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QOTD: Favourite horror flick?


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If you mean Horror as in genuinely scared the fuck out.... it is a tough call because I remember Nightmare on Elm st. being the scariest movie i ever saw, but recently reviewing it taught me that it's actually just funny.

I think it's tough to get genuinely scared in a movie these days since it seems like we've seen it all before. New forms of horror have shown up like Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity that took me buy surprise and freaked me out quite a bit.

I have to rewatch a couple from the past still though and see what really would rank at the top. Rewatching Poltergeist was interesting but not as scary as I had remembered. Aliens was pretty tense and worth revisiting. The Exorcist might be one if it still holds up. I haven't seen Halloween in many years and I'll never forget how scary Amityville Horror was but I was a kid when I saw that one.

I really enjoyed Hostel and Saw but I haven't seen any other Saw's. There's like 4 of them I think.

So I can't answer your question I guess until I rewatch a couple of oldies.

I concur with the Evil Dead II comment by dave, but I'd throw Army of Darkness on top of that for the win.

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I find Army of Darkness more of a fantasy-adventure comedy, but it's a great film (I saw both Evil Dead II and Army in the theatre when they first were released). The fantastic cult/horror film, The Re-Animator (based on a story by H.P. Lovecraft), has more in common with The Evil Dead II and is well worth picking up (same with Bubba Ho-Tep).

Oh, as scary movies go, you can't go wrong with Ringu and The Ring, Alien, Exorcist, Blair Witch, The Shining, The Wicker Man etc...

The horror genre is one of favourites.

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yeah Ollie I'm with you on the Changeling - although that maybe where the genre nit-pickers might shuttle it into 'thriller' since no one gets an ice pick in the forehead(like in Joe's Garage....uh...forget it)

But that movie scared the bejeeubus outta me in my early teens - when that wheelchair makes it's run after that lady in the burning house...well let's just say I haven't looked at an empty wheelchair the same since.

Hmm - yeah the classics that scared me when I was younger(elm st, friday 13th, hellraiser etc) just aren't that scary by the newer standards, and if they were a series tended to get worse as they went along(see Hellraiser 3 and that fuggin thing that shoots CD's...uggh) Amityville Horror and the Omen might still hold their own...

Since then - the Ring was shit-yer-pants scary the first time, the Saw series took gore to a new level, 28 days Later and those damn running zombie movies...shit!

Oooh I know - Phantasm I and II- loved the Tall Man and those flying spheres.

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I think Hellraiser (I) was the last horror movie I went to deliberately. It did the trick well enough to keep me away from horror movies ever since - not out of any latent anxieties or anything, but just because it seemed to do all the things a horror movie is supposed to. But then again, all that is terrifically subjective, and depends in no small part on the ways you were conditioned to be freaked out as a kid.

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My favourite horror movie is probably The Amityville Horror. The bleeding walls terrified me as a kid.

Honourable mentions to Night Of The Living Dead and The Changeling.

when is the last time you saw AH? I'm due for a rewatch in HD if it's available. Join in?

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yeah Ollie I'm with you on the Changeling - although that maybe where the genre nit-pickers might shuttle it into 'thriller' since no one gets an ice pick in the forehead(like in Joe's Garage....uh...forget it)

Third'd on The Changeling. Freaked the shit out of me when he comes back in the house and the ball bounces down the stairs! Totally prefer the "non-gore" horror/thrillers anyday. Mindfucks!

BTW ... totally love the ice pick in the forehead! Now go home .. you know .. the bus! Leather ... you're plooking me too hard :D

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yeah Ollie I'm with you on the Changeling - although that maybe where the genre nit-pickers might shuttle it into 'thriller' since no one gets an ice pick in the forehead(like in Joe's Garage....uh...forget it)

Well, I'd call it a ghost story so I think that qualifies. Agree on both scenes mentioned. The scariest for me was the floating dead kid.

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My favourite horror movie is probably The Amityville Horror. The bleeding walls terrified me as a kid.

Honourable mentions to Night Of The Living Dead and The Changeling.

when is the last time you saw AH? I'm due for a rewatch in HD if it's available. Join in?

There are tons of flies in our house today. I blame it on the new green bin program but Ollie blames it on evil spirits.

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I really like the old night of the living dead, no one gets out alive... awesome.

28 days later was bad news too.

I found the movie Alive about the guys crashing in the Andes pretty "horrifying"...

I was apparently conditioned to be afraid of zombies and cannibals. ;)

I was just thinking actually that it makes sense in an era of materialist/utilitarian thinking people would "generally" be more afraid of mindless, hungry bodies than they would of say, incorporeal spirits or specters. hmm? Seems to make a little more sense that people "identify" with vamps and werewolves as at least "rational", not quite as scary.

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Not sure if it counts but I remember Silence of the Lambs freaking the hell out of me the first time I saw it. Candyman was a scary one too.

I don't mind thrillers these days but I absolutely can't stand graphic gore, torture and anything overly sadistic. Even if I look away...I think my imagination is worse and far too vivid, which doesn't work so well for me (in this particular context).

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