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Anybody lose a boot in Guelph?


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Now thats hilarious.

Glad I wear shoes.That was one fun after party thats for sure,fuck yeah.And a fine crew of jambands members there also.

Good seeing you again at JSB brother Kurly,been way too long.Big thanks to Avery for throwing another fine afterparty.

See ya at the next show.

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Originally posted by kurly:

maybe they still haven't noticed. one is grey one is black

we have a winner!

one black boot, one grey... didn't even notice [smile]

too much

tell your friend to meet me at JJazz or the Albion or somewhere Wednesday night around 8 or 9 to exchange (or they could leave my boot at Avery's and I could stop there to exchange)

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i knew if the thread kept going someone would owe up to it -> it was my friend Evan that lost his, i'll ask him what he wants to do (drop it at avery's) or probably a lot smarter just to do it at the bar cuz avery might not be around.

nice one - yea great seeing u 2 as always, and good to meet stu and bacon

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was running late and sped the way to Guelph, found a parking spot right out front and entered the bar. Who was I looking for? What sort of soul had been wearing my boot for a week? I sauntered up to the bar proudly displaying my bag of boot (upon pondering the scenario I had decided that two grown men meeting at a bar and exchanging footwear right off their feet might have the effect of pushing less experienced patrons over the edge) but none showed much in the way of interest.

I ordered my beer, had a look around, then began moving through the room doing my best to unobtrusively investigate the feet of those present. Everyone here were in groups. Was this some sort of setup? Was I about to be unceramoniously ridiculed or, worse yet, pounced upon by unruly punks looking to exact revenge upon the boot thief?

No, good Kurly wouldn't associate with such thugs I assured myself and retreated to a dark corner of the room with my ready package. From here I had a commanding view and proceeded to make some poor souls uncomfortable by avoiding their gaze and going straight for the shoe... like a pensive yet lusty foot fetishist.

Suddenly the door burst open and in walked a young man. He had an awkward gait to him but I played it cool thinking perhaps he had been the victim of a prior accident or an untimely sickness (polio still plagues some corners of this world). He proceeded to the bar and stopped surveying the room. Damn you man! Are you trying to pick up? Meeting friends for a drink? Are you "the guy"?

Without ordering he began making his way back towards the door and suddenly I knew. I let him suffer the same slow uncomfortable walk I had just previously had to endure as it seemed a necessary element of this peculiar rite of passage. Then his gaze fell upon me and somewhere inside he knew too. He began to move in my direction, hesitated, then began to look forlorn. But what if this was the wrong strange bearded man at the table his conditioning asked. What would be the repurcussions if he asked "Do you have my boot?" and it was the wrong guy?

As I saw his nerve begin to fail I put an end to his torment. "Evan?" I asked. And he was upon me, heartily shaking my hand with a pure relief and gratitude. We talked and laughed for a bit over the odd predicament we had shared. I had to be impressed by the steely nerve he exhibited by actually wearing the boots to the bar. "So you come into town to see jambands? Are you coming to see Burt Neilson in a few weeks?" he asked as he enthusiastically slipped his boot back onto his happy foot. For he had been down a new road. Seen the line between the known and unknown. Life had been stepped up a notch. He had gazed upon the beautiful, untamed edge. And it was ok. He'd be at the next show.

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  • 6 years later...
I lost my coat at the Zeus show last week at the e-bar in Guelph. It's navy green and has a fury hood.


...I allmost hit the alarm in an elevator..I thought I was stuck in. Turned out I just needed to turn my body around and notice the second door opening. Took me a few tries to catch on...oh my, oh my.

Go Guelph...glad I'm wearing matching shoes though..that is pretty funny.

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