the loony has soared, though.

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unfortunately, with our strong Canadian dollar a lot of American manufacturing companies (that have operations north of the border) are closing up shop.

That equates to lost jobs. I think I heard 4000 jobs in Oshawa at the GM plant alone...that has to have a ripple effect on other businesses in that city.

I personally like to buy local.

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A lot of the cuts in Oshawa were related more to the housing slump in the US I heard. Since Oshawa pumps out shitloads of pickups and trucks, a big market is to builders and contractors in the US. Since construction rates have slowed, less work for the people buying trucks, fewer sales. It's too bad.

My buddy was looking at the prices of Toyotas and there was a wayyyy bigger difference than $221. He said it was more like $6000. Sorry, but if I had the choice to save that kind of money on a car I'm buying Stateside!

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there was a story on cbc yesterday about albertans doing their car shopping in montana, to the extent that some US dealers are refusing to sell to canadians anymore

Why the hell would they do that (refuse to sell to Canadians, that is)? The car dealers are getting the same amount of money regardless of whom they sell the cars to. How is it better to not sell a car than to sell a car?

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Why the hell would they do that (refuse to sell to Canadians, that is)? The car dealers are getting the same amount of money regardless of whom they sell the cars to. How is it better to not sell a car than to sell a car?

i have no idea, that wasn't addressed in the story, or i don't remember if it indeed was. maybe it has to do with warranty service and the dealer losing out on that money? just thinking out loud, i have no idea.

i do know for sure that franchise agreements sometimes prohibit cross-border selling.

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Ding Dang were at Par!!!

I guess the other question when buying through the US is how many people have 30k sitting at their disposal. If you are putting it on a LOC, quite often the manufacturer financing rate is cheaper than the bank rate. I got 0% for 5 years this summer on a new Dodge which saves quite a chunk of money.

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